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Sometimes it comes together


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Typing this because many of you are frustrated and feeling like it isn't going to happen this year. Well sometimes it comes together when you least expect it. Here is my story, sorry if it gets long.

Put cameras out in June and kept getting pics of this same big buck that we named Lefty for obvious reasons. Nothing during the day! I have 4 bucks on the land that we felt were clear shooters no questions asked. Lefty was one of them.


Took Friday thru the 5th off, had an ok Friday morning an active Friday evening seeing bucks, no shooters but still could tell the bucks were on their feet. Saturday, had a slow morning sitting in a stand on top of a ridge that is a bear too get too quietly. Switched stands and Saturday evening had tons of activity and several chase scenes go by me. Grunting and running, fun to watch but impossible to shoot. Did pass on a solid 9 that needs another year on Saturday evening. Sunday morning came with that goofy SSE/SE wind. Totally screwed up my morning sit. The afternoon came and I decided to get in early around 1:30. Got settled in and by 2pm figured out it wasn't going to work. The wind was totally against me. I decided to climb down and hunt for does for the evening as I just knew the gods were against me. At the last minute I decided to climb the hill, even though I promised myself I never would no matter what during the day and not at 2:45pm! I complained to myself all way up and decided that no way would I see a shooter deer after making so much noise. Kicked three off the hill on the way up and even considered turning back.

I got settled in around 3:15 and sat just ticked off for an hour. At 4:11 a 7 pter walked thru and I thought, well maybe the gods don't hate me! At around 5pm a doe showed up. Considered taking her until I saw who was behind her!

Bottom line, never give up! Rut is too magical and you never know when the buck on your list of dreams will show up. This isn't the biggest buck I have ever had pics of but the first time in my life that I have had a buck on my so called "hit list" walk by my stand in the daylight hours, while I was actually in my stand!

Many posts on here about disgruntled hunters or missed chances. Sometimes and only sometimes it all comes together in one magic moment! Keep hunting hard, I almost gave up Sunday afternoon and went and watched football, sure glad I sat with a grimace on my face because smiles sometimes follow when you least expect them!



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congrats, that is usually how it goes, when you least expect it, it can come together. When we used to drive deer, the drives that seemed like they got all screwed up were the drives we shot the most deer, the perfect drives produced very little. I hope to screw something up tomorrow. Thanks for sharing, great story.

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Thanks for all the kind words guys! We have all been there, I was there in 2010 (terrible mistake), 2011 was a buck disaster, only saw one shooter buck all year and he winded me. I was ready to give up and never pick a bow up again. Then it happens. Never give up guys!

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congrats great deer.i was wondering if you could tell why he was asymmetrical i believe that to be from an injury my deer had a bad tooth no shot wounds.if growth plate was damaged last year from fighting it will couse this also?

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E 2, I can't tell yet but we haven't cut him up yet. We looked him over pretty good that night to see if we could figure it out but nothing stuck out. That goofy left side is why his name was Lefty of course but also one of the main reasons he was on my list. Just a super unique character buck, you don't get those very often.

This is the first year hunting this farm so no cam pics from years past, so the story is unknown, but maybe in 10 years over a beer I will come up with a cool story on how the left side got screwed up.

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