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Question about Ladder Stand Safety

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Up until now I have only hunted using a climber tree stand. When using the climber I stayed "attached" to the tree the entire climb up and down by having a rope looped around the tree and attached to the ring on my safety vest.

This year I picked up a couple ladder stands and set them up.

I am wondering if you guys are "attached" during the ladder climb up and down. If yes, how do you do it? Or do you just climb the ladder without attachment and use the strap to attach your safety vest to the tree once on the platform?

Thanks for your replies.

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I only attache myself to the tree once I have climbed up into my ladder stand. I don't try to carry a ton of stuff up with me while climbing tho. I have my pack on my back, and I hang a rope to tie my bow to and then hoist it up into the stand once I have everything else situated and ready to go. Pull up the bow, knock an arrow and start hunting. Just maintain 3 points of contact while going up and down the stand, don't try to carry to much and u will be fine.

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I attach a 3/8" rope to the tree about head high and attach a prussic knot to the rope then attach the caribeaner from your safety harness. I also have the rope go over the front of the ladder when climbing up or down so in case you fall you won't ba hanging in mid air from where the rope is attached to the tree! Works great!

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I love ladder stands especially as I get older but don't use any from of safety device until i'm up in tree (15'). But if you're using those sky scraper 20'+ and taller stands it might not be a bad idea to be "hooked up" from the time you leave the ground and return back to the ground, when in doubt take the safe route, your family will thank you.


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I use my safety vest in ladder stands that are single person but not on the doubles an I'm not sure why. I think ladder stands give people more confidence than the likely should and I am guilty of it as well.

I think I read one time that most accidents that are tree stand related happen when either climbing up and in or out and down and that's likely a time when many of us don't have our safety strap attached.

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I don't use a safety stap with my ladder stands. It may not be the wisest choice, but I feel safe in them, and only have the 15' stands.

I definitely feel safe in ladder stands too, but I'd like to point out that "only" 15 feet is plenty for a broken ankle, leg, arm, or god forbid, back/neck if you happen to fall from the top

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Yeah, I have one of those lifelines too. They go on sale for like $30 something and are nice but you can make your own too if you have a lot of setups. I feel safe in a ladder stand too but all it takes is a moment's lapse in judgement - a little excitement after a shot on a nice buck - and you wobble forward and down toward the ground.

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i use a new rachet strap on mine every year. never leave them out over winter. But i never use a rope to go up or down but have a haul rope for everything i need in the tree

I am in total agreement with you on the above. I was in one of my ladder stands just a week ago and after just settleing in I heard and felt the ratchet strap fabric tear apart (OH S$#@!!!). Thankfully I also log chain and master lock the stands to the tree right behind the ratchet strap or I would have been going for a fall. I did have a safety harness on but it was attached to the back of the ladder stand as well (DOH!!!). Two lessons learned!!! FYI the ladder stands I leave out year around are on our century old farm and not public ground. Still quite a wake up to a very early morning in which I was expecting a relaxing time.

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On my one and only ladder stand on private land, I put 3 more rachet straps on it just for the fact that those straps will make the stand solid to the tree and eliminating any noisy sqeaks. Plus if any varmint decides to chew your one and ony rachet strap you still have extras which will keep your stand safe and solid. I always inspect the straps before I step on to the platform just in caes! 2c

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I don't use a safety harness in Ladder stands either.

I am religious about wearing them while using my portables and climbers.

A comment or two about the "life line" that attaches you to a rope the whole time while going from the ground to the stand.

You still have to get to the mounting spot without it the 1st time.

You need to let go of your hands on the ladder/pegs to slide the prissic knot up the climbing rope as you ascend up or down the tree. Seems more problematic to me.

Accidents happen, be aware of your situation and wear a harness when you can, it will save you sometime.

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After the ladder stand is up, we use a 2 foot 2x10 and lag bolts, to fasten to the tree. This makes it real solid. I think about using safety harness rigs but don't, I know I should but have never gotten used to them. Always be careful. I don't have a roll cage in my truck, and I don't wear a helmet.

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A comment or two about the "life line" that attaches you to a rope the whole time while going from the ground to the stand.

You still have to get to the mounting spot without it the 1st time.

You need to let go of your hands on the ladder/pegs to slide the prissic knot up the climbing rope as you ascend up or down the tree. Seems more problematic to me.

When I hang a stand, I have a lineman's belt attaching me to the tree when putting up climbing sticks/tree steps and the stand, and installing the safety line. So it's not an issue

And you don't need to let go with both hands to slide the prussic knot up or down, only need one hand, you still maintain 3 points of contact. Not more problematic at all for me

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Agreed. As far as inconvenience, it's as simple as installing a safety strap and leaving it there. You run it around the tree, drop the line down the front of the ladder, tie it to the bottom and leave it there all season. 95 percent of my hunts are afternoon/evenings in my areas so I can always visually inspect it and give it a good tug before climbing into my stand.

Where I'd be most concerned with a ladder stand, actually, the more I think about it, is when putting it up. With all of mine, I have the cross ropes that go around the tree from the seat area and tie onto the ladder. That holds it in place pretty well until I can safely attach the ratchet straps at the top but it helps to have someone hold the ladder steady if you can. In that respect, I think putting up a ladder stand can be more dangerous than putting up a hang on stand.

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I'm trying to be a good example as my son has started bowhunting with me. I quit using treesteps and the hang on portable and trying to go exclusivley to ladder stands for safety. I am trying to use the bundle of tangled straps that is supposed to be a sfety belt that comes along with the ladder stands also. I don't like them. After I manage to get them on, I am not as mobile in the tree. I am still trying to get used to them.

Are others using the safety belts that come with the stands or buying the vest ones? Boy they are expensive but look more comfortable.

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I think they're just easier to put on. I have a safety vest that came witih a long ago defunct Fall Guy Safetey System and it's nice to just strap it on quickly and it's comfortable. The vest and HSS style ones are definitely worth it if you treestand hunt a lot. You can get them for under a hundred bucks on sale and well worth it in my opinion. Again, the ease of use and comfortableness makes you use them, which is half the battle!

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