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Well I guess you can't even trust ladder stands on private land anymore. Tonight I went to check the double ladder stands on the edge of the corn feild's and they were gone. The funny thing is they were both checked between Sunday mid day and Monday they where both still there. Monday mid day the combines moved in too pick the corn and tonight I went out too double check them for saftety before I bring my almost 7 year old daughter out to hunt with me this weekend and they are gone. I guess you can't even trust the farmer or his help the leassses your land anymore.

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Terrible. It's amazing to me how people will, even on private land that's posted, trespass, steal, litter, hunt, party. All of our stands on private posted land have chains and locks on them. It's a shame to have to do, but I know if we didn't we would be short a few stands. Sorry to hear that Arch. BC

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Makes my blood boil.

I had two person stands taken off private land two years in a row. Both had cable locks, so whoever it was came prepared. Those double stands are a chore to move and my stand was quite a ways from any large trail or road. It was apparently too much of a chore, because I actually found it later in the season, covered with leaves, about 200 yards from where it was set up. Luckily it's been several years with no other incidents.

I definitely understand your frustration. My only advice would be keep your search for the culprit in the background and refuse to let the worthless puke ruin the excitement of starting an awesome tradition with your daughter. I hope she loves it. Best of luck this season.

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Wow, that blows, I would definitely ask those that combined the corn if they saw anything. Even if you are suspicious of them, their conscience might get the best of them. It sucks, but you have to remember the majority of us are good people, those that steal are a small percentage, but when it happens, it truly sucks. There is nothing worst than going to check on a stand or camera and have it gone. You sit there like an silly-me trying to figure it out, and then, you just get angry.

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