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I laid it down yesterday!!!!!

Dave S

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Since I bought the bike 4 years ago, this is the first time it's been laid down. I was doing less than 5 mph through a parking lot in Lakeville when a car came the wrong way down my lane in a parking lot. madmad I was starting around the corner when this black car appeared. Tapped the brake and the front wheel collapsed underneath me.

The bike has a few new scratches on it and I made out with a scraped knee and a sore wrist from breaking my fall. The other driver got the hell outta dodge as soon as I took my helmet off. Unfortunately I didn't get a license plate number. I have to admit it was probably in his best interest to leave the area ASAP.

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Bad luck LEP, a car coming at you at any speed increases the "pucker factor" darn qwick! Good to hear only scratches and some scraps. I have a buddy who him and his wife just picked up two nice road bikes and on their first ride home from up north going around Mill lacs some lady pulled out in front of him and he dumped it going 60 mph. He followed it right into the ditch but walked away from a totaled bike that only had 350 miles on it! eek

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Parking lots make me nervous as hell. I work at a healthcare facility and there a of old people who shouldn't be driving in the first place. They pull out at without looking all the time. I get cut off on a regular basis.

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Glad to hear you weren't hurt bad. I can't believe the guy just took off!?!

Last week I was cruising along at 65 on a black-top country road when I see a big 8-pt buck start walking up on the road in front of me maybe 100 yds ahead. Flipped off the cruise control and laid on the brakes...and the buck turns and starts back down the ditch grade.

I'm down to 50 and watching him when he suddenly wheels around and dashes right in front of me! Hit both brakes so hard I was fish-tailing down the road at 50 preparing to plow thru him broadside. Missed him by inches, and managed to keep the bike upright.

Needless to say I maintained a comfortable 55 mph for the rest of the ride.

Had some punk kid riding my tail in a pickup just before the buck jumped in front of me. Think that little incident scared him more than it scared me. He followed by 200 yards after the deer disappeared.

You just never know, man, you just NEVER know!

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The other driver got the hell outta dodge as soon as I took my helmet off. Unfortunately I didn't get a license plate number. I have to admit it was probably in his best interest to leave the area ASAP.

Sorry to hear about this.

Any idea if any of the businesses in that lot have a surveillance camera that may have caught it?

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At least you didn't get hurt too bad.

I was heading into work yesterday morning in my car, there was a guy on a motorcycle aboot 50 yards behind me. Up ahead I saw a bunch of "Eyes" in the middle of the road and tapped my brakes a bunch of times to let the fellow behind me know the road ahead was full of coons. I ended up hitting one and looked in the rear view and saw he managed to weave his way through.

That could have been bad.

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Glad you're ok. Must me something about Lakeville. I dropped my Road King there a little over a year ago in a round a bout by the fire station.

I entered it and saw some kid accelerate and jump in in front of me. I sensed it and eased off the gas and changed my line a little to let him clear, as there was enough room if I slowed down - next thing I know I am looking at the sky, facing the direction I had come. Turns out someone at jiffy lube did a bad job seating an oil filter and I caught a fresh slick.

No real damage, but it scared the you know what out of me. Some lady saw the kid and got his plate number, and a fireman came running out of the station to assist.

While I was giving my report to an officer, the kid came back. He was late for work. He had punched it took off because he was scared when he saw me drop, but his concious got the better of him when he calmed down a little.

I told him the technically he did nothing wrong, and if the oil had not been there I would not have crashed. Told him it was a bad idea to try and jum into an intersection when someone was already in it. I commended him on having the courage to come back and face the music. I sternly told him that I have a wife, daughter, and family that love me and that he was lucky that I was unharmed, as he would have to live with that the rest of his life if he had t-boned me. He started shaking like a leaf - I dont think he had even thought of that angle at all.

I asked the cop if he needed anything more from the kid, and he said "Nope, you about covered it"

I always drive defensivley, but now I have added oil to my scan items. Saved me earlier this summer when some tractor pulling a baler blew a hyd fitting in the town I live in. Big old slick all the way through town.

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Any idea if any of the businesses in that lot have a surveillance camera that may have caught it?

I'm sure some of them do. Now that I've had a week to brush it off, I'm not too concerned about it. I was able to walk away with a minor scratch with the bike a little worse than I.

The Mrs. informed me that one of her co-workers might be interested in the Concours, scratches and all. Could I be "Winging It" in the near future? We'll wait and see. wink

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