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Internet Access Cabin



we have a cabin south of Bemidji. While I'd like to not have internet access there, if we do get it, it will increase the amount of time we can spend there because both my wife and I can "work from home" at many times. Options are:

Paul Bunyan TV Internet- most expensive, need to have phone line also. approximately $80 per month.

ATT Hotspot-we have an ATT tower very close and the ATT reception on phones is excellent, our kids have ATT iPhones, but they aren't always up with us unless the whole family is there.

Verizon Hotspot-poor reception but that is the provider wife and I have.

Knowing this information does anyone have experience and can give some help. Thanks.

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If you think you can stay within the data plan limits on ATT or Verizon, I think they make sense but if you can't, they get expensive fast and then you would be better off with PBTV.

I know a couple of people that rely completely on cell service for internet and they are constantly bumping up against their 10GB plan with Verizon. One had to switch from ATT because the reliability was so poor but if you are close to the tower, that shouldn't be a problem.

Neither one streams radio stations or Neflix type of media content either.


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We have a place on Sand & have used PBTV for over a year now but we already used them for our phone.We don't use our place in the winter so from Oct-May we pay the cheaper(seasonal)rate.We have a little cabin on this site also so at times as many as 5 tv's & a laptop hooked up to it sometimes.Only problem I know of is with the TVGuide screen(won't show certain channels automaticaly but will if you put the # in)on one of the older tv's.It just happens to be FSN & works fine on the others.

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If you can use ATT on a month to month basis I would give it a try. If they don't do monthly contracts I would just go with the PBTV especially if you are going to use it for work.

I would stay away from Verizons data service, it's just gotten bad over the last few months.

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We too have property south of Bemidji but have no access currently. I think we'll probably go the AT&T hotspot route (have AT&T now). Just kills me to add $600/yr for data. But suppose I will enjoy it if we pull the trigger.

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Check out Wild Blue directly or through Dish network. It is satellite based internet service. I just had it installed at our lake place in WI.I get mine thru Dish and its $45/month. I signed a two year contract.

I have access to DSL but it only comes bundled with a phone line which I do not want or need. There is a 10 GB limit at which they start throttling the speed. The speed is pretty good. not DSL or cable modem fast. Plenty fast enough to allow me to get my work done from the lake home on those weekend I want to extend a day or two.

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thanks guys,

we went the ATT route and tried it with one of the kids phones. Worked well for getting access for work related things. We'll have to keep an eye on it for data usage etc.

I think I'm going to get one of those non-phone modem devices from ATT and add it to our current plan

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