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camp ripley application

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If a person gets drawn, what kind of camper/tent are you allowed to bring in?

How long after the hunt can you stay? Do you have leave right after the second night or can you leave on the 3rd morning?

Just wondering, never been there and it sounds like alot of fun/work.

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you can camp with whatever you want from a huge motorhome to sleeping in your truck...doesn't matter, but campers (unless it is a pickup camper or motorhome that you are bringing downrange) will be parked on the west side of the line up road.

You must exit Camp Ripley by 8pm on the last day of your hunt.

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Here is the link to the Camp Ripley hunt packet from the DNR's site: http://files.dnr.state.mn.us/rlp/regulations/hunting/deer/ripleydeerpacket.pdf

I made it into Ripley three years in a row, but not last year. So, I should be in for sure this year. Towards the end of the hunt packet they have info on available housing (billeting) this year. Has that always been available?

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...Im guessing you need to go to where you buy your license?

Yep. Costs a few dollars, too. $8 maybe? I'll usually wait till the regs come out and than buy all my deer licenses and applications at the same time. Write them down on paper ahead of time so that the clerk can just run down the list. Include the three number code for each season on the list. Make sure to do it before the Ripley deadline.

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So how do you go about entering the drawing? I looked at the DNR site and seen nothing, Im guessing you need to go to where you buy your license?

mabr, you can apply online through the regular license purchase system.

Here is the DNR news release which also says how to buy it.


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Thanks guys, that was what I was looking for cheetah. Hey if your not drawn do they refund the $8 fee? Not worried about it to much, just curious. I know Ive applied in several out of state hunts before and had to pay up front but if you werent drawn they refunded it.

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