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Sad state of affairs...


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I have my new bow ordered and sold my old bow faster than I anticipated. Now the heck do I do?!? It sounds like my new bow may be as much as a month out, so I'm stuck without a bow for a lot longer than I've ever been in my life! This is actually the time of year I typically shoot more than any other time of year, but not this year. I'm bored and trying to figure out what to do over lunch... I've got a stabilizer and a quiver for my new rig- not much I can do with them! Archery wise, I'm dang bored and it's not looking good for me getting out of this lack-of-arrow-flinging funk!

I worked on another home made ground blind yesterday for a few hours- almost done, with just a few little tweaks left. I've got plans for another one that I hope will be better.

Any suggestions on how to pass my archery time away until my new arrow flinger gets here???

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Now what are you going to do,your probably forget how to shoot grin

LOL- I don't think I'll totally forget... I will say this though, when I take two weeks off, I can certainly see a difference in my shooting ability for a while. I'm a big advocate in shooting regularly, even if regularly is only once per week. I try to shoot at least twice per week at a minimum from now through the Summer. Sometimes I'll shoot five times in a week until it gets too hot- then I'll back off for a bit (archery club has no AC). I'm lucky though, my office is a five minute drive to the archery club, so it's easy to shoot for 45 minutes over lunch.

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I have 5 or 6 bows, so I doubt I'll ever be without a bow. If I was without my primary rig, I have my recurve or a couple other choices.

If you don't have anything, I'd look for a cheap bow or at least make a draw/ shot trainer

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I can't beleive you have only one bow...

...and why is that? For me, I can't imagine having over a grand sunk into a bow that I have no intentions of using on a regular basis. I simply don't have the funds to do that and it simply seems like too much of a waste. I've got half a dozen guys with similar drawlength who'd lend me their bow in case of emergency. Also, I'm not a league shooter- I shoot bow only to bowhunt, not to compete against anyone else on the line, so I have no interest in a target bow. According to some, my choice of hunting bows make better target bows than hunting bows anyway...

I do own a recurve, but the form/mechanics involved with it are so different I don't find that shooting it keeps me in good shape/form with my hunting rig.

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I'm with ya Scoot. One bow for me as well, and I shoot targets and 3D's year round. It's all practice for what's coming in October.

Your only problem was letting your old one go before the new one's in your hands. What were you thinking? crazy

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Your only problem was letting your old one go before the new one's in your hands. What were you thinking? crazy

LOL- I know!!! But... I got an offer and had a buyer- I had to sell it once I got offered. Also, I never imagined they'd be backed up over two months on the ordering of the new one. Part of the problem is that I ordered a super, ultra sexy pattern. (Side note: the previous sentence should not, in any way, be seen as pathetic, covert begging for more pics like the last time I used the term "sexy" to describe a bow! wink ...well... waybe a little... blush )

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Cool- thanks Nate! If it works out, I'd love to take you up on that offer. Don't take a bunch of time getting it ready, but if it works out I'll happily fling some arrows with that rig. That is still my favorite bow I ever owned...

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Go fishing. Or, go to the ranch and look for some yotes to shoot. Maybe plant a few food plots for me.

let's see, maybe fix some fence, cut up some of the fallen trees on the trails and put no hunting or tresspassing signs up. MY wheeler is also up there in the shed and that could use a good clean up.

Turkey season soon in ND, maybe go down and whack a nice turkey.

Heck, I could keep you busy for the whole month Scoot.

I could ship you my Mathews but after you shot it, then you would want another new bow. grin

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None of my other bows are hunting caliber other than my daughter's Mission. I can adjust that bow to my specs in a couple minutes. Resighting would take longer, but not bad.

Besides my recurve, I have two other compounds. One for for bowfishing and one thats a Genesis bow. Both of those allow me to maintain my draw and release mechanics and still release arrows.

Oh well.

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Heck, I could keep you busy for the whole month Scoot.

Tom, I'd be more than happy to come down and do some work for you. I'll shoot you an e-mail and we can coordinate details. I've got a couple buddies who not only would be happy to chip in on the work end of it, they'd also love to try get a crack at a turkey... I used all of my luck drawing the moose tag and ended up with no turkey tag this year.

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You may have been kidding, but I'm definitely not! I'd be more than happy to try earn my keep a bit out there. Please let me know what I can do to chip in. The plan is for my crew and I to move to Casselton this Fall, so hopefully I will be a little closer by bow season- I can run down and do whatever in less than half the time then!

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I will keep you in mind Scoot. This fall, I may need another to maybe run down there and dump some corn by the blind to the east where my handi-capped archer hunts for the Twist of Fate hunt.

I'll let you know if the fellow I have helping now cannot. Saves me a 500 mile round trip to take care of that 10 minute job.

No need to think you have to earn your keep at all. You have always followed the rules and that in itself is enough for me.

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Sounds good, Tom. If you want me to run down and get some corn dumped, be sure to let me know. If there's other stuff, keep me in mind.

I'll shoot you an e-mail if/when I hear anything about my buddies who are chasing turkeys this Spring.

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Yeah, technically I do. But like I said, the form required for the recurve is night and day different than for my hunting rig. Shooting it won't do much for me to stay in shooting shape. Also, having my seven year old outshoot me is too humbling when I use my recurve... blush

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Tell me about it! The wife & I shot the technohunt last weekend and she whipped up on me on both deer & turkeys. I was practicing with the recurve for turkey season but I've since re-evaluated my decision and will be taking the compound. smile

I often shoot both during shooting sessions and can switch back and forth between the two pretty seemlessly. I haven't run into any issues yet, knock on wood. Two entirely different animals though, I agree.

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It's tough waiting for that new rig. I have my new bow at home and shooting a few times a week.(not to rub it in or anything)

Hoyt, you dirty $%!#&*!@#!!! Salt in the wound! laugh LOL Actually, I hope you loave the new rig and it works great for you!

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