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Waterfowl Reports

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Sam, I'm guessing we're gonna start seeing the first "mini wave" pretty soon. I'm in MN on days off right now, but a buddy of mine just posted on fb that it was 18 in Williston this morning. Definitely not the big push yet, that's still at least 3 weeks out, but we should see a few fresh birds pretty soon.

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Had a fun morning. Hunted central Minnesota. Got 1 woodie 1 mallard and 2 drake pintails. Seen lots of birds. Some where near to 100+ but mostly teal and they did not give us and good shots. Called it an early morning because my buddies gun decided to no longer work.

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Calendar birds are ducks that migrate close to the same dates each year. They are not pushed by weather as much as the length of daylight. Ringnecks are considered a "calendar duck". Coots are also calendar bird. Now do you see why a guy could get excited about seeing a raft of coots ? There were new birds around this morning. Ended up with 2 teal,a woodie and a spoonie hen. Saw a lot of mallards, More this morning than during the whole first week. Not one flock would look at us though. One of those mornings that just leaves you scratching your head wondering WTH ?? Is there an eagle sitting in the tree behind us ?

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Thanks Stringer. If I could wager a guess, you were maybe seeing mallards that were moving further south, but had perhaps been previously pushed around a bit to the north? I also had a few groups this weekend that just burned on by like they had another agenda.

Yea Fish, it'll start here pretty soon. I put 60 miles on the truck this afternoon just on a little jaunt and did see more geese then I've seen in a while. Still not much for ducks to speak of, and the numbers up in Agassiz refuge are extremely low for this time of year.

The weather forecast this week looks more like mid-Sept then mid-Oct, so that's not gonna help much. But there again, it's not OUR weather that's gonna get em' moving. It's the weather in Northern Saskatchewan, and Manitoba that we need to turn cold and nasty. They'll come. Sooner or later they always do.

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Calendar birds are ducks that migrate close to the same dates each year. They are not pushed by weather as much as the length of daylight. Ringnecks are considered a "calendar duck". Coots are also calendar bird. Now do you see why a guy could get excited about seeing a raft of coots ?

Nope not unless you are hunting coots. Plenty of times coots are packed in all the area water and no ducks.

We found a fair number of ducks for this time of year but not as many as we hoped after hearing good reports. Mainly bills and ringers. Very few coots.

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Was in WC mn last weekend, and saw a very low number of ducks overall. Though this is still traditionally early, from our experience. Not many divers around yet, but the coots are starting to pile into Christina and Pelican, but not huge numbers yet. About 20th of October is when we used to want to be there, but hard with kids and all nowadays to make that regular, plus we are in NoDak then wink

We did end up shooting about 10 ducks, but that was for half a dozen guns in two spots, and very few ducks that came in left... heh, so yeah, not many ducks. Mostly woodies and BWT with one ringbill. We only saw a handful of flocks of divers. But still early for them out there. Good luck all next weekend.

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Did a goose hunt in the morning in WC MN and it was a great hunt. 24 geese by 830 am. Could have shot many, many more. Duck hunted in the afternoon and got 7. Still seeing way, WAY more hens than drakes. I stopped at a local in town pond and counted 22 hens and 1 drake sitting on the shore. At our pond, we saw probably 40 mallards and 1 confirmed drake (could have been a few more, but not many). We passed on the mallards for this reason and shot some teal and woodies. Never have i seen anything like this. No, they are not eclipse drakes mistaken for hens, we all talked about that.

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Was in ND for the non resident opener....ended up with 89 ducks, 37 geese. 6 guys, had a blast. 2.5 days of hunting.

Dad had a stroke and had to get back home.

Lots of mallards and teal. Surprised at the low number of gaddys we got. Typically, we see tons of them. Not this year though.

Shot 3 snows too.....never have I ever seen snows in the dakotas this early.

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Gackle/Lehr area.....no brainer! Scout and ask permission.

You will be in the birds "thick"!!

We'll be north of Devils Lake a little, so north of where you were. Hopefully the birds are there too! Hope your dad keeps improving! I'll say a prayer for him!

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For those of you wondering about numbers in Canada, a buddy just got back from 7 hours north of the border. Best shoot he's had in 25 years of going up there. 7 man limits of both ducks and geese, all 5 days done in less than 1 1/2hrs. Said it was the first time in his life he's got a multispecies triple (mallards & honkers in the same volley) and he got 5 of em! Said it was the best hunt of his life, and this is coming from a guy that was born & raised in NoDak. Should be a good migration!!

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Dad had a stroke and had to get back home.

Wow! No offense, but I have some mixed feelings about your report walleye. Glad to hear you had a good hunt, but your Dad's condition really overshadows everything about your report. Please tell me you brought him straight to a doctor rather then bringing him "home" first?

That's a really sad/scary deal man. My thoughts and most sincere prayers will be with your Dad in the coming days.

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Canopy Sam....Dad was in Wisconsin while I was hunting in ND. Got the call from my sister and ran to the truck, packed up and headed to the hospital he was at....got there 13.5 hrs later....ASAP.

He was not hunting with us.

Appreciate the thoughts and prayers.

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fish, I expect they'll start coming down very soon. The snow goose numbers are ridiculous again, and it's been a real boon for us up here in NW MN, as we are blessed to see at least a few snows come down our way once again.

I enjoyed shooting a handful of snows and blues only minutes from my house last year. The numbers in Canada are fantastic. I just hope they don't all sit tight till the very last minute, and then blow straight on thru with a big late arctic tail wind.

If we could just get a good hard freeze way up north to just push em' a little farther south this year! Keep your fingers crossed, and throw a couple shouts up to the MAN!

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Oh I see walleye. I just read it wrong. My bad. Either way, I really do hope your Father will be okay. That's a tough deal.

Tell him he's got a bunch of redneck duck hunters praying for him. That outta put a little smile on his face! smile

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