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Waterfowl Reports

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Scouted after work. Back bay of Peltier/Frozen. Mud lake/frozen. Carlos Avery. Frozen. Did see a nice woodie drake standing on ice at pool 9 outlet. Crippled along with a coot. If I had a dog I would have taken him but he slid into cattails on the ice. Even slow moving water was frozen. 15 degrees and dead calm here this morning. Back bay of green/frozen. We bounced rocks off it. saw about 100 geese in the sky and a dozen mallards in 75 miles of driving. Tried to get permission on some fields but no one came to any doors.


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There's a few birds still around up north, but if you're still waiting for the "big push", I'm afraid you may have slept thru it. If you don't have birds in your area now, they likely blew thru on Sunday night.

There was a MAJOR migration starting early Sunday evening, that kept going thru most of Sunday night. They had a stiff cold tail wind pushing them hard southeast.

Most of our water is frozen over in NW Minnesota. There are still straggling flocks of greater Canadians and big old Greenhead curly tails, but the fat lady has sung, she's tired and sweaty, and she's pulling out her winter wardrobe....at least in our region.

Pretty typical migration for the last 20 years. The masses hang tight in Canada until they can no longer, then they blow thru in a couple days with everything freezing up behind em'. Thanks to everyone responsible for ditching, tiling, and draining 85% of our original wetlands during the 70's and 80's! frown

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I was surprised to see that most if not all of the divers hung in and toughed it out on the bigger bodies of water. Sunday I saw hundreds of birds rafting here, and on Monday they were still here. Again this morning I saw some on Lake Bemidji. I'm going to try for 1-2 more hunts this week/weekend!!

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Blew it this afternoon. Fell asleep in my layout blind and woke up to 100-130 geese screaming in my face. By the time I got my wits about me they had flared and were out of range. Would rather they come in smaller groups ! Saw 7 Tundra swans. No ducks. Not while I was awake anyway ?!?!

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There's a few birds still around up north, but if you're still waiting for the "big push", I'm afraid you may have slept thru it. If you don't have birds in your area now, they likely blew thru on Sunday night.

There was a MAJOR migration starting early Sunday evening, that kept going thru most of Sunday night. They had a stiff cold tail wind pushing them hard southeast.

Most of our water is frozen over in NW Minnesota. There are still straggling flocks of greater Canadians and big old Greenhead curly tails, but the fat lady has sung, she's tired and sweaty, and she's pulling out her winter wardrobe....at least in our region.

Pretty typical migration for the last 20 years. The masses hang tight in Canada until they can no longer, then they blow thru in a couple days with everything freezing up behind em'. Thanks to everyone responsible for ditching, tiling, and draining 85% of our original wetlands during the 70's and 80's! frown

I happened to request Monday and Tuesday off work a month ago. Yes there was a major migration of mallards. Flock after flock coming down Monday morning. Tuesday morning was thick with birds also but I'm sure those were birds that came down on Monday as after 9am it slowed greatly.

Plenty of open water, fresh cut corn, and no snow in the area. The birds should stick around for a little while... I'm sure there are plenty yet to come as well! This is just the beginning! Good Luck!

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One hen mallard today, missed a drake. Probably saw 1500-2000 ducks very high flying onto to the lake that I was hunting a backwater of. No boat to get to them so looks like the season is done for me. Too much ice on the small water I hunt. Godd luck to the rest of you with the last few days of the season.

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4 guys, 10 mallards, 2 geese. We had ducks literally land on us in the field blinds ten minutes before shooting time. That flock of about 300 never came back, and we never got a shot at them. My friend had a mallard standing on his face. Pretty funny stuff.

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