Scott K Posted January 28, 2011 Share Posted January 28, 2011 I downloaded the patch for PS3 and then played and it was still lagging and glitchy as ever. Yup! Same here. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deitz Dittrich Posted January 28, 2011 Share Posted January 28, 2011 So, does anyone know what exactly they did to the ak47u? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CJH Posted January 28, 2011 Share Posted January 28, 2011 Wait what did they do to the AK74U? That's my gun! I like it too, but to be honest, it was/is totally overpowered for a SMG. The range is crazy on it. There is a reason 8 billion people were using it.Haven't played it since the patch, so I wonder what they adjusted on it...... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pureinsanity Posted January 28, 2011 Share Posted January 28, 2011 I actually got frustrated with this game last night. Possibly it could be because I haven't played in a 2 or three days but wow. Game play was ridiculous. Last night there was a boat load of people that had to be using something. As some of you know I like to run and gun and my character in the game is pretty fast on his feet. Thus being able to follow me with a cross hair aiming down the rail is pretty difficult if you have every tried it. When aiming down the rail your movement left to right and up and down is slowed down immensely. Why? how knows. but these guys were aiming down the rail and the cross hair never left my body. 2 shots I am dead. I almost pulled a Larry! Sorry Larry. I was 0 - 25 before I got my first kill. 0 - 25 for me is pretty ridiculous. No spy planes in the air, and no SR81 or whatever it is in the air either but all these guys knew where I was going to be coming from. I watched every kill cam after my death to see how the heck they knew I was coming from that way. Answer is here.... Watch the video, they just wait for people to turn the corner because they know they are going to and than start shooting..more importantly the other hacks that cant go along with this with out having just "aim bot"Esp- All ESP colors are customizable- Name- Distance- Pose- Skeleton (Can also be set to display a smiley face on all players)- Weapon- BoundingBox ( 2D, 3D )- Line (Draws a line from the middle/bottom of the screen to all players)- AimDirection (Draws a line from the player to the point where the player is aiming at)exactly how they know where you are and when your are coming near them...- HeadDot- See Dropped Weapons- Helicopter (With teamcheck)- Planes (With teamcheck)- Sentries (With teamcheck)- RCXD (With teamcheck)- Dogs (With teamcheck)- Explosives (With teamcheck)- Explosive warning (Displays a warning when the grenade is within 40 game units)- Enemy warning (Displays a warning when a player is aiming at you)That guy you see across the map that doesn't see you, soon as you aim he sees you!- 2D Radar (Displays a radar on the screen (Which can be dragged around with the mouse)- Ability to ignore all friendly playersAimbot- Autobot (Automatically aims when a player can be hit or is visible)- AimThru (Aim via Crosshair, Distance, Visibility or Automatically)- AimAt (Choose at what bone the aimbot aims. Options are head, neck or spine)- AimKey (Set a custom aimkey)- Visibility Check- BoneScan (Scans players for bones and checks if they're visible / can be hit)- Knifebot (Automatically knives when a target becomes within a range of 10 game units)Now we know when you miss that knife that shouldn't have missed why their knife got you...- AutoSwitch (Automatically switches target when the current target isn't alive anymore or is invalid)- Autoshoot (Automatically shoots when the aimbot has a target. Can be set to always autoshoot, when visible or when the target can be hit)- AutoWall (Calculates if a player can be hit through walls)- AutoZoom (Automatically zooms in when the aimbot has a target)- AutoProne (Automatically prones when you take damage)I have been noticing this more and more lately. Drop shot has been disabled in this game just like quick scoping, however its still being done courtesy of Aimbot- Field Of View (Only lets the aimbot aim when a target is within your field of view (0 - 360 degrees)- Human Aim (Let the aimbot aim slower to make it look more legit)- Aim Speed (0 - 1.5)- Ping Correction (Corrects the aimbot when the ping is high (0 - 10)- Abitility to aim at friendly playersRemovals- No Recoil (Removes the recoil from your weapon)This explains why I've been noticing assault rifles and SMG's with no silencer never bounce around. My Silence ak74U bounces around more than theirsMisc- QuakeSounds- ZoomHack (lets you zoom in really fast)- PlayerHud (Displays local player health + your ping)- Draw Stats (Draw your scores. Can display streak score, match score or both)- Chat Spam (Spams messages on the MP chat screen)- Draw Fps (Can be set to display the current fps and the max fps reached)- Draw Time (Tells you the local time)- Draw Resolution (Tells you the game resolution)- Crosshair (4 custom crosshairs which colors can be customized)Settings- Set the fade of the radar- Set the fade of the stats- Four slots to save and load settings- Ability to move the menu, mouse and stats with the mouse- Menu is fully mouse controlled Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pureinsanity Posted January 28, 2011 Share Posted January 28, 2011 Oh i fogot about these too!No SpreadName ChangerVisibility ChecksAim Styles (Off, When firing, Full auto)Targeting Styles (Closest Target, Closest to crosshair, Highest Threat, Lowest Health, etc.)SlowAim (Off, On) (+ Configurable slow aim speed)AimAngle (Off, On) (+ Configurable autoaim rotation angle)AutoFire (Off, On)FriendlyFire (Off, On)Memory Hack :Name Spoofing!NametagsMinimapShow mines and claymoresArmor BarsCommander HackNo TV staticAll Weapon UnlocksRadar :3D Radar (Off, On) (+ Configurable for Players, Vehicles, Grenades, Flags, etc.)2DRadar (Off, On) (+ Configurable radar scale)Cross (Off, Cross, Dot, Box, Bounding Box)Info Styles (Distance, Playername, Weaponname, Health, Armour)Healthbars (Off, On)TriggerBot (Off, On)TriggerStyle (Instanthit, BulletSpeed and Bulletdrop)Fps Correction (Off, On)Ping Correction (Off, On)Bulletspeed Correction (Off, On)Bulletdrop Correction (Off, On)Threat Warning (Off, On) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JP Z Posted January 28, 2011 Share Posted January 28, 2011 I told them to block my gamertag on that video...... Yeah they are putz's I say if you are in a lobby like that BAIL. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pureinsanity Posted January 28, 2011 Share Posted January 28, 2011 seems to be most lobbies on xbox lately. Contemplated dealing with lag issues on ps3. at least the aim bot isnt big on there yet. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tsande00 Posted January 28, 2011 Share Posted January 28, 2011 I haven't noticed any lag the last 2 nights playing PS3. Not sure if it is related to the last patch or just coincidence.That hacking would drive me crazy. I hope that doesn't become prevalent on PS3 any time soon or I will quit this game for good. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Juan Grande Posted January 28, 2011 Share Posted January 28, 2011 The lag isn't always bad on PS3 and varies from lobby to lobby. I'll play say 10 games and probably 7 of them are fine. Of the ten games I'll have a KD from 1 to 1.5 and then I'll have that one game where I'm like 5-17. I have really bad games every once in a while, but it's like every time you enter a room (what you think is simultaneously with an enemy) and you draw your gun you lose. It seems like you hear/see 2 rounds come out of his gun and you're dead. Then I watch the kill cam and from his perspective he was firing on me a good 1/2 second before I pulled the trigger. It's also annoying when you're in a gun fight and the screen glitches making it impossible to stay on target. It's like the PS3 doesn't have enough RAM to process what's going on. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TurnUpTheFishing Posted January 28, 2011 Share Posted January 28, 2011 PS3 is plenty powerful. I still havnt noticed the lag to the extent you guys describe.I have never ran into a lobby of aimbots/modders on PS3 and if I did they were still bad enough that I didnt notice. I get my butt handed to me on occasion but some people/teams are just on a whole other level, not necessarily cheaters. I think most the hacking and cheating goes on in the PC world (pretty sure thats a PC video, riverrat).Every CoD title has the overpowered sub mg, the MP5 in MW, MP40 in W@W, and ump45 in MW2. It is pretty out of control when over 50% of the players are using the same gun but at the same time if everyone uses the same gun it takes away its advantage and just comes down to skill.Im not sure if they actually nerfed the gun itself I just heard they took away the ability to use a grip and rapid fire attachments together (that is what makes the gun way too overpowered). I also heard they were considering making it a 20 round standard clip. I havnt played at all this week so others will have to confirm if either of these are the case. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pureinsanity Posted January 28, 2011 Share Posted January 28, 2011 play an xbox for a while and youll see performance lag. yes it was a pc video, they are all the same. aimbot isn't a program essentially you install on your computer its just modifying game files. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tsande00 Posted January 28, 2011 Share Posted January 28, 2011 They didn't take away the ability to add grip and rapid fire. For the first time ever I setup that class last night for Nuketown. Owned the board too Went 30-11,2nd place guy was 17-20. They should nerf that gun. People goign up against me in close quarters stood no chance. The only downside was your constantly reloading which is when I would get killed. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TurnUpTheFishing Posted January 28, 2011 Share Posted January 28, 2011 I have played on an xbox and didnt see any difference in smoothness of game play.As for aimbots or other hacks, I think its much, much easier for people to run programs in the background and corrupt game files on a PC than it is to do the same on a gaming system. If aimbots were as simple as modifying a little data in the game they would run rampant in the system community. Did you ever try playing MW right before MW2 came out and the "UFO glitch" was big? You couldnt play a game without at least one person doing it.I think that if an aimbot did exist it would be so blatantly obvious you would run into it in every lobby and hear about it all over the internet like the way MW2 is currently. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TurnUpTheFishing Posted January 28, 2011 Share Posted January 28, 2011 They didn't take away the ability to add grip and rapid fire. For the first time ever I setup that class last night for Nuketown. Owned the board too Went 30-11,2nd place guy was 17-20. They should nerf that gun. People goign up against me in close quarters stood no chance. The only downside was your constantly reloading which is when I would get killed. Well if thats the case Im not sure how they nerfed it maybe damage over range drop?Everyone should have a "try hard" class- ak7u, grip, rapid fire. If someone starts killing you with it you can switch and fight fire with fire. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CJH Posted January 28, 2011 Share Posted January 28, 2011 I just went out to the PS3 Forums and apparently they banned a bunch of people. Must have coincided with the patch in some way. Lots of people complainin'!!!!! Apparently a bunch of people are trying to trade in their PS3's because of the ban: Today was my lil brother's birthday and i went to the gamestop next to my parents house to get him a ps3 and some games. I asked the guy behind the counter how many people trying to trade in their ps3's. He said that today alone 30 kids between the ages of 13 and 16 tried to trade in their ps3 and he wouldn't take them. He even said that he told the parents of some of the kids that the reason why the ps3 won't work. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pureinsanity Posted January 30, 2011 Share Posted January 30, 2011 I have played on an xbox and didnt see any difference in smoothness of game play. As for aimbots or other hacks, I think its much, much easier for people to run programs in the background and corrupt game files on a PC than it is to do the same on a gaming system. If aimbots were as simple as modifying a little data in the game they would run rampant in the system community. Did you ever try playing MW right before MW2 came out and the "UFO glitch" was big? You couldnt play a game without at least one person doing it. I think that if an aimbot did exist it would be so blatantly obvious you would run into it in every lobby and hear about it all over the internet like the way MW2 is currently. xbox is a computer silly. its a pc in a box! Microsoft google and youtube aimbot. its easy to install. its simple factor of transfering a data file to a pc, running the aimbot program, changing the settings and putting the file back on the xbox. the aimbot is all over the net. specifically for xbox and pc. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LwnmwnMan2 Posted January 30, 2011 Share Posted January 30, 2011 Another reason PS3 is better (IMO) for a guy / kids that don't glitch or hack. The playing field is level more often.As others have said, if I and the kid end up in a lobby and you can't take 2 steps without dying, we just leave.It's 1 out of 15 at the most.One time in CTF we did end up playing a whole match where 1 team was all green signal bars, our whole team was red. I stuck with it to see if it would ever change, but it didn't. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LMITOUT Posted January 31, 2011 Author Share Posted January 31, 2011 Double XP, Feb 4th-6th. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MinnesnowtaWild Posted January 31, 2011 Share Posted January 31, 2011 Sweet I will be on in full force that weekend! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deitz Dittrich Posted January 31, 2011 Share Posted January 31, 2011 TOMORROW CAN NOT COME SOON ENOUGH!!!! cant wait to try the new maps~~~Giddy up! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DTro Posted January 31, 2011 Share Posted January 31, 2011 XP points are meaningless to a non-prestiger. I'm ready for some new maps too! It would be a nice gesture for all of us to share the details on Wed to all the PS3 guys. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deitz Dittrich Posted January 31, 2011 Share Posted January 31, 2011 Ok, being new to XBox... Was talking to JPZ this am. Can I just purchase the new maps through the xbox with a credit card, or do I have to go to a store and purchase points? With PS3 I just gave my Credit card and got new maps for MW2.. Just want to be prepared for tomorrow. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deitz Dittrich Posted January 31, 2011 Share Posted January 31, 2011 also, any idea how long the download will take? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Juan Grande Posted January 31, 2011 Share Posted January 31, 2011 Has anyone found evidence of aimbot being used on PS3? I was playing on Saturday and a couple of my deaths seemed fishy so I watched the killcam and I was firing on a guy who was engaged in another fight (in the completely opposite direction)and he spun around and snapped right to my head. Kind of like being killed by a bot in Combat Training. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pureinsanity Posted January 31, 2011 Share Posted January 31, 2011 aimbot is for pc, xbox and ps3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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