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modern warfare 2


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They have map pack exclusive playlists right off the bat because not everyone buys them right away or at all so they cant put them in the normal rotation. Also because most people just want to play the new maps exclusively when they buy them. After a month or so they will probably get put into the normal rotation. Even then if you have just one person in your party without the pack none of the new maps will come up in lobbies.

Let us PS3 guys know how they are. Any changes to the "new" old maps overgrown and crash?

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That's not the way they rolled it out in COD4.

In COD4 you could play TDM either with the new maps or without. That way it alleviated the issue of some buying maps and not others. Those who bought the maps were grouped into one playlist area so they could play all the maps without issue.

The first map that I was thrown into was Crash and it was spectacular. The layout is the same, but they freshened up the graphics and changed the lighting. Definitely noticeable changes. The next map was Salvage but it was some game I had never played before and after you die you don't respawn until after the round is over. Pretty lame and not enough time to check things out. At that time I had enough of the playlist rotation from hell and bailed out.

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Yep, the new maps are going. I did see when my party was finding a host to merge with, team death match showed up before I merged on Over Grown. I have not gotten any matches yet with team death match (I think laugh ). For $15.00 it is ok but now we just have to learn them. If it was $40, I would be a little peeved.

Got to play against Andy lol. It seems the above level 5 Prestige group is coming out of the wood lol. I am seeing some symbols I have not seen before and you are playing against a whole team of them. wink

Yep my couple days of use with the P90 is coming to an end.

The new maps graphics are very busy and filled with hidden passages all over. I am going to try to adjust my color of my TV because the other team is hard to make out from the back ground. It seems everyones first form of play is camping out. You have to move to learn the maps, but you will be shot we learning lol.

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The way Turnup said is what the guy at GS told me. This is part if the trial period and Xbox live gets to be a part of it. Makes that dollar for a month deal sound good lol (not sure if you can get on that anymore. My boy said something about $2.00 for two months also? Not confirmed though.)

This does get you to play games styles I have not played before. You learn quick (helps when you have a coach of all games sitting right next to you (8 & 12 year old sons lol). As I am playing I shout stuff out and they tell what the objective is lol.

They are on to some 2 man army game now anyhoo. smile

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Breaking News!!!!!!

We'll be integrating the new maps into all playlists as well as enabling Double XP for all playlists tomorrow

Apparently they were afraid of the pitchforks and torches that were heading their way!


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That will be good. If I could do it over I'd probably pass on the maps as I don't really like them. Crash is my favorite of the bunch and I've played it 100 times before. Oh well just keep playing I guess.

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Yeah, I am not a big fan of search and destroy or headquarters so that put a bummer on the map pack.......overall my favorite new maps are crash and overgrown laugh But I will get used to the new ones I'm sure........bring on the Domination with the new maps!!!

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Ya, I did play Team Death Match last night. I have not played Domination though. I seem to only get in a map-loop with Over Grow, Crash, Storm, and the Automotive junk yard one. I did play Bail Out though earlier in the evening with Andy.

I like the matches were if you die, you view 3rd party till then next round or until the objective is accomplished. For one, you get to actually look at the map (verses your small little corner that once outside of your dead lol) and for two, a kill is worth 1000 points and average less than a minute before the new round starts. wink. Plus your team can still hear you and you can help them with what you know or another set of eyes for the team mate you are viewing 3rd party. Even in search and destroy, were you will not re-spawn for a couple seconds, or HQ when you are waiting for the HQ to be destroyed, it is nice to watch third person view.

After JPZ called it a night, I had a rough go (upduck also grin). The new maps are getting some major prestige party's going. I finally had to give up after 12:30am because you are not going to win or even get a kill when the opposite team is multiples of these symbols smirk :


I also thought at first Live was did not have their even player level per team program running. It actually seemed it would group the higher prestige/level members that came in during intermission on one team and lowers on the other. Later in the evening I was seeing teams being split up evenly when new players would come in during inter mission.

Maybe the very good players are rolling, but maybe some cheats/glitches are showing up already. I joined a match and the people were complaining about care package issues and one person being/going negative and getting back to back nukes via care package the previous two matches before I got in. I was in two nuke matches last night, but nothing was said after. Also, this chaps my hide (as much as an issue with a video games should) but the freezing glitch right before the match ends (30-40 seconds left) and boots you out to the party page. mad Basically ten minutes of play was for nothing and it happened many times last night while we were playing. Once or twice is fine, but I know Andy and I had it happen a couple time and then JPZ and I also. Last issues noted grin the time for your host to find a good game has seem to tripled or more, even on the old maps. Even with just yourself in your party.

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I played for a while last night and I can't stand those games like capture the flag and sabotage. I switched to Ground War and played a few rounds and had fun. I don't plan on playing too much *stimulus* I'll wait for the maps to get integrated into the regular scheme.

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Sissy's! grin

Are the new maps too tough for you guys? lol! whistle

I know I am a Noob when compared to you guys and COD/MW gaming. When playing MW2 for the first time "ever" about 4 weeks ago I did not adapt well at first to anything (map, match, even basic junk you guys know). I did not sissy out and put in Batman Lego Land instead. wink Or stomp my feet because I did not know how the game went. I got killed all the time and I could not seem to even make one kill myself. whistle Still have my off days. grin

I played and learned to enjoy this gaming experience of MW2. laugh

+1 for the Stimulus Pack & learning new things. wink

-1 To wussing out when new challenges are faced lol! laugh

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Yeah, it was a bear trying to find a match even when I was looking in the stimulus. It took PS3 searching times 2. But I will say it did seem that our team was always overmatched. Had fun though, and thursday will be cool if they do integrate with all the maps and we have everyone with the stimulus pack.

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You're way off base, Shack, again.

The new maps are great and I look forward to learning more about them, but I won't be doing so while playing HQ, CTF, or the other lame games in the Stimulus Pack "mosh pit" rotation....emphasis on LAME. If not for checking out the new map layouts I would have been pulling my hair out due to boredom of those games. I've never seen more of a cluster than in those other games, with lack of any flow or meaning to the objective.

You can catch me on TDM until the new maps are merged in........

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Lego Batman is for city boys!!! Us country folk prefer Lego Indian Jones wink

I played for a bit last night but man it just sucked. This is the first COD game I've ever played, and the first one I've played online!! Hell, it took me 5 months to learn the original maps grin CTF was just annoying. I'm stubborn and it's too hard for me to change!!! In the meantime, I will be playing ground war and tdm!!!

I got killed all the time and I could not seem to even make one kill myself. whistle Still have my off days.

Hell, you still get killed all the time grin

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Hey Shack, there was a glitch early on that allowed you to get the 10th level prestige very easily. I bet a good percentage that have reached it was via a hack or cheat.

Symbols mean nothing to me.

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Hey Shack, there was a glitch early on that allowed you to get the 10th level prestige very easily. I bet a good percentage that have reached it was via a hack or cheat.

Symbols mean nothing to me.

You are probably right Dtro. IMO why buy the game then? Just tell everyone you are 10 Prestige level 70 and you have moved on. Saves you $50.00. I just think the game has been out long enough that people who played it Nov. Dec. Jan. & maybe Feb. non-stop, geek-on-geek kung-foo style and maybe lost some interest are coming out to try the new maps.

The match that had me throwing in the towl last night was one of my most brutal experiences to date on MW2 multi-player. grin 3/4's threw the match in salvage I just took the loss. Even on the original maps I have noticed after 11:00pm and especially 12:00am, a whole new/different crowd shows up. grin The trade off is no more screaming/vulgar kids (pretty much) & more screaming/vulgar adults. laugh Also you get stuff like JPZ and I ran into last night. The match starts and in the first 5 seconds you have 95% of your team bail and you are left fight a full opposing team. grin

One of the best heckles to set off anyone (minus something sophisticated created by Andy that actually makes a player drop out of a game grin ) is the "Ya this modded controller my mom (or Grandma) just got for me the today is pretty sweet" by Leech. That had me rolling the other night because leech said it in his adult voice. laugh I want to throw in "Just learning the ropes before I pull the hardcore trigger on you all". Funny how that fires up people.

Good times.

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