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Flathead Catfish Photo Gallery


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Hiding that right side of his face behind the fish again. Nice fish!

Jake you're a daytime flatty maniac. I'd say more than 1/2 of your big fish have come during daylight hours this year, eh? Was that a morning fish or evening fish?

Roman, nice fish on your end too. Night time bite here, daytime bite there. Looks like they're on a pretty good feed this week. I should get out again. Never any guarantees, other than the only folks that are guaranteed NOT to catch a big one are the people without hooks in the water, like myself!

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thanks guys and another very nice daytime Jake!

My friend said that his flathead fought harder than both of his biggest muskys put togethor, (a 43" and a 42"). He compared flathead fishing to bear hunting w/ a bow, extremely intense and exciting... obviously minus the chance of getting killed. grin

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Actually I wouldn't discount the "being killed" thing either.

WWG tried to turn a huge St Croix bouy into a hood ornament the other night shocked

Nice fish guys!! I would like another big one here before the season ends....

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if it weren't for work Jake I would be down there with ya that way I could take your pic and your whole face could get in the pic laugh nice fish guys and yea its great to bring new guys out and they pop a biggin as for the being killed thing I know a guy that fell out of his boat a couple years ago no life jacket and his foot got hung up on the side of the boat and he almost drown this just so happens to be the same guy that got air lifted off the river earlier this year. He's got some bad JU-JU going for him shocked

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Slowhand! Nice to run into you tonight. Never caught your name. Mines Nick! Hope you got your motor issue resolved!

Havent been on in ahwile.....nice beast of a fish Nick, names Ted btw. Yeah, I would have stopped and chatted for a minute but I came screaming past you guys so quick I couldnt turn around wink(My ride was waiting for me at the landing)....was good to talk @ you fellows.

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Calvinist, is that you? Holy smokes I didn't know you were a catman. I've seen your posts thoughout the metro forum for years but rarely on the catfish forum. Have you converted? Welcome to the dark side.

Just looking to expand my horizons and explore new territory, especially during july and august when fishing for other species can be slow. I know cats this size don't come along every day, but literally I had my line in the water for 20 minutes before this beast came along and chomped my bait. Other than this cat I have fished for cats about two hours tops this year. My son Lucas is nine and he really loves catfishing, so I'm sure I'll spend alot more time pursuing kitties. Alot of fun!

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Originally Posted By: pureinsanity

Slowhand! Nice to run into you tonight. Never caught your name. Mines Nick! Hope you got your motor issue resolved!

Havent been on in ahwile.....nice beast of a fish Nick, names Ted btw. Yeah, I would have stopped and chatted for a minute but I came screaming past you guys so quick I couldnt turn around wink(My ride was waiting for me at the landing)....was good to talk @ you fellows.

Screaming past or squeaking past? jk wink Did you figure out the problem?

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went out on sat. night in a little backwater area with a huge current break that i've been catching nice size channels off of and decided to see if there were any flats roaming around....got this little guy off of a 5 inch bully, buddy caught on alittle smaller one off of cut bait along with some decent channels


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