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Channel Catfish Photo Gallery


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blake, no it's not on the 'sippi

i tried that spot saturday night with cut sucker and cut drum. the rain brought up to many bullheads so we couldn't find any catfish

in time, i keep telling myself, in time.........

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Well, mission accomplished ... hooked my girlfriend into her first river fish/catfish ... and she loved it! Not a monster by any standards, but a cat nonetheless ... she says she can't wait to catch the bigguns smileDCP_1667.jpg

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you know, i've tried getting my gf into fishing... she loves filleting fish and cooking/eating them, but just can't seem to get her interested in the act itself

especially catfish, which she thinks are ugly, and muskies, which are "too big"

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thats the perfect gf then she leaves you alone when you fish and when you get home she cleans the fish while you have a beer laugh
Frankly I am jealous of these guys like Jeff and Nick whose ladies share their passion for fishing.

I get my wife out as often as she will agree to go.

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yeah i guess its pretty sweet - although it'd be nice to share my passion for fishing with her.

she also likes cleaning ducks and butchering deer, but won't even fire a gun or entertain the idea of hunting. kinda weird but hey i can't complain

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yeah its weird i asked her to go fishing before and she never wanted to go or said i will watch you fish, now she asks to go, i was suprised when she wanted to go on opener but i wont complain i guess i have already been fishing more this year then all of last year smile

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you guys better be careful!.....somewhere down the line she is going to bring up the "remember when i went fishing with you?".... and you will have to buck up and go to some musical, chickflic, or tupperware party!!!!

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I just try to get done with all the house projects when fishing isnt so good, then when the bite is hot, I have earned some time on the water. Usually I notice about every 5 days or so, I need to stay home for a night, to make sure I am still the man of the house wink , I mean to keep the wife happy, then I go right back at it. If for some reason I stay home two night in a row, I get the, arent you going fishing tonight talk. I trained her well grin

At times during the summer, I get the "we never spend any time together" talk, but then I just tell her, well you can come out fishing with me, and we can spend time together, some times she goes, soemtimes, I need to take another day off. But to be fair, I only do this from May-Aug wink

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you know, i've worked out in the field the last 3 years, usually gone during the week May-Oct

then hunting time. usually its "i never get to see you" during that time, and then "get off the couch and do something, i'm sick of you lounging around" during the winter smile

can't ever win, heheh

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My girlfriend loves fishing lol she would rather go fishing for a date then somewhere else ... she texted me today telling me that she was looking at cat rods online and was asking what she should buy .... yup, she's a keeper in my book wink haha

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My girlfriend loves fishing lol she would rather go fishing for a date then somewhere else ... she texted me today telling me that she was looking at cat rods online and was asking what she should buy .... yup, she's a keeper in my book wink haha

And to think of all the times you have given me a hard time for bringing my girlfriend, and all the times you wanted just "a guys night".

Those days are over my friend.

Anyways...this thread is off topic LETS SEE SOME FISH!

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