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UFC 91


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I would love to say Brock is gonna win, but somehow someway I think Randy will pull this out, I know Randy has always had trouble with big wrestlers and Brock is the biggest baddest wrestler in the UFC but I still think Randy will put a good gameplan together and get the win... and I hope Kenflo puts a beating on joe daddy I really don't care for Joe

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BROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All I can say is Holy [PoorWordUsage], he actually beat down captain america, absolutely amazing fight. All the fights were very entertaining one of the best cards Ive seen in a long time. Now I hope that somehow Frank Mir can beat Nog and Brock can avenge his loss and unify the title.

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I remember when I worked at Avis at the airport. The WCW wrestlers used to rent their cars from us when they would come to town. Kevin Nash had to bend over under the lights over the counter. They were 7 feet off the ground. I shook Bill Goldbergs hand, my hand in his looked like me shaking my 5 year old sons hand. There are some animals out there

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I dont think that every big wrestler would be good in the UFC, brock was a college champ some of those other guys are just big, big cant always win fights

I never said every big wrestler, just some. Batista would be good, Cena probably as well.

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Brock seems to be a pretty good striker and Nog seems to be kinda slow? B.L. knocked Mir around pretty good until Mir got ahold of him and put the twist to em. I think he's gonna put the hamfists to Nogs noggin and put em to sleep.

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I'm not much of a wrasslin fan, but I have to admit that some of them big jumbos are pretty athletic. Jumpin and flingin them big muscular bodies through the air etc.

But, the beatings they take aren't real, whereas in the octagon they would be getting the real Jackson! Some of the younger big guys with real wresling backgrounds, could probably find a place in the UFC, at least for awhile.

Maybe instead of putting a monster in against a regular heavyweight, the UFC could have a super heavyweight class, then we could really get bored with watching the big Bubbas lumbering around....like watching Tank Abbott at the end of his career! Not all them big fellas can move around and operate like Lesnar.

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So true! It would be like most of the heavyweight boxing matches. Two big guys leaning on each other the whole time (boring). Brock brings it, he doesn't just sit back and wait on the other guy to make his move.Give credit to Couture though, 45 and at least 50 lbs lighter, but still very game in this fight!

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JLT...Isn't "Captain America" really from Canada? I thought I heard that somewhere awhile back?

One other thing...I bet they are pretty stringent about steriod stuff in the UFC....I think pro wrestling probably isn't so much?

You know some of them dudes are enhanced, take away the juice and they would probably shrink like some of the body builders.

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Not sure on the Canada deal? They do test for alot of drugs in the UFC. Brock has already passed twice and came through clean. So those of you out there that think that he has to be on roids stand corrected.Alot of the WWE guys are on roids for sure.That may be one of the least harmful drugs that their on! whistle

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