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Great Opener provided Everything!


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Wow hopefully there are 161 more games as exciting as tonights. The team played great and got some good hitting (although they didn't capitalize on runners in scoring position enough!) But the new guys did well, GOMEZ will be an exciting player and we finally have a good lead off player with some speed as long as he gets on base! Good pitching from our starter and of course the bullpen and Nathan did a great job closing it out! 1-0 (1st place in AL Central) LOL

Anything else stand out! - No homers yet but almost had a Grand Slam!

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that was the most excited i've been about 3 or less runs in a game since 1991.

gomez will struggle at times, but he definitely provided a flash of what he can do.

nathan striking out hunter was an amazing baseball moment. so was hunter's 0-4.

also gomez got to a ball last night by just running that torii would have had to dive for

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Great game, its going to be a fun year!The nice thing about young players is they will supprise you. The Gomez kid, I like him! Hes not the greatest at interviews though! grin.gif

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Game was fun to watch Gomez is an exciting player but he will have his growing pains. I am a little bit nervous about our starting pitching over the long haul. It will be fun to see how the season pans out.

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 Originally Posted By: CrappiesNCats
also gomez got to a ball last night by just running that torii would have had to dive for

I'm not sure I would go that far. Torii is as good as anyone at getting a jump on the ball and running it down. Gomez may be faster, but I'm not ready to annoint him as a better defensive outfielder than Torii.

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Typical Minnesota team follows it up with an UGLY game. 6-1 in the 8th, and this Brian Bass is not looking good.

What's the deal with Adam Everett? We sign him for his defense and basically nothing else, and he commits an error on a routine play. It seems to me all of his throws have been low. Nick Punto could be doing better. They have about the same bat.

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I didn't see much of the game... (work) BUT I think we're going to have to deal with this type of game as well. The opener was awesome and we kind of saw the low end of things tonight. Only 1 run scored and gave up 2 in the first.

It would be nice to bounce back and win tomorrow to guarantee a split! But after 2 games I won't jump to any conclusions! Its a 162 game season a lot of ups and downs are ahead for this team. Hopefully they'll be entertaining! It'll be nice if Morneau gets going as well!

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