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It’s Grillin Season Baby!!!!!

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Wild turkey breasts. Sear breasts on both sides and then cut into 1/2" slices and cook the rest of the way... make sure you coat the thin slices with your favorite bbq sauce. Don't over cook and the slices will be nice and juicy.

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Marinate Steak, onions, and peppers in spicy salsa for a day. Then grill the steak to medium rare on the grill. Combine the onions and peppers in a pan with a little oil and start to cook. Then slice the steak into thin stripes and add to the pan. Cook for a few minutes stirring often. Then searve as Fajitas.

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 Originally Posted By: DonBo
It's been too cold to grill?

I think what he means is that it must have gotten down to -304 Fahrenheit where he lives (temp at which propane freezes) and he doesn't have charcoal.

Or something like that. Otherwise, it just didn't make sense..... grin.gif

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