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Wonderful Spring Surprise

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I went out today in search of open water looking for some potential early spring migrants. I was hoping to find some waterfowl, but ended up with something much better. When I found the spot I was looking for there was nothing to be found. I decided to wander up the river a little further and will never regret it! Here's what I found. Hope you enjoy!









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Thanks guys. I spent about an 1 1/2 hours watching these otters. It really was fun. I've only seen otters a few times prior and this was the best chance I've ever had to witness a lot of different behaviors. They make some really interesting sounds when they're communicating.

X - I am tentatively stewing over the idea of a SD visit to Sand Lake the last weekend of March. That would be the first potential weekend I have to get down there, but it will depend on what the Snow Goose and other waterfowl numbers are like. If you're interested in meeting me over there let me know. I'll let you know if I'm going for sure as soon I decide.

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Michael, considering my daughter screwed things up for Easter, by booking a trip to Colorado at that time, our family will be getting together for Easter the last weekend of the month. I'm sure I'd be free the next weekend and the next, etc.

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