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Gulp waxies?

mike morris

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pretty much all i use summer and winter . no fuss no mess and no dead bait. takes a little time to get used to and there is a subtile change as to the way the fish react to it . with a trip or two you will come to like it and the ease ,and dont have to change the bait as often . djwood

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 Originally Posted By: djwood
pretty much all i use summer and winter . no fuss no mess and no dead bait. takes a little time to get used to and there is a subtile change as to the way the fish react to it . with a trip or two you will come to like it and the ease ,and dont have to change the bait as often . djwood

What is the subtile change in the way fish react that you speak of?

I'm going to be using gulp waxies today caus there is no bait shop by where i am.... tips????

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"SUBTILE " meening as to the action of live bait to artifical. the gulp is small or larger then most bait , like the gulp spikes are bigger then live waxies. harder to get a smooth flyer through the water when the bait is bulkier and stiff. ithink you will see the differance when you try them out . most of the catch with gulp bait is keeping the bait active . jigging up hard and let the bait float down slowly works best for me . djwood

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The only time I ever use live bait anymore is going for eyes on LOTW. That being said, I love the Gulp! baits. I have a can of waxies in natural and chartreuse and both work very well. I also use gulp worms, leeches, minnows, and others. The stuff is worth every penny in my book.

Now with a side by side comparison with my buddie using impaled waxies or euros, the gulp tends to need to be worked more than impaled baits. A lot of times this winter if he was using the live bait, it needed to be stationary, as the gulp and other plastics (Little Atoms) needed constant movement, even if it was subtle, they seemed to like it to have some motion. We watched the baits side by side on the camera many times as well. I can't say whether one did better than the other on size of fish, and quantities were pretty close, but we matched em up all the time this winter. I no longer buy live bait for panfish, summer or winter.

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I am an advocate of the natural colored gulp waxies. I have fished them side by side with live bait all winter and I feel it outfished the live bait. Globs of em' on jigging spoons and swedish pimples has really produced for me on the active fish

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I bought some of the chartreuse ones and hadn't had much luck until this weekend. The perch like them! I found out that you have to work the bait more than you would with live bait (minnows in my case) But I think the gulp outfished the waxxies!

It just take a little time to work the jigs and you'll be pleased. Some of the perch really slammed it hard!

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I,ve fished it side by side with a friend of mine who all ways seems to catch more fish and I stayed even with him this outage any ways. They do require a bit more movement though. For the 5-6 bucks try them and see for you self.

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Well I've had success so far using the Gulp waxies. I actually outfished a buddy using regular waxies. Kind of odd though.. I had to jig aggressively to get the fish in, but once they were at the bait, they wouldn't bite unless I held it absolutely still. Maybe it was just the lake, but I'm not used to that with any bait!

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Mike, I too have had the same thing happen. Sometimes they want you to jig the snot out of it and will hit while jigging, and sometimes they want you to jig it until the nose up, then set still until they inhale it. You have to keep experimenting to see what works each particular day, but after three or four fish, you can start to pattern them and really start putting on a show.

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I found the same thing to be true. I had to jig like crazy but they wouldn't hit until i set the bobber back on the water. Then the bobber would go and I'd set the hook! Sure is fun!

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I have used Gulp waxies too, in the red color. The first two outings were really successful. I caught a lot of sunfish and crappies during the day. I have also used them after dark for crappies with good success when other baits would not work. However, last Saturday live maggots worked better. The only trouble was that I only had a few left in my bait puck. I was sorry I didn't prepare for my trip better. In my opinion, don't rely totally on artifical bait.

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