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A Mixed bag

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Well, today was supposed to a day for Eagles but with the bitter cold XT and I decided that we didn't want to spend the whole day outside waiting for the right shot. I decided to increase my odds and went to Monticello for swans. It was darn cold and it was beautiful there. The fog was coming off the water and the birds looked really great in it. There were swans (obviously), Mallards, Geese, Goldeneyes, Mergansers and Scaup. The Golden Eyes, Mergansers and Scaup didn't come very close but I got a couple shots that I had to crop. They're alright but nothing printable. Here's my results.

First Shot of the day


Told you it was foggy!



Golden Eyes




I wish this one had been closer. I really like it!




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Thanks guys, Yak, I was shooting the 170-500mm Sigma today. The last swan shot was my favorite also. That was full frame, no cropping on that one.

Thanks again


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Wow Mike, you got some super photos. That last one of the swans is really sweet. That second one of the 2 geese, really does something for me too. In the fog, it almost looks like the one goose is a reflection of the other one.

You braved the cold and it paid off for you. I was a wuss and stayed in where it was warm.

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Nice addition to your original set!!

Image #1 is, once again one of my favorites.

A very dynamic composition...

Three swans, three different poses... nice. Too bad for the tag, (luck of the draw I guess). If it was my image, I would certainly try to clone the tag out. It might be worth the effort.

Even with the tag included, it is a very nice image... again, love the three different poses.

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mmeyer, nice ahots, I like the 3rd of your 1st set and the 1st of the second set the best.

I kind of like the band on the one, it kind of makes it original.


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These are all very nice - I love the swan twins. But I am most intrigued by #3 - it has enough color to feel "alive" and I keep going back to figure it out - is it a train car or old school bus or just a put together building made from old stuff --- and what was it's purpose??? Ah, the mystery! Great stuff - thanks

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