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Lowrance MMC Card Reader not working

Ya Hey Der


I have MapCreate 6 and am actually having trouble with the MMC card reader. Was wondering if anyone else is having a problem getting their card reader to be recognized when you plug it in. Always hit or miss on whether it works, 99.9% of the time it doesn't work. I have re-installed the Mapcreate software multiple times and also the device driver cd but the reader still doesn't seem to work. It is very frustrating when I can't save maps to my SD card.

"USB Device Not Recognized" is the message I keep getting when I plug in the reader.

Any suggestions???

Thanks for your help!

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Yep. I had the same problem with my Mapcreate 6. Returned it and picked up Mapcreate 7. And now i can't even load that disk in my computer without it freezing up.

I have emailed Lowrance about the problems but have never got a reply.

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I had some problems with MapCreate 6.0 and the card reader. I think it had something to do with having the card reader already plugged in before booting up the computer or plugging it in after the computer is booted up.

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I'm going to attempt to load the MapCreate 6.0 and card reader on my PC this weekend and load some maps on an SD card...

Any advice or pitfalls to avoid you guys want to share when going through this procedure. Sounds as if a few problems are likely to occur by all the feedback from the past and current post.

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There is a process that you have to go through to 'register' the cards. If memory serves me you are limited to four cards. I've found out, after scewing it up a couple of times, that you can get it to do more than the four if you uninstall and then reinstall the software.

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After you create the map in the software you can go into your pc and find the map you want and then just copy and paste it to any card (even unregistered cards). You have to have at least registered one card prior to this process for it to begin creating the maps however. But you are then not limited to 4 cards.

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Go to wal mart and buy a $15 dollar USB stick that you can insert the cards into. You can save stuff directly to the card through the USB drive. It is much more portable, and they are inexpensive.

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I thought that there was some kind of encryption or some other goofiness from Lowrance that you could only use their SD cards or their Card Reader to load maps. Was I mistaken? Can other software and generic SD cards be used to input maps to Lowrance units?

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I just installed the software on my computer selected the map info I wanted and loaded it to my SD card that I had at home. inserted in my SD card slot in my computer put the SD card in my H2O and it worked fine

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