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Well, just beginning to firm up a couple trips to Algoma. The first will be near the end of June, haven't quite nailed down the dates.

The big one however is on the books, July 10th-14th.

Dang cabin fever, has me running in circles trying to figure out the when, the where, and the how of clubbing them salmonoids.

So when are you going?

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Cheffrey, I am also looking at June but like you said my big trip is usually the weekend after the 4th like last year when I meandered over and mingled with your crew for a bit. I am planning once a month runs may, June, July twice and maybe once in August depending on the weather and finances. I hear you the cabin is starting to close in on me. I am out of here the end of the month to FLA for a little saltwater fishing and fun in the sun with the family and then back to hit the open water on the St. Croix from April till June, then up the Gunflint for some eyes and stream trout and maybe a laker or two and hopefully back up that way late June on the Canadian side of Sag for a week. After that, nose to the grindstone to make enough dough to troll Mille lacs this fall and hopefully make enough to hunt Wisc. and Mn. throughout the bow and rifle seasons. I am also hoping to get my feet wet on Superior this year for some lakers and cohos. To many lakes, not enough payed time off:)


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We will be there either end of June or beginning of July. I'd like to make it back to the Root in the fall, haven't done that for a few years.

I'm thinking about maybe a early trip for browns and cohos. Have any of you guys tried that in March or april? I'm so ready for some trolling \:\)

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Years ago we used to fish just south of the sconni border in Zion Il. and just nail the browns and cohos. I sure miss those days. You still have Chequmagon for that in the early spring.

Enjoy your trip over there guys.

Jar Jar

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End of July for me. I do have a question which someone may be able to answer. I have always fished Michigan (Algoma last 6 years) as a Minnesotan (outstate)with a charter service (Kinns).

We have always had to buy a Two Day, Outstate License.

This year I will have a Wisconsin fishing license. Do you think I will still need to pay for the two day license?

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Hey, just thought I'd let ytou guys know, the harbors have opened up and there are boats going out right now between Algoma and Keewaunee. They are getting browns and cohos for the most part, up high on stickbaits and smaller spoons.


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Just an update on Algoma. They are doing some harbour maintenance right now and dredging the harbor area so even though the landing is ice free they won't be letting any boats out untill after the 16th. Could be longer since the weather is suspect but hopefully things will open up again and let the boats out soon. The good news is my friends out east are getting into browns and cohos trolling shallow when the weather permits. Just thought I'd update my previous post.


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I'll be out 12-15th and then again two weeks later out of Keewaunee and Algoma. Looking foreward to it once again. Looks like the bite is on the upswing and the fish are moving a bit closer in. Good luck out there, Don't think I'll make the pizza bowl but have been known to wander the town in the late hours.


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We'll be heading to Bailey's July 15-23.

Any report you could post of your 10-13 trip would be awesome. I'll do the same when I return.

If anyone on this board is out of Bailey's when I'm out there, give the "Blue-Jeans" a shout, and I'll happily compare notes with you.

Oh, we'll be staying at Bailey's Grove Campground.

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We'll be heading out of Bailey's July 26th - Aug. 1st, my first trip, very excited to say the least. My son went last year with his Grandpa's and LOVED it.

We'll be staying at Bailey's Grove Campground.

Good luck everyone!!

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I will be out of Bailey's July 18-22. Had a great year last year and can't wait to get back! Any reports you guys offer up from the week before would be much appreciated.

Had plans to camp at the Baileys Grove but just last night decided to book a hotel (easier with the young one). Would have liked to meet some of you there. Maybe I'll see you on the water.

I'll also be over the last two weekends in August.


Blue/white Stratos Boat- "Rock Bottom"

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We are heading out wednesday and fishing thursday through sunday.

sounds like it's starting to pick up out there.

radio will be on 17 or local chatter station blue and white 20ft Skeeter zx2050 radio call Fishgutz.

Last year was unbelievable fishing, big rainbows and Kings

Best rig was a white spin doctor 50 down in 60-90 fow with doulble aqua howie fly 27" leader only 15 ft behind the ball which usually I'll go at least 20. Just experimenting and shortened up the distance behind the ball and it wasn't in the water 35 seconds and got pounded. I'll put out a full report when we get back.

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I am heading out Next Wednesday night to Algoma. We will be hitting the water Thursday morning thru Sunday. Sounds like the fishing is starting to pickup.

Post your reports to get me fired up.

Also do a search for the new Algoma Web cam....it is nice!

Good luck

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Fishin Magician, I am going out on the usual weekend and I'll try to update you when I get back but i think you may leave before I can post. I'm headed out this Friday and will be fishing through tuesday a.m. I think there is wifi in the harbor so I'll update you when it gets closer to the end of the week.


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