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Favre Retires!!!!!!!!!


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This is a sad time for the NFL. Also known to some as the "No Fun League" that started with individuals making individual celebrations about their individual achievement. Farve was never about that and loved playing the game.

I personally will take my #4 jersey and frame it. Hang it on the wall and pack away all the Favre artifacts. So someday my son can ask "who is that #4?", pull out everything and say "This is how you play the game."

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I was listening to JT the Brick last night and guy called in and actually compared yesterday to the day Kennedy was assinated. Thank god they cut him off before he could say anything else. That is whats annoying, is that people could actually try comparing the retirement to that.

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james w, I think I figured out what it is with Favre in Wisconsin. There is absulutly nothing else to do in Wisconsin, especially in GB, other then football, drinking, and deer hunting, so when the only Qb they have in memmory has left they think it is the end of the world. It would be like anouncing they will stop making alcohal.

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ok - to all you dillusional fans that thinks Favre carved up the Vikings like swiss cheese...the Packer/Viking record since Favre taking over for the Majik Man is Vikiings 16- Packers 17 (including a Vikings playoff win). So Favre shouldn't be that feared to Vikings fans...

Pre Chilli the Packers were a putrid 13-16 against the Vikings. They have won the final 4 and I hope that streak is over come next year!

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Well over the last 40 years since 1966 name all of the QB's that have played for the Packers! Then name the Vikings! Or Lets go back to 61 and start from the begining and name the QB!s.

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I get a good laugh for some of these posts. Let's be real, and I know that all the packer fans have a hard time seperating fact and reality. But these are the facts. Brett is a good QB, fun to watch at times and very painfull to watch at times. Along with his TD records he also holds the INT record. It is what it is. His play off record is around 500. He has only won 1 super bowl, as many as the Manning brothers and less than Tom Brady. He as played in every game since 1992 which is remarkable. He is an egomaniac, which is typical of all star NFL players. I'm neither a packer fan or a vikes fan, I'm simply a fan of the NFL. One more item, I give a 40/60 chance that he will be back for one more year. And as a fan of the NFL, it is getting old. Good Luck.

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I dont know, I think Moss and Colpepper did ok together, when Moss was in his prime!

juneau, The Vikes had a few that is for sure, but lets take all of the Vikes QB add up there totals since 92 and then add Favres totals, see if the Vikes did better off then the Packers. That would tell you if the Packers were better off with just one QB, then we were with the 10-or so the Vikes had.

Now I have no idea the result of this, but if some one with stats and time, they could figure it out quick.

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From the Associated Press:

Brett Favre's retirement this week may mean out with the old, but the Packer quarterback's name has new life in the retirement mecca of Florida.

The Green Bay Press-Gazette reports that David and Emily Kinsaul of Palatka, Fla., named their newborn twin boys Brett and Favre.

"I was hoping we'd have at least one year of him still playing," David said. The twins were born Feb. 22.

The Press-Gazette report says David Kinsaul grew up in Florida, moved to Madison, Wis., and lived there for about 3 1/2 years and now is back in his home state.

"There's a whole culture up there, watching the games and being interested in the Packers," he told the newspaper. "I just really missed it. And I loved watching Brett play. You could just really tell he loved the game, and he was fun to watch."


It was either that or "Walker" and "Texas Ranger"

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Sheesh, I think someone on 93x said today that it's dumb to do that. These athletes wouldn't even spit on your head if it was on fire and your naming your kids after them. Just dumb.

Anyone hear his press confrense today? Cried like a little school girl.

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I love these comments about Favre,

Elway, Marino, Montana, Puckett, Jordan, E.Smith, Rice, Aikman, White, Ripken, I would say they all cried when they announced their retirement, why would it be different for him??

You do something you love for 17yrs and see how you feel saying your retiring, I bet you would do the same thing.

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I am a Viking fan and believe Favre is a tad bit overrated...Theres nothing wrong with Favre crying at his press conference. Just like MNwild (ahha that team) says...he did something for 50 percent of his life and enjoyed it.

How was the press conference though...any highlights? I'm sure it will be rehashed over and over again tonight on ESPN...

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Press conferance was actually pretty good, he cleared the air on why he was retiring becuase media said something about Moss and the Packers didnt want him back. The best part was, this was from his speech-

"I hope that with every penny they've spent on me, they know it was money well spent. "It wasn't about the money or fame or records. I hear people talk about your accomplishments and things. It was never my accomplishments, it was our accomplishments."

Couldnt of said it better....

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 Originally Posted By: Sandmannd

Anyone hear his press confrense today? Cried like a little school girl.

All class man. It is quite obvious you've never been passionate about anything you've ever been involved with, or really put forth much effort. Not surprising I guess, just kind of sad.

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Nothing wrong with the dude crying, but I likes poking fun at Favre. Even though I'm a vikes fan I would have respect for him except for one word "MADDEN". That guy ruined any game I watch that he was commentating. Even when he wasn't there he would bring Favre up in other conversations. Besides, I saw him cry before, the time Moss lit him up on MNF.

Besides, if you take everything I say that serious, you aren't going to like me. That's just how I am. Sorry if you take offense to it but I enjoyed it.

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That's a great point that many don't remember too well, I figured there would be some tears, but come on, in this press conference it was "our records", "our team", when a rookie wants to be metored by him, it was, "it's not your job to worry about"....yup class act, marketing has been great for Farve, Green Bay and both's images, wins, records, and sold out stadiums hides a lot of [PoorWordUsage] that is going on....everyone should really try to see the big picture about this....a great quarterback of this generation retired, that's it, tomorrow there will be another one......


but yeah, Athlete's crying at every play or press conference if friggin hilarious! (I agree)

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