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More "Macros"

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I think there was a "macro" thread started awhile back, but I can't seem to find it...I didn't think it was that long ago. Here are some of mine that I like. Now that I can post pics, LOOK OUT! grin.gif

A dragonfly hitchhiking on my canoe on the Mississippi River.


A toad on the beach in front of my mom's place.


A sunny on "Lake X" on the Iron Range.


I'm open to critiques. Like I said in yesterday's post, I'm a "point and shoot" guy and I just like to take and share photos. (But really don't know what I'm doing.)

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Bronco, if you take pictures to please yourself and you are pleased with the results, then that's great.

These are nice. I especially like the pumpkinseed and those brilliant colors they have. I like the angled composition as well, with the skewed boreal shoreline.

One thing you'll notice when shooting close-up shots. The depth of focus is much shallower then when you're shooting subjects farther away. That offers both challenges and rewards. In the case of the dragonfly and toad, most of the subject is out of focus because of that shallow DOF. That allows you to capture cool effects, but also demands that you decide which part of the subject to focus on. Typically, for wildlife photography, it's the eyes, but not always.

The key is to know the limitations and opportunities of close-up photography so you can decide what you want to do. There's also the issue of focus in your P&S. At those extreme close distances you may have to experiment with several shots before you get one with the focus locked in the place you want.

You can ensure that more is in focus (like in the pumpkinseed shot), by orienting the subjects so they are as parallel as possible to the focus plane/camera sensor.

Close-up is a whole different world, and a lot of fun. Glad you're sharing your work with us, with more to come, I hope! grin.gifgrin.gif

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Here are a couple more I took while in Colorado a couple of summers ago.




I agree, I do need more practice. I can see where it gets out of focus up close (like on the toad). It's hard to see that on the little viewfinder in the bright sunlight. I need to remember I can take more than one picture at more than one angle and just delete the ones I don't like when I see them enlarged on the computer. I'm still in a "film" frame of mind when it comes to taking pictures.

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Great images! I really like the sunny for all of the reasons that have been stated. I also really like the first flower one. The depth of focus on that one is just right and the composition is great!!

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