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DVD copy/backup?



Is there any way to backup a copy-protected DVD movie? My 3yo likes to play with her DVDs and I'd like to be able to back them up on my computer. She's placed a few DVD's where we can't find them, and she's broken another couple of the discs.

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Look up a program called DVD Shrink, it will allow you to back a DVD up to your computer or if you have a DVD Burner allows you to burn a copy. I don't think it is illegal to make a copy if you own it.

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 Originally Posted By: bunt2k
DVD Decrypter and Clone DVD. Work well takes 10 minutes or so.

It is perfectly legal, if you already own the movie, and are not sharing it after copying.

awesome thanks bunt2k! I'm not planning on distributing any copies, just backing up the disc. I don't know why they have such issues with that. Not being able to back up data that you already own, that is the criminal act.

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 Originally Posted By: DEADhead
 Originally Posted By: bunt2k
DVD Decrypter and Clone DVD. Work well takes 10 minutes or so.

It is perfectly legal, if you already own the movie, and are not sharing it after copying.

awesome thanks bunt2k! I'm not planning on distributing any copies, just backing up the disc. I don't know why they have such issues with that. Not being able to back up data that you already own, that is the criminal act.

The problem is most people aren't doing it honestly as your intentions are.

They circumvent the Copy Right Protection/Encryption to sell or share somebody else's product which is and should be illegal.

IMO you can hardly blame them for trying to keep their product from being stolen or misused.

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DVD Decrypter is getting harder to find. Afaik, the main source was given a C & D order.

DVDFab and RipIt4Me are some others.

DVD Shrink is still around as far as I know. This is the program that lets you reauthor the movies (get rid of menus, subtitles, foreign language tracks, etc.) and compress it to fit on a single layer DVD.

Movies take up lots of space though. About 4.5Gb each if you've compressed them, up to nearly twice that if not. Depends on the length of the movie too, of course.

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It's legal as said before if they are copies of what you already have. Takes me about an hour, but I haven't had anything that won't copy since doing this.

First get these programs: RipIt4Me, FixVTS, DVD Decrypter & DVD Shrink. Nero is the best program to use for the actual burn. Here's how you do it.

I have a folder on my C: drive that I call Temp DVD for easy access. Put the Master DVD in your drive and open RipIt4Me. I always use "one click mode". It will start the process, it opens DVD Decrypter for you and gets the DVD decrypted (this is what clears out the licensing and such). After it runs through that it will open up FixVTS to fix the files it just ripped and decrypted. Once it gets done going through that it will open up DVD Shrink. I usually just copy the entire DVD. I have it set so it shrinks it down to an ISO image. In the temp dvd folder. Now once that is complete you open Nero and tell it to burn an image. Steer to the ISO you just created and burn it. Whole process takes a while, but it's pretty automated through a lot of it.

Now if it doesn't want to work I use a program call "DVDFabDecryptor". You have to pay for the platnum version, but I haven't found a movie this one won't rip for you.

If you have any questions or need help find the programs, shoot me an email.

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 Originally Posted By: PierBridge
I could see having a backup image just in case something happens to a disk but to burn multiple copies of the same movie sounds a bit sketchy.

This is a slipery slope to say the least.....

Who said anything about burning multiple copies?

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Yep, he was just asking to make one copy so they could view that and save the origal. I do that with my two year old and have to burn a new one of her favorites every few months cause they get all scratched and fingered up.

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I found one called dvd95copy that works great and they update it. It also has the burning software built in, so no need for nero, etc. It's around $20 and can be found the name plus dot com.

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