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New to Musky Fishing


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I have never been Musky fishing before, I never really got into fishing until a couple of years ago when I got home from Iraq. I started out trout fishing and after a couple of weeks I worked my way into Walleye and Northerns. I would love to try my hand at catchingmore fish and see what interests me... Anyone willing to give a newbe some advice on good beginners equipment for Musky fishing, maybe show me the ropes or let me know what some good lakes are to catch them on.

I am currently deployed overseas again, and will be gone until mid- to late July? Where are some of the best places to try?

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First off thankx Lee for your service!!!! If you are Inrested I could take you out 2 a few lakes. The fish should be chompping pretty good When you return. As far as gear You might want 2 get out fishing "muskies" make sure it is something you want 2 get into Then start buying gear. so many guys go cheap on there gear first getting started get hooked relize they need better gear! I wasted close to $2000 on [PoorWordUsage] when I first got in the game. I will pm you some good numbers lakes as well as big fish lakes. Once again thank you and you are invited 2 come out any time!!!

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Lee, thanks for your service. You're welcome on my boat anytime after you get back and feel free to contact me through this site or through my email [email protected] (airmarc zero zero). I think your best bets are some of the Metro lakes. Good place to start is the Calhoun chain downtown, lots of fish, great chance for action. Harriet and Nokomis are also great. I'm not familiar with waters south of the cites but I think Cedar lake in Scott Co has some nice Tigers from what I've heard and I've wanted to fish it. I live in St. Cloud but I'll be fishing the metro quite a bit this season and would be happy to take you if we can work it out.

Also, nice thing about the metro lakes is that the fish are catchable with some of the stuff you already have. A large bass-sized spinnerbait is my best Tiger musky producer. Alot of the stuff you use for pike will also trigger the Tigers, being that they're half pike. Make sure you use a wire leader. Other equipment options are limitless. Some guys do pretty well throwing topwaters from the shorline too.

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Hey Lee...

Dont pass up on Dream's offer... he'll do his best for putting you on a fish or two... He knows his stuff... I've learned lot from him...

Also, I fish occasionally at French Lake in Faribault... and there will be a space for you on my boat anytime you want to fish for muskies at French... I am pretty sure you can hold off on getting any equipments because I got plenty and you can use them... to see how you like them... not a problem...

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Great advice guys. I wish I would have had the chance to go with a few guys and try different equipment befor juming in head first. Like others I spent alot of money on sub par equipment that only cost more to buy the right stuff down the road.

If you ever make it down south to Iowa I'll do my best to get you on some fish.

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Thanks guys, I really do appriciate all the offers and odds are I will be getting int touch with many of you about it. When I get back I am going to have two and a half months of paid leave, so I plan on being out on the lakes and streams as much as humanly possible.

What poles are recommended for muskie fishing? What are the average sizes and weights?

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Rods are all personal preference. Myself I run a 7'6" MH St Croix, 7'10" XH G Loomis, 7'6" MH Gander Guide series, and an 8'6" MH Bass Pro Pete Mania signature series. All have their time an place I do find myself going to longer and longer rods though. The price range on above rods are from $80 for the Gander to $250 for the Loomis.

Again trying out other guys equipment helps with the curve.

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also Thanks for serving! i would take the guys up on using thier equip. at first. muskie fishing can get exspensive rather fast.that way you will have the chance to try out different out fits, and see what you like .when you get home; be certain you can handle a baitcaster! then call these great guys! del

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Great info and offers from the crew, definitely look 'em up! Add me to the list too, I often come down with a sudden "cough" and need someone to join me! I see Austin, MN listed, are you up for driving up to the TC area?

I have all the muskie "candy" and will help you get a feel for muskies, gear, lures, etc.

Thanks for all you do for the rest of us!


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Put me on the list of people who'd love to take you out as a small token of thanks for your commitment, effort, and service. If you're up in the Fargo/DL area, I'd appreciate the chance to say thanks. I've got tons of gear and all you'd need to bring is yourself. Give me a hollar in July or Aug.

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Let me know when you are back and we can hook something up....vet to vet. I am pretty sure I can pull some strings for you and perhaps get you a guided day out on the big pond. If you were going to be back sooner, might have been able to get you into Operation Muskie, perhaps next year if it turns into a yearly thing.

There is a wealth of knowledge on this board, so let the guys/gals take ya out and you can pick up a ton of information and have a blast at the same time.

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