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Lakemaster chip - can you copy?



Sorry if this topic has already been addressed, I couldn't find a thread.

I have a Lakemaster chip for my Lowrance unit in my boat. I recently picked up an H20 handheld and would like to copy the chip so I don't have to transfer it. Is this possible? I've heard "yes" and "no". Thanks for your help!

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I do believe we had a post about this a few years back and somebody had mentioned that it is possible to make a backup copy of the information on the card but it could only be reloaded onto the same card, if the info on the card had become corrupted for some reason. I'm sure somebody will confirm if this is possible.

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 Originally Posted By: airjer
I do believe we had a post about this a few years back and somebody had mentioned that it is possible to make a backup copy of the information on the card but it could only be reloaded onto the same card, if the info on the card had become corrupted for some reason. I'm sure somebody will confirm if this is possible.

This is correct, you can make a back-up copy of the data but the back-up copy will only work on the original card that you bought. I know you can do this with LM, I don't know if you can do it with Nav or not. Actually, I know 2-3 people that have ruined Nav cards by trying to use them in card readers.

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 Originally Posted By: Slowfinger
What I am asking is NOT illegal since I already own the chip.

I need to disagree with you on that. You said you want to have a copy so you don't need to transfer it between units, so obviously you're trying to make a copy that you can use in addition to the original. I think making a copy to use in that situation would not be legal?????

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 Originally Posted By: Slowfinger
What I am asking is NOT illegal since I already own the chip. But with the risk involved, I don't think I'll take the chance. Thanks for your help.

It's no different than if you owned Sony Playstations and wanted to make a copy so you didn't have to take it out of the one to put into the other. It's illegal. Plain and simple. If you make a backup and never, ever use it until the other one bites the dust, then that could possible be okay. But since you are going to use it while the other one is still functional, then that is indeed illegal. If you are in doubt, give LakeMaster a call.

By the way, LakeMaster is closing out of the 2006 chips on their HSOforum for $59.95. So, if you want another chip, that's a good price.

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 Originally Posted By: PierBridge
You can't rewrite it to another SD card anyway

Actually, I've heard of a couple hacked versions out there (early versions of Nav), where program hackers were able to get through the security and make copies. I've also heard of a few chips that were toasted by trying to do this. I think LM and Nav have pretty good security built into their programming these days to prevent copying the files.

 Originally Posted By: PierBridge
so its a moot point.

Maybe it is. On the other hand, not legal is not legal. It costs all of us more money (high prices, higher insurance, higher taxes for law enforcement) to pay for those that break the laws.

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You can copy all the data on the chip onto another. The only problem with it is it will not work. Whatever makes it executable does not transfer. You will end up with a chip with all the maps on it with no way of getting it to the GPS. I know this cause I tried a couple of years ago. I wanted to put my LM '06 chip and my LOW on the same chip so I wouldnt have to switch them out. I tried just about everything to make them work but could only get the data for both on the chip and no way to read it.

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I completely agree Broman. I just felt there was no reason for everyone to get all excited he just asked a simple question.

Also, I am sure you always drive the speed limit as that is the ETHICAL thing to do! grin.gif

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I would not think it is illegal. You can buy a CD (music) and make as many copies as you want as long as they are for your own personal use. When I bought my Nav ship I asked that direct question about putting on computer and the salesman told when I try to use a card reader, it does something to the card to make non-workable Just buy another card.>>>later the load

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 Originally Posted By: Coach1310
Also, I am sure you always drive the speed limit as that is the ETHICAL thing to do! grin.gif

While I was posting my last reply I thought the same thing about speeding. I just don't want to see this become a dicussion board on "how" to break the law. There are plenty of other sites out there that can help someone with that.

Besides, just helping others follow the forum rules. See last 6 words in quote below.

You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this forum to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, refers to alcohol, inaccurate, abusive, potentially inflammatory, sarcastic, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy or otherwise violative of any law.
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