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Under water camera's at night


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My personal experience is that the underwater camera's don't work at night. Infrared or not, they don't work that well. I talked to a guy who had the Marcum 560 and he said it was "OK" at night. To me that translates to, "I spent $500 on this thing so I'll convince myself that it works at night." He then told me that he didn't use it much after sundown.

Water refracts light so well that unless you have an extremely powerful light source on your camera, you won't have much night time visibility. Moreover any algae in the water will reflect to the light source and then you get a high-beam-in-a-blizzard effect.

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I've tried my camera at night a number of times and as posted above it's very limited. I pull my camera at sundown and rely on the flasher.

Cameras are also useless on stained water lakes even during the day. Something you may want to take into consideration if your "home" lake has low visibility.

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Everything mentioned above so far is pretty much dead on. I had a Marcum 560 and now a VS820. Neither one of them was worth having down after sunset. I also have a friend that bought one of the low-end cameras made by Atlantis I think. His is far worse then mine when it came to night use. But seemed to work OK during the day. I do really like the larger screen on the VS820 which is also a flat screen. I think you get what you pay for.

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I think the floodlight mentioned above would be the key. I'd like to find a submersible light that is ultra-bright and find a way to attach it to my camera. Does anyone know anything about the floodlight that is available? Can I attach it to my Cabela's/Marcum camera?

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 Originally Posted By: DomW
I think the floodlight mentioned above would be the key. I'd like to find a submersible light that is ultra-bright and find a way to attach it to my camera. Does anyone know anything about the floodlight that is available? Can I attach it to my Cabela's/Marcum camera?

I think this would be illegal

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Its not. Aqua Vu has the product your talking about. Their new cameras come with lights coming out of the side and are very bright. They look like bug antennas. The light is not there to attract fish. Thats whats make other things illegal. Lures that flash or use the light to attract the fish.

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I have 2 different cameras, an OVS 400, and Marcum VS380, and like the others, mine are shut off and put away once the sun goes down. I have found that on some of the spots I fish for crappie, the algae and other swimming particles will show up as white dots, making it very difficult to see anything put white spots. With the vs380, being able to shut the lights off helps, but the older OVS400 gets put away in that situation also since the lights are always on.

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If legal, you might want to look at some scuba shops as well, i've done a few night dives and the power some of the lights guys had was blinding to say the least, plus there designed for underwater use, lots of camera housing lights and options in scuba shops

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 Originally Posted By: K Dawg
Aqua Vu has the product your talking about.

I purchased one of the Aqua Vu lights and have had a chance to use it only once since my camera needed repair. The light is very bright and it did seem to work. It bolts directly to the camera nicely. Hopefully I will be able to try it out this weekend.

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I think you would have a hard time convincing the CO you weren't trying to attract fish with your added light because that is what lights do. This is what the Minnesota fishing regulations say:

Using an artificial light to lure or attract fish is unlawful. Exception:

While angling, a person may affix to the end of a fishing line a lighted artificial bait with hooks attached. Any battery that is used in lighted fishing lures cannot contain any intentionally introduced mercury.

Keep in mind that there are lots of products sold that are illegal to use but not illegal to sell. Some of us found that out the hard way when the outfits like HBO started taking us to court for using illegal antennas years ago. Some manufactures of products don't care if your breaking the law, they just want your money. Plus what is legal in one state may not be legal in another.

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I have a marcum vs 460 works ok at nite but visibility is limited to 3 feet or less in clear watter partical reflection is not to bad in clear watter.in cloudy watter site distance is limited.my friend has an aquaview partical reflection is much more with his.I dont fish at nite vary often .with my camera i can shut the lite off.

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I have an older Aqua Vu Z-60 model with infrared light. The infrared is totally worthless since it reflects the light off of any algae or air bubbles that is in the water.

The new aquavu light seems to project the light somewhat further.

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What I do not understand is why would they not allow a light to be mounted on the camera when some of the cameras have actual lights built into the camera itself that projects a light for visablity?

Or is it illegal to use those lights also?

Just wondering...

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