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Straight from the Horse's mouth... so to speak


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Just got this from the DNR and thought I would share it with you all. Hope this finally clarifies the licensing end date issue.

Check out this link...


Your 2007 Fishing license ends on April 30th 2008...this includes your 2007 stamps and tags.

Hope this helps,


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I still don't know what the big deal is as to when you buy your license, you still have to buy one some time so why is it any better to buy it on the 1st of March or the 10th of June or on Christmas day what difference does it make when you buy it, as long as you know when you have to buy it.

That is the way I feel confused.gif

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I am glad they moved it back a little bit. That way it is now the license covers the entire fishing season. I hated to have to buy it again right in the middle-end of ice season.

Buy it again before the big trout opener, go get some pancakes at the Chatfield fire hall, and off we go on the new season.

You have to admit, even though the changes don't necessarily correspond to the calendar, they line up very nicely with the actual fishing season.

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 Originally Posted By: Nutty Fisherman
I still don't know what the big deal is as to when you buy your license, you still have to buy one some time so why is it any better to buy it on the 1st of March or the 10th of June or on Christmas day what difference does it make when you buy it, as long as you know when you have to buy it.

That is the way I feel confused.gif

Thats why it has become a big deal. You say "as long as you know when you to buy it". Exactly. What alot of ppl are grumbling about (including myself) is they should set a date easy to remember (Jan 1st makes most sense) and stick to it.

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On the flip side, folks who buy the 2008 license now will get two 'extra' months on the that license. The '08 license expires on April 30,2009.It really is six half, one dozen the other.Renew the license now, or wait until April.Same difference.

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Right - the only reason not to do it with the calendar year i think is because it better matches up with the fishing season this way...wally goes to end of feb roughly and so does your license until this recent change...

But it does make sense now for opening...fishing license expires and you get a new one right before going to opening landing!

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so haaad: I remember back when Mn was Jan 1st also. Yes I'm old enough to remember that. the problem they said they were running into was people on the ice on New Years Eve night and fishing into New Years Day. tough to find someplace open on New Years Eve night. Anyway they changed it many, many years ago. I think the new dates will work well, let us fish thrugh the winter season and buy the license on May 1st. Bill

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So if I get two free months this year because of the later date.... and if I buy my 2008 license now and get two free months... does that make a total of 4 free months? Can I buy the 2009 license now too? I would only need to buy 6 years of licenses and I would get a free year! That is... if my Minnesota math is correct crazy.gif

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 Originally Posted By: tisosy11
But it does make sense now for opening...fishing license expires and you get a new one right before going to opening landing!

Anyone else think that, now, popular licensing stations are NOT the place to be on opener or the day before? \:\) Plan ahead!

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What it you have a Sportman license which includes hunting privileges? How does that work. This change IMO makes NO SENSE at all. All it is doing is costing us $$ and causing confusion. I would guess most/all of us (except those that have lifetime license) but a license EVERY year. So what is being accomplished? nothing.

Maybe I missed the discussion on this.


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Why not just have the CO ask for your state issued ID and have the renewal date be your birthday? I mean [PoorWordUsage] Hey buddy let me borrow your licence, they dont know who you are and it doesnt show a picture of you, I dont want to buy one for this weekend and you have to work.

If they just attach it to our license thats all we would have to carry around, have some scanner hooked up to a phone or whatever and they can verify that it was renewed and you woudlnt have to fumble around in your wallet or tackle box to find that little piece of paper that says you have the rights to fish or hunt.

Just my O2 cents.

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