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Dueling cardinals (nope, no pic)

Steve Foss

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Just wanted to share that this morning, instead of just listening to the male cardinal sing up here on Finn Hill, we were greeted with the songs of TWO male cardinals, both singing at the same time and about 300 yards apart.

Man, I hope the female(s) made it through our winter too. Things could really be hopping this summer in the thick brush that lines the whole back of Finn Hill.

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That is too funny Steve cause I just got in from getting the paper and I can hear the male calling out for his female across the road. It is a great sound and you know spring is not to far away. We do have a new female cardinal in the neighborhood so we should have some little one's around the feeder this year.

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For the first time in nearly 15 years of living in rural Esko and now Cloquet, I had a beautiful male cardinal in the feeder yesterday afternoon. I had sworn that I had heard one calling on saturday morning as i swept off the dusting of snow from the day before, but dismissed it, as we live in more of a mature forest setting.

But there he was yesterday in all his bright red splendor, munching on the sunflower seeds. He then went high up in a popple tree and proceeded to call for awhile before flying off. It would be great to have a pair around, I grew up with them in SW Wisconsin and love to hear that call. Next bird I wish I could attract is a baltimore oriole, but so far no luck.

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A definite possibility...I am just a mile west of 35 on Moorhead road in Otter Creek. So not too very far as the "cardinal flies" from Carlton. We have hoped to see one for many years at the feeder, so yesterday was a really good day!!

I have more brown and white nuthatches than i can feed, along with chickadee central. Plus I have a really great group of pine grosbeaks that visit daily, and lots of woodpeckers that hit the suet. But there is something special about a new arrival grin.gif

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If you have black oil sunflower seeds out you might have some Goldfinch's and maybe a Morning Dove's show up but you need to keep a close eye cause they are not there long and seem to like to feed when you are at work. Lisa tells me all the birds that I have missed while at work but at least the daycare kids get to enjoy them cry.gif

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I am surprised there was no male with he. She must be an old maid. I bet she'll bring a boy around this summer.

Every morning the Cardinal has been reminding me these last couple of weeks that despite the weather, it is very close to spring.

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