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I would agree with eyepatrol. He will do well but will falter at some time. He makes to many lame moves and it will sooner or later start to cost him big time.

he is a good driver but seems to make way too many lame mistakes time and time again.

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 Originally Posted By: harvey lee
I would agree with eyepatrol. He will do well but will falter at some time. He makes to many lame moves and it will sooner or later start to cost him big time.

he is a good driver but seems to make way too many lame mistakes time and time again.

Harvey you have to assume that he will learn as he gets older to avoid the mistakes and become a Championship contender.

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Hard to argue...the kid can drive a car. It's his decision making that needs work. Right now, he's a kid who is too impatient to allow on-track opportunities to develop.

As he continues to mature, his talent will really begin to show as to when to make a move, and when not to. In a few years, he'll be gunning for a championship....it's just a matter of time.

I am no fan of Kyle, but I will give credit to his abilities. He's one of the best drivers on the track. He's got the desire and the abilities that the great drivers of the past had when they were coming into their prime. He just makes some poor on-track decisions that put him and others at risk.

Being with Gibbs will be a good thing for Kyle...his learning curve for decision making will definitely be on the fast track with Gibbs.


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Well I kinda like the bad boys. Kyle, Kurt and Smoke. They all started out cocky and rude, but they can all drive. And Smoke has mellowed out some with age. Kyle will too. I think Gibbs did alright by picking up Kyle. At least they make things more interesting off the track than pansies Johnson and Gordon. They can drive too, they just aren't interesting.

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Smokes too tubby and outta shape to be cocky, I would like to see him win a race though, just to watch him try to climb the fence!!! The Bush bros. are still in that "invincible" stage, they need to mellow out and try not to be so wreckless on the track, then they might be great. (Im still not a fan though). Jr. all the way!!

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 Originally Posted By: LMITOUT
Sid who?

Sid Hartman.

I really like Kyle and Hendrick made an insane mistake not keeping him over Mears.

He's 23 freaking years old and as far as I'm concerned handles himself quit well especially in the interviews that I have seen.

As far as self imploding on the track thats highly unlikely yeah he'll crash a few times but with his talent and more importantly his CAR which is awesome to say the least Kyle is a total LOCK to make the chase and contend for the championship.

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 Originally Posted By: NAPAFISH
Any driver that gets out of his car and pushes somebody with his helmet still ON, is a pansy in every sense of the word.

Any driver who would take out the points leader who was leading the race costing the driver the Race win and points lead and then has the lack of common sense to come up to the drivers car as he exits the car should have his head examined helmut or no helmut!

Glad I could clarify this for you guys.

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