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Barry Bonds in Twins Pins?


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I hope the twins do not even try to sign Bonds. His ego would not be a good fit in the clubhous. The twins are trying to build a you team for the future, and although Bonds was a great player (even though he had help) he would not be a good fit in a Twins uniform.

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IF they were a Barry Bonds from winning it all, I would say go for it even though I cannot stand the guy.

If it were '02 or '03 I think it would be a great move. Not in '08 however as I don't think they are any one player away from winning it all.

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That would be a major dissapointment. It would ruin what our team stands for. We never really have any big name guys on the roster, but we always seem to do pretty good. A guy like bonds would give us too much attention.

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I think it would take more then $6 mil to get Bonds to play, I dont like him, but he is fun to watch, he would bring in fans, and if we had his bat in our lineup it would be a tough line up to beat! I think his career stats should be wiped off the books, and people should stop even counting how many homers he has. But if he played for the Twins, Im pretty sure everyone of you would cheer everytime he hit a homerun! I would! I dont like him, but I would disslike him alot less if he was knocking out homers for us, rather then against us, since he is bound to end up in the AL.

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Bonds is a big-time [jerk-bait] and would be a mess in the clubhouse -- he does not play the Twins Way. During his first very slow jog to first his ear would be bleeding from Gardy yelling at him.

No way, Jose Canseco.

Might as well add Canseco if we are going to add a bunch of self-enflamed roid [PoorWordUsage].

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I'll doubt we will get him but I sure would take him in a heartbeat.

If we did get him I don't believe he would be the cancer in the clubhouse that you all think he'd be......

Windy do you really think your Whitesox's are not as dirty as the rest of major league baseball is?

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Bonds would never come to play in Minnesota unless he knew we were in the running for a WS. A couple years ago, I would have loved him on our team. He might have been able to put us over the hump. However, with the way the Twins are going, I don't see it making any sense to pay him when there is likely little chance of them going anywhere this year.

I hate him too, but wouldn't have minded seeing a DH with that kind of pop and on-base skills. He would have been monster to put in the middle of a lineup with Mauer, Morneau, Hunter, Cuddyer. Should-woulda-coulda.

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big pappi in boston and david ortiz in minnesota are two different creatures.

Ortiz didn't show any signs of what was to come. He was something like a 275 hitter with 58 homers in 4 plus years for us.

He nearly matched his twins totals in 2006 alone...

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