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Pulling Perch from Deep Water


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Was fishing last weekend for Perch in deeper water than I probably should have been in. I think I may have killed some smaller perch by accident. Does anyone know if you can release perch that have had their "air-sac" come out of their mouth. Or a method so they can be released?

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What you can also do is take your hook and pock a whole in the sack and let it deflate. Once you do that they should be good to go. Don't worry about the sack, the perch will swallow it to get it back in to place. This doesn't hurt them in anyway! I was told about this by a reliable source some years ago and have used this technique for years!

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There is technique called fizzing where you take a syringe stick it into the side of the fish just under the lateral line at about the halfway point of the fishes dorsal fin. I have seen it done on walleyes in a livewell and it does put them back to an upright swim. However, there is quite a bit of written material that speaks against the idea. My guess is that most fish biologists would not recommend this procedure. I would be interested to hear from one on their views about this procedure.

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There was a study done by the Fisheries Section, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources on "fizzing" and mortality rates of the different fish species being brought up from different depths. They also contacted the various states and other Canadian provinces to find out which ones if any regulated the act of fizzing. According to their table, Minnesota was listed as "no - not allowed". Haven't been able to find anything in the Minnesota regulations to confirm this. I would post a link to the article but I don't know if that is allowed on this site.

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Don't think it works on eye's and perch.

The only fish it works on are ones that do not have a sealed air bladder (catfish, dog fish and pout). Eye's and perch fill there bladder through osmoses. More then likly if you try to fizz a perch you still are poping a hole(death).

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