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Is It Too Early To Get an American Idol Thread Going?

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i was very disappointed tonight when i was watching the show. I still think that carly is a way better signer then Jason, along with Sayesha.

Its getting more and more like a popularity contest, not signing, and i dont like it becuase the wrong people are getting voted off.

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Its always been a popularity contest, so is selling records!

Carly was due to go anytime, she horribly oversings everything and she's quite annoying so I am fine with her going, even though she had the third worst performance of last night. How that stoner dude keeps on getting votes is simply beyond me, but he'll go soon enough, hopefully next week. Syesha I really don't get why she keeps ending up in the bottom, the girl can blow and the physique is EXCELLENT...

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yea, I was definitely happy to see tattoo girl go home... I just got annoyed with her singing. blah... kinda of a boring AI week this week, so yea.

Should be a good week next week with Neil Diamond as the guest.

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I was fine with Carlye going, but COME ON!!!!! How is "Stone Henge" not in the bottom? Anyone hear him talk? I think he had a fatty before the show. Maybe Simone was right that when Brook started over it showed she was human and kids related to it. Notice up front it's the 12 year olds and those are the ones voting.

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Well I guess I got one of the three correct in picking Carly in the bottom 3!!!

It is a sad day indeed for us older viewers of American Idol. It has now been made abundantly clear that this is no longer about good singing, it is 100% popularity which is OK as long as they don't sit there talking about the song choice and pitch etc. Seems kind of hipocritical when it is all about getting pre-teens to text in thier dream guy's number, period!

I thought that based on talent, the final three would be the two Davids and Carly but it is now clear that it is anybody's game.

I think Carly was too far out there on the fringe with her tattoos and her more than weird husband with his complete body tattoo and multiple, multiple body piercings (notice he was not even there last night?) I just think that "America" did not accept her.

As for Sayesha, I can not think of one single reason she was in the bottom two aside from one thing that I hesitate to mention but I think it has to be the race card. She looked great, sang great and got huge reviews across the board from the judges so how could she land in the bottom? Maybe because very few black people watch American Idol? Not sure and I hate to play that card but what else could explain it.

Brook should have been in the bottom two, no questions asked for blowing the lyrics even though she did redeem herself with a decent performance. She should have been made to sweat for the gaff.

On talent alone, Jason butchered that song, it was obvious from the start that Weber tried to talk him out of the song, none of the judges liked the song choice or the performance, even Paula was hard pressed to try to put a positive spin on her critique yet he passes thru to the top 5????

A sad day indeed! Throw talent out the window and start warming up those texting fingers cause popularity rules.


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Yeah, I guess your right about the 12 year olds. If that is the case, Archaleta will be the hands down winner...him and dreads will go head to head.

It won't matter how good Seyesha looks and sings, won't matter how hard Cook rocks, Teflon Brooke, like Mr. Gotti, will take one on the chin.

Davids dad will tune him up..."Now you lick your lips and get up there and sing....if you don't bring home this title you are in big trouble mister!"

Dreads will put a couple of new twists in his hair, maybe some ribbon, nab a couple of tokes, saunter out on stage and fight David, mano e mano!

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i'm still trying to figure out how everyone posting on here can PROFILE Jason, Mr. Dreads, blah blah blah, as a "pothead, dopesmoker!" In our society today, the last thing we need is, what i would call, common-sense sometimes intelligent people, PROFILING humans as you all are doing. Think about it.

Should we have made assumptions because Carly has tattoos, David A. sings in higher pitch, Kristi LC was a cowgirl?

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TwinkeeDink, I'm not labeling 'cause of his dreads. Have you looked at his eyes or listened to him talk. Watch the way he walks, talks, whatever. I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin', if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck............well.

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In my opinion it comes with the territory? If one puts themselves on the public stage, then their lives are pretty much an open book. The Poparatzzi pretty much have carte blanche with celebrities and you don't hear of anyone calling their fun and games profiling?

Spoofing and having fun well away from the actuality of the situation, is only that, spoofing and having fun....I'm sure profiling never even entered anyones mind...well, maybe some people? \:o

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not looking for support, or calling anyone out. just saying. i know it's all in fun here, but think about how easily this transfers to the "outside" world.

you have this AI thread discussion with a group in an establishment and happen to have a group of people, 2 with dreads, sitting behind you. you don't think they'd be a little bit offended? if, of course, they don't burn.

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Who outside of Jamaica where's dreads anyway? What is that all about? Especially a honky like me???? That's just bizarre and this dude's manorisms are all stoner. All he needs is a bag of Doritos and there wouldn't be any doubt left!!!

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As a former longhair, I know what it feels like to be stereo typed. I didn't do drugs and I barely drank in my days in a road band, but that's how I was labled be people who saw me. I'm not making these claims by his rasta wraps, I'm going off how he acts and talks. I've been around it a lot and seen a lot that act like that. Now he may not do it, and that's a good probablility as none of us know him. But it's also fun to pick on those folks, especially the ones we can't stand.

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 Originally Posted By: Sandmannd
I was fine with Carlye going, but COME ON!!!!! How is "Stone Henge" not in the bottom? Anyone hear him talk? I think he had a fatty before the show. Maybe Simone was right that when Brook started over it showed she was human and kids related to it. Notice up front it's the 12 year olds and those are the ones voting.

DUDE, WHERES MY CAR? <<<>>> ~~~

yea, even my wife thinks hes a stoner

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Man? I know they hijack vessels off the coast of Somolia, but I didn't think someone would try to hijack this thread with this downer stuff?

What outside world? Whose gonna make the transfer? It's not like we'er spouting scripture here? It's a frikken television show for cryin out loud? I would guess that if this stuff bugs you, you probably shouldn't read it? No use gettin the old undies in a bunch over nothin?

If you are really put off, complain to the editors, or moderators, or whatever!

Geeze, it seems that when someone has a ballon they are having fun with, there always seems to be someone around with a pin!

Everybody gets spoofed, the 2 with dreads that you spoke of, might be raggin on the nerds sittin behind em talkin about The American Idol! If the nerds said they were offended, they would probably get a good beat down to top it off!

George Bush, our countries president gets spoofed, doesn't mean we are profiling Texans! You ever watch Dave Chapelle?

We have a weak case for profiling on one hand and a strong case for censorship on the other? Hummmm, this is way to involved for me, I think I'll jump outta this and just stick with the Idol chatter.

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I am a city councilman, I hand out money by the thousands daily, am an EMT and fireman, 4H director, Junior Achievement volunteer and a parent, and also a 14 plus year sober drug addict and alchoholic. By the way, I am balding, have tatoo's, both ears pierced multiple times and listen to classical music in my diesel pickup truck.

Looks mean squat!

And the fact that I was dumb enough to be a "Ganjaman", didn't prevent me from achieving the above mentioned things. While we are posting things on the internet, he is in front of the world and maybe a step ahead of us in the rat race we all live in while trying to get to the top.

The guy is not conventional, but in his own right, can sing, maybe not to your liking, but to many he evidentally is doing something right.

I agree with Windy, vocally Carly was top 3, but something didn't click with the voters. At this point, I like them all. But won't always agree with the voting. I still think, David A can and will sell the snot out of albums when he gets his day. I do pick him to win. Both because I think he is vocally better, and because if I was signing one of them to a lable I owned, it would be him, because he appeals to the largest music buying market... kids and moms!

Thank goodness I didn't have to look at that freaky bad plastic surgery mess Paul Stanley again, I had nightmares.

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 Originally Posted By: Seeker of Clayface

Jason Castro?

Now that is freaking hilarious!!!! grin.gif So true and one of the funniest I've seen. Now I have to go clean the soda I just spewed at my monitor off.

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Thank you muc, exactly what I was trying to point out, just much better stated.

grebe, not to keep this banter rolling but, i'm totally about jokes and havin a ball just thought this "concept" was being hammered a little too often.

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