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Is It Too Early To Get an American Idol Thread Going?

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Not to disagree, its all friendly debate.

I think more of your issues with Casto is you dont like his looks and or his style music he sings. Becuase, the boy can sing, he doesnt miss many notes.

I do agree that people seem to vote with cumulative, well we know that to be fact because if it wasn't then David A would have been gone for missing those words a few weeks back.

Each week from here on out it will probably be a shocker for someone. All the ones remaining could have won any of the previous AI years in my opinion. Underwood was very good the year she won, but she is much better now than when she won. Fact is, there is a lot of tallent this year.

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I got 2 out of the 3 bottomfeeders, didn't see Sayesha coming but I nailed Kristi Lee (don't I wish) and also tagged Brook. I thought Brook's performance was weak and I thought she was going and looking at her face and reaction I think she thought she was going too! I did say that the boys rocked it and blew the girls away and I did have an all estrogen bottom three prediction.

I guess us FM'ers will have to double up on the cold showers now that Kristi Lee is gone. We knew it was a good thing that was going to end, just didn't know when.


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WCWH....I had Brook and Kristy as toss ups to be in the bottom 3 and I also had Seyesha, but alas, I had Carly there also. I was sure it would be Carly that was going home? Brook, it doesn't seem to matter, she gets more chances then John Gotti had! "The Teflon Idol"!

I don't know man? I think they might be dipping her in flour before each show? She gets whiter with each performance? Pretty soon, all thats gonna be on stage is a big set of blue eyes and a funky lookin dress....you won't be able to see the rest of her! You know, the Casper effect. Either she should start eating some beef, gettin some sun, or talk to the make up people...maybe all of the above?

Seyesha was lookin pretty sharp last night! She already looks and sings like a celebrity, she sure carries herself in a professional manner....she has a future in the entertainment industry, thats for sure!

Hey, could that skirt on Carey have been any shorter without there being some sneak previews? I bet alot of dudes had their heads bent sideways! She must have copped that one from Synia Twain....no relation to Mark!

Seacrest goes home next week...you heard it here first! grin.gif

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If it went by the week, I thought she should have stayed. If it goes overall, she should have gone. I don't have much problem with her going. Would love to see rasta boy go, but the tweeny bop girls love him and that David kid. He can sing, but is boring as heck. I'm still hoping Cook takes it, but we all know that won't happen. I'm betting lil' salimander takes it.

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I have nothing left to look forward to... ;(

I think Kristy probably had the best song of the night, should have been tattoo chick to go home. I think her turn is next to go, that or Brooke.

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now the clock starts again, the right person went home, lets face it she wasn't going to win....tick tock tick tock.....possibly Syeesha or Carly next week, or wil the guys fumble? Anyone know what next weeks theme is

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Tell me about it Grebe! I think I saw a little moss on the ole tree stump there for a minute. Glad to see that her millions have not been wasted, she is investing in a little silicone these days! Too funny, what a diva wanna be. And the song was a dud to boot. What the heck was she doing mapping out each note in the air with her fake french fingernails??? Give me Kristi Lee in a heartbeat over Mariah and the silicone sisters.


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WCWH....You got that right! Kristy didn't need a short skirt

(although I wouldn't have kicked about it) she looked good in everything she wore, even that dress in her losing performance.

Alas, next year it will be, "Kristi who?" Just like UFC fighers, they comes and they goes!

Hey, what did you think of Elliot? I thought he sounded pretty good myself? I think he had some botox put in his teeth though? grin.gif If his singing career fails, he could always audition for one of them Geico commercials. grin.gif

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I never liked Elliot myself, I always thought he looked like one of those garden gnomes but my wife liked him and I said the exact same thing about his new choppers, I said it looked like his teeth were too big for his mouth! Too funny how everybody picks up on the same things.


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 Originally Posted By: Windy City Walleye Hunter
Too funny how everybody picks up on the same things.

Well it was pretty hard to miss the chicklets (or lack there of) before. Hard not to see the new chicklets, but he looks better. I felt bad for him that he lost his Mom. Didn't care for the kid, but I don't like to hear that from anyone.

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Kidney stone passing boy just got done singing and I am going to shoot an early prediction out there. CASTRO bottom 3! (finally)

Brooke, a close second for a spot in the bottom 3.

It's getting tougher to say who might be the third one......it's up in the air!

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3 people have sang to this point and 2 of them are in the bottom 3....I thought they should have gotten the hook a long time ago.

This is the 2nd time Brook has forgotten her lines....bring back Kristy!

Man, wasn't Mercardos performance somethin? And did she look hot, or what?

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I think so far we all agree that the bottom 2 are Castro and White.... OF the 2 I think White will go home, but will not be surprised if its Castro. White has been in the bottom 3 the last few times I think, and probably will go home.

Mercardo was on tonight, as was David A in my opinion. I thought Smithson yelled her way through the song, but it was decent.

Cook didn't do it for me at all, in MY bottom 3, but will make it on past performances. I acually thought Cook was the worst of the night, and to be honest could go home as well.. However, he has had such great perfomances, I hope that isnt the case...But I thought it was brutal. I cant believe the judges liked it so much...Blew me away!!!

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I guess it doesn't make any difference who the 3rd person in the bottom is and personally, I haven't a clue, but I believe that Brook will be going home tomorrow! Dreads was throaty and not that good, but he didn't forget any words.

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i have a hard press feeling that cook will be in the bottom three just becuase the mad is a stud on stage.

I believe its time for Jason to go home, but my gut tells me that brooke mightbe on the way out the day. Also, my girl looked smoking hot tonight in that red dress, she did well tonight.

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Odd night, odd time to make them sing songs from the stage???

Anyhow, Castro, not bad, but not good enough, bottom 3.

Brooke, guts, to quit another song in midstream on live tv, but bottom 3.

Final choice for the porch... tougher, but I will say Carly. She is safe though.

Going home............ I guess Castro, even though I dig the dude's singing.

can you say saYESha, yowwwwwaza, smokin hot in that dress.

HELLO, How you doin'

On the sad note of the night, if anyone taped it, did you see the ugliest woman in the world? She was right after they gave David Archuletta's phone number. I am sure it was Paul Stanley from KISS, man that was one UGLY HE/SHE.....

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That was a guy????? Dude is ugly.....

Bottom three is Brooke, Castro, perhaps carly. Brooke is going home. Sayesha was so smoking hot. I apparently muttered something and my wife gave me a dirty look. Pretty Funny.

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I thought Sayesha was one of the best tonight. I didn't mind Cook or Carley. I think Rasta boy and Brook in the bottom two. Would love to see Jason go, but it will probably be Brook. You just can't forget the words to a song.

I think it was a boring week though. Who picks the genra of music to sing. Horrible to have the kids do that. Little David A was in heaven singing that sappy stuff though.

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Syesha is built for speed baby!!! What a physique!!!

Castro has been awful for weeks and will surely be bottom two. That was just plain terrible last night. Extremely breathy and no vocal sound. Really bad.

White has just lost it. Ever since she did Carly Simon she's been regressing. She'll be bottom two also for sure and while I'd prefer Castro, my bet is White goes home.

I would put Smithson bottom three with them. She always yells instead of sings. I've said that here at least three times now, she ALWAYS does that.

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I thought that Rasta Boy was going, hands down after watching him sing (if you can call it that).....Until Brook sang....Then didn't sing....Then sang again! What a blunder, though I think she did redeem herself with a decent song, unlike Rasta who butchered his song from start to finish. As soon as I saw him talking about the song choice I knew it would be a train wreck.

Not too sure who will be the third bottom feeder but it won't matter. It has to be either Carly or Sayesha, probably Carly, but it won't be either of the Davids. Cook rocked it out and Salamander did his thing even though I can't stand him, you know all the pre-teens will keep him afloat.

Got to say Ganja boy has sung his last song, if America votes on the performances last night. Brook should follow next week and then it will get really interesting!


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33...Do you think the choice of singing venues could be by design to weed certain ones out?

There are some left in the finals that probably are limited in their overall stage presence, but I can tell ya, Seyesha isn't one of them! That ditty last night was custom made for her! She sings the notes right off the chart, has the looks and the build...she is definately going somewhere in the recording industry!

On the other hand, there are a couple that just didn't toe the mark last night...could that be by design? One of em and I'd say that is Brooke, is going home tonight and the other next week.

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 Originally Posted By: paceman
That was a guy????? Dude is ugly.....

I apparently muttered something and my wife gave me a dirty look. Pretty Funny.

ME TOO!!! \:\)

I was so embarrassed for Brooke, that has to very rough knowing 30 million+ people just watched you choke! \:\/

David C was rockin again, that guy got my vote for sure.

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\:o What the %$#&? How did that girl end up in the bottom two? What is America watching? With the stumble and everything she still outshines Seyesha? I don't think so! Hows that work?

Dreads is going home and Seysha is in the bottom two just to give it some credence. Screw this, wife just yelled down that Dreads is safe, that means Carly goes home....this chit is rigged!

Final vote is in...this ain't right?

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Not sure what to say or think anymore! There is no way in the world that Sayesha should have been in the bottom three let alone Carly. I think there ought to be a age limit for voters, say 20 and up! This is a total mutiny! I woulda bet the farm that it would have been Brooke and stone passerboy in the bottom two for sure! Teenyboppers have there got to singers in Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers!

It just does not make any sense!

We need to take a stand!!!!

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