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Ice fishing 2007-2008

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Nice report and pics Kyle and yes the stadium seat set-up you fabbed looked great and will save on the back spasms. Or was it the aul out there. One thing I forgot to mention on our trip was when Tuzzy and I first went on the ice to go out where a couple of guys ventured was about 3" of slush that stuck to the bottom of the traps like mud. We got the leaded down sleds up the hill and spent about 5 minutes knocking off all the slush and snow that miraculously stuck to the bottom \:\( At least we had some excitement..

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Thanks for posting the pics guys.

They look a little like something out of the "Twilight Zone"

I was able to pick off a lot of larger fish by Sight Fishing only! It was a pain in the butt playing keep away from the Slime Darts. I could tell when one was in the area and simply get up and move to another pre drilled hole and start plucking again. The only down side to that type of fishing is my BACK! It doesn't feel so good right now...LOL.

The better half couldn't understand why I have thousands of dollars in electronics and didn't use any. I told her I was trying to keep the Electric Bill down from not having to recharge them...LOL.

She didn't buy it!

Tim is right...now we have decisions to make on what frozen lake to hit. I live around so many...I plan on just splitting my days on a few.

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Doug man you are located in a meca of lakes out there! So little time, so many options...

I like those pics Jimmy made their trippy! I love sight fishing, its the ultimate. Can beat the 5's tho when it comes to deeper water...

oh BTW, if your looking for a partner for Silver 08' i got a good one for you man, you guys would be a good team based on your personalities and also techniques...he was there last year grin.gif, he would have finished 15h or so if he and his team mate could count to 15 whistle.gif let me know if your seriously looking and i'll talk to him.

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Tyler,Im still tryin to get back home for those big eyes, and up to LG for the lakers. How are those spots shaping up back home? We will figure something out, give me or Tim a call if you have some dates your seriously considering coming out here....or if you want to shoot for a day home @ LG or for the eyes at #^@%#*^#@%*^ whistle.gif Lol....

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Lake George is not looking good They have a live cam on it and the ice is not looking good but time will tell . I would like to come out and fish with your bunch . and when ever you and timmy want to come out this way we can hit a couple spots I have a good morning spot and hit the eyes in the afternoon . bud and I are getting out early to day to hit the eye spot for a couple of hours .

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Tank and I got out today on a small local lake. Drilled lots of holes and ended up doing rather well. Each hole was good for 2-6 fish then ya had to move. Mostly medium perch with some true slob gills mixed in, plus some small crappie...

Dad with one pushing that magic 10in mark...


Two dandies...


Who needs a gill pill when you have DC's soft hackle nymph, he he...


Well past the wrist...


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WOW...nice Brutes DC & Tank. Looked like you had a little sun for the great Pics.

I still look forward to meeting you guys!

Let me know what your favorite Hardwater Treats are?...Oh, this time Tim and Kyle can't come...it's just ThunderChum and you 2!


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 Originally Posted By: CNY Tim
Me too... You guys have fun and I am surpised O'l Slipbob ain't joining ya grin.gif

Some nice fish and pics coming from all around by everybody. Timmy, I actually was out there both today and yesterday in the afternoon. Probably will fish Saturday and Sunday afternoons also. Ice is getting nice and it's easy walking and the fish are biting, the worst part has been the wind the last two days but I'll think we can use the 4 wheelers by the weekend on a lot more lakes here which will be nice grin.gif

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Well done Vassil's those are very chunky gills. That camera is the nuts Jay, your getting really good at that new toy of yours, nice shots... What no underwater shot's? You should have seen the video Maki sent of the MarCum 825C in action that's going to be a hot item.

Dougy - Did Kyle and I wear out our sandwich welcome? Good luck tomorrow can't wait for your report, should be a good one...LOL

SlipBob I knew with good ice you'd be cutting out of work early, good for you. I shoukld start doing that and going to Oneida instead of the "Desert" Delta...

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Otis,I know the corkers are a pain to put on I have two pair they are getting old starting to come apart and not wanting to stay on my feet that well.I am going to buy a new pair so I don't have these problems I just have to get up to snow country grin.gif to get some.Guys like you and I don't like to fall on our BEHINDS and with corkers you don't ussally have to worry about that just my opinion TODD.

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Hey Aaron.... Artic Spurs - From my experience they work great on rubber pacs and military bunny boots but they don't on Rockies or higher arched boots... That's why I have the rubber galosh type pullover ones, there not HT (They are a waste of money period) rubber slips there something else I just can't remember who makes them, I'll try to get that for you tonight. Another thing that's hard is I have a size 12" foot and all the rubber pull over types are very nice but I still had a wicked problem with the HT's flinging off like nothing. It seems this other brand is better for my Rockies, definitely studded better and the ice cleats below are comfortably spaced. They were a bit more expensive but, I really love my Rockies...

Kyle how did you like the Arctic Spurs the time we fished with Doug?

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There's another cleat on the market that seems good. Stabilicers. They strap over the boot so they don't come off. I found them for about $30 and the Lites for $13. I bought a pair of Georgia boots called Ice Tekkers a bunch of years ago. They had removable golf cleats in the soles. They discontinued them but you can find a few on the net or hsolist sometimes. Mine are 1600 gr. thinsulate. Just got some titanium carbide cleats for them too. Should last a long time. Boots have hardly any wear on them. Worth every penny.

Did like the Dr said and relaxed a few days. Think I'll go out tomorrow. Not sure where yet. Anyone heading out?

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Thanks for the input guy's. I do think the corkers are nice for walking, but there just too bulky to carry around. I don't like to wear them unless I need them.

I'm still missing a bucket with alot of my ice stuff in it from our move. Maybe I'll get a pair of the arctic spurs for now and throw in the bag when my corkers show up.

One thing I did with the corkers was to replace each of the laces with six feet of 3/8 inch rope. They are much easier to keep on now.

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That's it Ray... \:\) I have both Stabilicers, light for my Rockies and the Heavy Duty ones I have yet to try on the ice. Make sure if you order the heavy duty to get your exact size your foot is because if you order a size 13 for a size 12 you'll be dissapointed with how big they are. So on the Heavy icers stick to your size.

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I liked the artic spurs Tim...ive used every make available and most i've tired 3 things have happened. 1 you walk out of them, meaning they just fall off...2 the rubber when cold snappes and rips, or 3 you have to have the stgrength of a gorilla to pull them on...

The one thing I did like about the Artic Spur was that i didnt experience any of these problems, would i buy a pair, yes. Is it the ultimate cleat out there? I would say no. But then again i havent found any that gets a 5 star rating yet.

This all depends however on your style of boot...a large pack boot is going to require a different cleat than say rubber boots, vs Mickeys!

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My funds are low this week but I'll be fishing somewhere this weekend. I live in Minoa so I'll probably be fishing Oneida (got some small bays I want to try for panfish) and if the panfish don't work out I'll be walking to deeper ground for some perch. What's everyone else doing? If someone wants to come along or hook up and fish somewhere else give me a shout. [email protected]

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