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gift hints from the ladies.....

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Something to pamper her... like a massage or at a spa.. Something just for her.. not the baby or you...

She deserves it.. right

You can also if the baby hasn't been born yet... Run a bath with rose petals tossed in, help her in and out if she can get into the bath and shes not dilated, and wash her, telling her how beautiful she is, and your so proud of her. Then dry her off, help her on with a robe and walk her to the bed, and massage her legs feet and so on, rubbing lotion into her skin. Then go make dinner and serve it to her by candle light, this time together just you and her will be the last for 18 plus years so take advantage of it..

After the baby comes.. make sure what ever you do its for her, everyone will be all over the baby and baby gifts but people tend to forget the mum... She's giving you the greatest gift you will ever get in life.. your child

hope that helps

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Oh Kallista what a great idea and so true about being a new mom! Let's see what would I want? I know! A Jason Mitchell rod with the babies name and birthdate engraved on it! OK in all seriousness, I went to a baby shower not that long ago and the new mom had this silver necklace on with a heart dangling from it with the babies name on one side and the birthdate on the other. I thought it was neat. BTW, I'm glad things worked out with the CO issue kingfisher.

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Something that I've always found to be almost too easy, is when your wife goes to take a shower, throw a towel in the dryer. When you hear the water shut off, grab the towel and bring it to her. The warm towel after the shower is great, especially this time of year.

See if there is something your wife is in to like gardening or scrapbooking or whatever. I look at those types of stores and see if they offer classes. I usually get a Gift Card and a sheet that details the classes offered. She picks the ones she likes and gets to learn more about her interests.

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Holy crackers Powerstroke! You are awesome. I hope my husband actually reads the ladies forum sometimes and gets some great ideas. Maybe someone should start ROMANTIC ideas-I'm joking! I'm joking! Please let's not start that romantic/dating stuff again. Maybe one post on Valentine's Day Ok?

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Get her a table saw, or a grinder, I hear northern tool has is having a sale on shop heaters and welders right now.

It's not the gift, it's the thought that counts. If she doesn't want it you can always use the stuff.

I agree with BoilerGuy, I bought Mrs. WeedShark a grinder for Christmas. She liked it so much she cried and said, "Someday I'm going to repay you for all the memorable gifts you've given me." Boy, I can't wait to see what she's got in mind...

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Maybe this thread can be expanded to holiday gift ideas. I have a couple ladies that are really tough to shop for, so I need some generic ideas as they aren't too out-of-doorsy. I already caught heck for giving a rod and reel combo for a birthday gift....Figured she'd want her own instead of using mine! Boy was I wrong. confused.gif

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I already caught heck for giving a rod and reel combo for a birthday gift....Figured she'd want her own instead of using mine! Boy was I wrong.

Yopu should know that whatever you're using at the moment is ALWAYS better than anything they're using at the moment. Especially hunting and fishign gear.

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Well I've tried and tossed my replies a couple times today. I think it's because I sound so darn greedy and girly! Oh well maybe I am what I am-here goes:

Anything UnderArmour

Smartwool sox (I LOVE SOX!)

Bath and Bodyworks stuff-they all smell great

Nice Sweaters that aren't BUSY PATTERNS

Framed Photos (personal and nice)

Sudoku anything

You can't go wrong with JEWELRY!

Well ok then. Just some things I love getting. Hope that helps!

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Yay KingFisher way to go.. giving her the pamper gift is the best after the wee one comes for sure..

Lisa, i feel like i should do another post about dating just cause you said.. lets not start it again...LOL

Maybe we should start a thread about Lisa socks fetish?


i bet it will rock and roll lol

ok all kidding aside.. Lisa said some nice gifts for sure..

I love all the hunting, fishing things for yule gifts tho, but i know many women are not into this like us girls are here.

But you can use this wisely guys.. want that weekend away ice fishing why not get her that weekend at the spa for pampering too?..

Or maybe plane tickets to somewhere she might want to go..

Jewerly is nice too.. but i rather have a new rifle or rod lol

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If you really want to know what she wants, ask her friends. My hubby has done this a couple of times. This makes it fun for her friends as well as for her when she hears about all the planning you did.

I tend to be all over the map when it comes to what gifts I want. One year it was a bandsaw, another it was more girly. smirk.gif Keeps him on his toes!

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My wife and I don't exchange gifts. If we do, they are quite small.

What we do is sit down and discuss something we both want...but don't really need. We then buy it for us for Christmas. It has to be something we wouldn't buy anyway...such as if our lawn mower broke down so we buy a new lawn mower (bad example, but I think you get it).

I am think his and hers kayaks this year...but we need to talk about it yet and if we can afford it....

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My wife and I usually find a vacation spot we would both like to spend a week or two at and then go. As far as gifts, I always here that diamonds are a girls best friend and my wife also agrees. I just make sure that she picks it out just as I would want to pick out a new gun if she was going to purchase that as a gift for me.

There also have been a few gift certificates for a massage that have been purchased and also some certificates for french nails and such.

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