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Call of Duty 4


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 Originally Posted By: DeanoB
now why would i waste good money on an underpowered, outdated, non blu ray playing, have to pay to play online, owned by microsoft xbox 360?

So that you actually owned a system that they make games for and that people play grin.gif

I will agree with the anti-microsoft part of your statement. However if you want the "Best" online gaming experience you would buy an xbox 360. $50-$60/year (less than a game) covers most games on xbox live. I look at it this way if you can't afford or are too cheap to pay for an online subscription then you should have saved your money and not bought a system. The only reason I am considering a PS3 is for the blue-ray, but I'll wait another year as sony still doesn't know which system stats they want to stay with. 20gb, 40gb, 60gb, 80gb, and now they are talking 120gb. Make up your mind. With the poor market share that sony holds on gaming I think there will be another price drop soon enough.

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I have no problem paying...but why? As of right now the 360 has more games, but not better games. Blu ray alone is worth the money, besides there is no comparision in quality the processor in the PS3 outperforms 360 all day long...as for price drops, Xbox has dropped the price too, plus it's been out at least a full year longer, so more games should be expected... besides how does that giant external HDD look sitting next to the 360? lol...so easy to upgrade a 2.5 SATA HDD in the PS3 to whatever size you want. No thanks Bill Gates you have enough money.

I just posted to find some people that wanted to play COD4 on PSN...didn't know we were getting into the whole PS3 vs. 360 debate.

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 Originally Posted By: jpz
And also, if you shop around and hit fleabay you can get a year of Live for $27 or even cheaper! (that's what I did)

Thanks for that tip! I will check them out next time I need a new subscription

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I was wonding if you finish all the weapon challanges and get the gold gun. Do you lose them, when you go to the next prestige level? I'm prestige level 43 or and I lost the gold desert eagle the second time around. It takes forever to get the 150 headshots, and I'm wondering if it's worth it. Does the red tiger camo offer any advantages?

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 Originally Posted By: mamohr686
I was wonding if you finish all the weapon challanges and get the gold gun. Do you lose them, when you go to the next prestige level? I'm prestige level 43 or and I lost the gold desert eagle the second time around. It takes forever to get the 150 headshots, and I'm wondering if it's worth it. Does the red tiger camo offer any advantages?

The Red tiger camo is an advantage to your enemies (easier to spot you). Each level of prestige you lose everything.

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And then you start over..................and over............

Menace(Fishy,) you been on lately dude? That sucked when I tried to connect to your party and classic Nogo from Live.....

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 Originally Posted By: jpz
And then you start over..................and over............

Menace(Fishy,) you been on lately dude? That sucked when I tried to connect to your party and classic Nogo from Live.....

Haven't been on lately, been busy with work and too lazy to game, how sad is that. Leaving tomorrow morning to head up to URL thru sunday so I won't be on for a while.

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Robert Bowling, Infinity Ward Community Relations Manager, has announced that the new feature patch for the Xbox 360 version of Call of Duty 4 has finished its internal testing and development and has officially been sent off to Microsoft for Certification. Below is a list of some of the new features found in this upcoming patch:

New Kill Cams

We?ve added new Kill Cams for everything. So now those ?[PoorWordUsage]!? grenades that seemingly come from no where, you can see that a guy threw it over the house, it hit a tree branch, bounced off a rock, into a tiny window, where you happened to be pointing out of, and say?? whoa. Follow behind RPGs and M203?s kill cams, claymores, Airstrikes where you can follow the bomb from the plane until it hits you.

Host Migration

Now you won?t have to be dropped back by yourself when a host leaves. Instead, everyone will stay together, a new host will be assigned, and the game will auto-start back up. Keeping everyone together, no more re-inviting, re-joining games because some host leaves. This has been a tall order and something that we?ve put a lot of work into which has allowed us to really optimize online play all around not just specifically with Host migration.

Improved Sniper / ACOG Accuracy

Sniper and ACOG scopes have been tweaked and are really improved. I use to not snipe at all (mainly because I?m a horrible sniper), but now it?s so much more fluid and natural, while still having the same difficulty to use, it has no more ?[PoorWordUsage] I know I hit that guy!? moments.

Upgraded Spectator Cam

Now when you?re in spectator mode you can follow them in 3rd person, switch to their first person view, or rotate the camera in a full 360 degrees around whoever you?re watching.

Quick Mute Option

Users will now be able to quick mute players on the fly by pulling up the scoreboard in-game or via the lobby by simply going to their name and hitting the mute assigned button. As quickly as calling in and designating an airstike. So no longer getting killed while trying to make your way through the Xbox blades for the mute option so you can shut up the guy who always seems to find it funny to sing into his mic or cover up for his lack of skill by telling you how to play Domination his way.

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I should have mentioned that was announced a while ago, so hopefully they'll have some updates as soon as Microsoft writes off on them.

The Host Migration issue will be one of the better improvements. Should stop a lot of the game stoppage and having to wait to join another group after everyone gets booted by the "host".

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I love this patch!!!! I can get into darn near every game I've tried.......Scopes work better.....It's a good thing spring is closing in or I could be in the house a whole lot.

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The best gets even better!

Call of Duty 4 DLC Map Pack Hands-On

If you're tired of Middle Eastern villages and Russian forests, take heart: Infinity Ward has some shiny new battlefields on the way soon.

By Brad Shoemaker, GameSpot

Posted Mar 12, 2008 5:39 pm PT

Last year was exceptionally strong for first-person shooters. Yet despite being one of the latest genre releases in the year, Call of Duty 4 towered over its competition. There are so many shooters released these days that it's hard to stick with an online community for more than a few weeks, but even months later, we're still obsessively playing COD4's addictive online mode with no end in sight. So we counted ourselves among the incredibly fortunate when we headed down to developer Infinity Ward's Southern California offices recently to check out the game's first downloadable map pack, which is coming later this spring.

We got a chance to chat with IW community relations manager Robert Bowling--better known to COD4 diehards by his online handle, "fourzerotwo"--about the pending downloadable maps. The first thing he told us was the first thing we wanted to hear about this pack: The Middle Eastern and Russian environments will no longer comprise the entirety of the retail game's lineup. Now that the team has moved on from the single-player campaign (and has time to work up some new art assets), we can expect to see new Call of Duty 4 maps set in entirely new locations separate from the original game.

Well, except one of the maps in this pack. It's called Broadcast and is lifted from the Iraqi campaign "Charlie Don't Surf," in which you assault a television station where the enemy is holed up. Don't think the team just copied and pasted the campaign map into this multiplayer pack, though. It does contain the iconic, cavernous main room with its dozens of computer monitors and TV screens, as well as a big map of the world on the wall. We can tell you from experience that that's a great place for multiplayer firefights, with all those cubicles to duck down behind and all that equipment just waiting to get shot up by you or your opponents. A large-scale multiplayer match concentrated in that room is going to be serious calamity.

But Broadcast has been expanded significantly throughout its incarnation in the campaign. There are multiple routes into and out of that main room. Some routes lead up to the building's second floor, replete with smaller rooms and hallways. The map is mostly indoors, so air strikes and helicopters will be largely ineffectual--except up on the roof, which you can access from the second floor, as well as in the expanded parking lot area outside the main building. On the other side of that parking lot is another new, smaller building that you can hide out in as well.

The second map we played is entirely new, and it's named Creek. But there's a lot more to it than a simple babbling brook. This is a very large-scale outdoor map with a small cluster of houses on one side of it. In the middle, there's a huge ravine circling the perimeter with multiple levels of pathways up its side. Down below, the trail leads along the eponymous creek bed to a waterfall. Elsewhere along the base of the ravine, there's a lengthy and winding cave that cuts underneath the hill then out to the other side. As big as it is, there are a lot of places to go on this map; from prone sniping atop the cliff face to hiding out behind a rock in the tunnel, you never know where an opponent will be attacking you.

Broadcast naturally looks exactly like COD4's campaign, but Infinity Ward's artists have done a nice pass on Creek to give it a distinctive look, with rocky terrain and various sorts of foliage that are more verdant than what you've seen in the previous Russian maps. It all feels a little sunnier and more pleasant than the game's other forested maps, too--at least until you catch a slug between your teeth. Because there's so much underbrush and shrubbery on top of the cliffs here, Bowling pointed out that it's a great map for you to use the sniper's ghillie suit for blending in while going for some sneaky kills.

There will actually be four maps in the final pack, though we can only really tell you about these two. The other two will be Chinatown, which is pretty self-explanatory, and Killhouse, which is a "bonus" map that we didn't get any hard details on (though we were told to think of the single-player campaign's initial training level as a reference). The map pack will be available on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in the coming months for an unspecified price. But interestingly, Infinity Ward hasn't decided how the maps will be distributed on the PC, where players are much more expectant of postrelease bonus content being released for free. Realistically, Call of Duty 4's multiplayer is so absurdly good that would have gladly handed over cash for whatever maps the designers could have phoned in--so we're especially glad to see them putting so much time and care into this first release.

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