wazz Posted September 28, 2007 Share Posted September 28, 2007 I haven't been hunting since I was a kid, now my son who is 11, wants to go hunting. I have some questions that I hope you'all can answer. We have no guns, what size would be good for the boy? A 410, 16ga...Can he hunt without a license, as long as I have one. I think thats what I got from the DNR site. How does somebody learn to cut-up, or pluck or skin, the victums? Aside from just go and do it, I would'nt know the first thing to do with the dead animal, be a pheasant or squirrel.Any tips would be appreciated.Wazz Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mossy19 Posted September 28, 2007 Share Posted September 28, 2007 My dad bought me a 20 gauge single shot when I was ten and I learned with that. He taught me the importace of making the first shot count. It was a light gun and I could handle it perfectly. As far as hunting, I do believe he can hunt if you have a license, but anything he shoots goes under your bag limit (someone correct me if I am wrong). As far as clean the game, what specifically will you be hunting for? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott K Posted September 28, 2007 Share Posted September 28, 2007 I thought you have to be 12 to hunt with a gun, and take your safety course. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rost Posted September 28, 2007 Share Posted September 28, 2007 Quote:I thought you have to be 12 to hunt with a gun, and take your safety course. I don't believe so, unless they changed the rule. I shot my first duck with a .410 at the ripe old age of 8. I believe you have to be 13 and complete a hunter safety course to shoot deer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BobT Posted September 28, 2007 Share Posted September 28, 2007 A minor under age 12 is not required to have a FAS certificate. From page 20 of the handbook: Anyone under age 14 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to possess a firearm. “Guardian” means a legal guardian or someone age 18 or older selected by the parent or legal guardian to supervise the youth. • Youth age 12 and under may hunt small game without a firearms safety certificate, if accompanied by a parent or guardian. • Youth age 11 and under may hunt wild turkeys without a firearms safety certificate if accompanied by a parent or guardian who has a certificate. I do not believe the guardian is required to be licensed in order for the youth to hunt and harvest small game. I believe the guardian is only required to accompany the youngster. Bob edit: It does seem a bit contradictory that a minor under age 12 can hunt without training but at 12 and older we are required to be trained. Also note that the law does not require the guardian to have been trained when it comes to small game, only for turkey hunting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shack Posted September 28, 2007 Share Posted September 28, 2007 Ya, I second that thought! I also think a 12 year old does have to buy a license. At least for deer!I was going to put up a post about hunting with a kid. Last year I took my 5 year old and 10 year old grouse hunting with me. We were in area were there was no other hunters, it was mid week and I walked with no round in chamber and saftey on. We would flush birds and I would put round in chamber and wlak in the area birds went down in. It was just more to get kids out and about!The question I had was can they be along with me! I have read on here about someone coming along to help flush birds needs a license as well (even when they do not carry a gun).Being at this age, would they need a license. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BobT Posted September 28, 2007 Share Posted September 28, 2007 Since a child under age 16 is not required to be licensed to take small game he/she can also assist in the taking of small game. What does it matter if they are carrying a gun? Bob Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shack Posted September 28, 2007 Share Posted September 28, 2007 I just read regs. They do not have to have one! Only for big game! Cool but scary! You can give a 5 year old a gun and take him or her small game hunting. Not in my family. Gun saftey first and then hunting with out gun loaded. Training, training and more training! I hate to see one of my boys die out in field or my self or anyone else, because I got kid out with out proper training!To each is to own! DNR Youth hunting regs click below Youth hunting regs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott K Posted September 28, 2007 Share Posted September 28, 2007 I was thinking deer hunting. Quote: edit: It does seem a bit contradictory that a minor under age 12 can hunt without training but at 12 and older we are required to be trained. This really doesnt make sense to me. Why would it be legal for my 10 year old to go hunting with me, with a gun, never had any training, but my 13 year old cant go unless she has taken the training course Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wazz Posted September 28, 2007 Author Share Posted September 28, 2007 See, I didn't quite understand it either. The way I read it I can take my 11 year old and my 6 year old, give them both guns, and they don't have to be certified. And they don't need a license. But when they reach 12 for deer, and 16 for most everything else, then they need to be certified and need a license..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BobT Posted September 28, 2007 Share Posted September 28, 2007 Read a bit more careful please. The 11-year old still needs a license to hunt deer. The rule allowing those 12 and under is referring to small game hunting. Also, a 13-year old is required to pass the FAS course to hunt small game. And that's where the goofy part is. Why they allow 12 and under to hunt without the certification is beyond me. It would be like saying it's okay to drive a car under the age of 16 without a license or permit but once you reach the age of 16 you need a license. Go figure.Bob Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Craig_S Posted September 28, 2007 Share Posted September 28, 2007 I'm duck hunting with my 12 year old tomorrow. Maybe the DNR wants kids to be a certain age before training - so like they can understand it? That makes some sense to me. Craig Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shack Posted September 28, 2007 Share Posted September 28, 2007 The main thing is "take a kid hunting" and "be safe"..I still just like taking kid with out gun in his/her hand! There are plenty of years a head to hunt with a gun!This is part of raising a kid right. IMO! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vister Posted September 29, 2007 Share Posted September 29, 2007 the rules are probably like that to get them interested in the outdoors at a young age. Second, at 12, I was pumped to take the training class, and I wasn't too young to where I forgot everything i needed to remember. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deadfeathers Posted September 29, 2007 Share Posted September 29, 2007 My opinion only, I feel training a safety should start before the age of 12 at home or in the field with the parents. Not that FAS courses are not important, but I feel much more can be learned, in addition to what FAS teaches, out in the field under the supervision of the adult the child will be hunting with. Ecspesially when it comes to specific sports. I am a die-hard waterfowler. My son has been hunting with me since he was 8. He's been taught bird indentification, decoy spread set-ups, dog handling, along with the specific gun safety issues that come along with waterfowling. Take the kids out early, get them involved in the sport. With gun, without a gun. Let them see what it is all about. My opinion only !!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shack Posted September 30, 2007 Share Posted September 30, 2007 Hay wazz, We kind of got off track with this post! A guy starts a good question post and the post is stripped a part by a buch of negative stuff. DNR has good reason's for doing what they do. It is up to the parents to figure out what is right. I would start out with the good old stand by. A410 and squirrel hunting. Get your kid out in a good area (legal area or shooting club) and let him fire off a couple rounds. Nothing beets this time. He will remember this for the rest of his life! You will need a small games permite and your boy needs nothing. Some have posted in other theads good ways to process your game. Other info could be found easy by doing an internet search! Good luck! P.S. deadfathers, nice post! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Surface Tension Posted September 30, 2007 Share Posted September 30, 2007 I agree get the kids started in safe firearm handling when they're young. For my son and daughter we started with a pellet gun. Before that we talked about firearms and both kids were taught that they aren't to touch any firearms. Those talks help in the curiosity factor. Of coarse all firearms and ammunition in the house were stored safely. After they both had the proper firearm handling down we moved onto a .22 cal rifle in a controlled environment at a shooting range. When I felt Jr was ready at age 10 he was introduced to a .410 bolt action shotgun, again in a controlled setting then moved on to shooting trap. Later that Fall was his first Small Game hunt for Grouse. We worked on his safe firearm handling while hunting. His .410 wasn't loaded and I held the shells. As we walked along we talked about when a Grouse flushes the opportunity for a shot is short. Not only should he be practicing safe muzzle control, hand and finger placement, and watching the dog but he should be looking for unsafe areas to shoot, that way when the flush happens he knows ahead of time if he can shoot or not. In MN you can take your Firearms Safety class at age 11 but that Certificate isn't valid till that youngster turns 12. I like that for the fact that you can teach your youngster safe firearm handling and still be able to hunt small game. Once 11 comes around that youngster is old enough to comprehend safe firearm handling for the rest of their lives. As far as cleaning birds and rabbits. The skin peels off easily. Once the skin is off then cut the feet and wings off at the joint. Next cut the head off at the base of the neck. Now you saved the gutting at the end. You'll open the bird or rabbit up at the base of the breast to the anal vent. Now cut around the anal vent, reach in and pull everything out. Rinse with cold water and your done. I cook my grouse whole, in fact I can a lot of grouse. Pheasant and ducks you can do the same way or pluck. Instead of removing the skin you pluck then remove the feet, wings and head and gut last. If your on a trip then you'll have to leave an identifying head, foot, or wing with grouse and pheasants. Ducks will need the head and wing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wazz Posted October 1, 2007 Author Share Posted October 1, 2007 Thanks for the answers, I get a little frustrated when someone's question, takes a different tangent. But I found some of the answers I was looking for. Thanks to all Wazzz Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mark Christianson Posted October 1, 2007 Share Posted October 1, 2007 Call the DNR at 651-296-6157 if anyone has any questions.Simplest way to get to the bottom of this all.My boy has been shooting a firearm at small game for a few years now. He is 10. All legal and loving it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FISH AWAY Posted October 1, 2007 Share Posted October 1, 2007 My daughter (11 years old) has been taging along bow hunting for the last 2 years,I took her duck hunting Sat morning for the first time. She had many ? and kept the dog company when things were slow.She wanted to go Sunday but ma wouldn't let her, she had sunday school. This is when I got a little upset. Went and met a couple friend Sunday morning, the one guy brought his son, I believe he is like 8 yrs old and I now him well.So I am getting ready and I am about a 20 yrds from were the dad and son are. The only problem is the son is by my side the hole morning (don't get me wrong he is a great kid and I do enjoy talking to him) but should this be dad and son time. The dad decides he is going to the otherside of the slough and leaves his kid (gone about 1hr 15 min). I also see the child at time must be 25-30 yrds away going through cattails. Not ounce did I here his dad call to him to get back.I really enjoy the time with the kids and had no problem with him there I just wish dad would have took a little more control. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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