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Gophers VS. UND - Disallowed goal?????


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Ok, I'm definitely over it now, but there should be some clarification...

The puck is headed straight to the back of the net. Better blow the whistle first before it gets there! WHY??

Was it because the Gopher skater passed through the crease?

Doesn't he have to interfere with the goalie?

What if he was pushed/directed into the crease? (which it looked like he was)

Why wouldn't you let play continue and if they score, review it afterwards.

Complete talk if you ask me.

(East coast refs)

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I hear ya Joe - That call still puzzles me.... And I am with you on the ref situation - My opinion is that they should use refs from the region they are playing in not from across the country from a whole different style of sissy hockey.

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The goal was disallowed because the MN skater went thru the crease and contacted the goalie. It wasn't much, but the whistle definately went off immediately (before the goal). The goalie hyped it up some (OK, maybe more than some...). The replays didn't show it from a good angle.

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The gopher player bumped the goalie, and he embelished it like every other goalie in the league does. You could hear the whistle clearly before the shot was even taken, so it was disallowed. Lamoureux wasn't even in the net to attempt a save, so it wasn't like a normal play even.

In my opinion there is too much speculation regarding which goals count and which ones don't. We want refs to make correct calls all the time, with one of the fastest games in the world. I hate when a good hardworking goal get's called back because a player had his toe in the crease, or tipped it slightly above crossbar lenth, etc. We want them to count when it's for our team, and Not when it's against.

The only thing that really bothers me is when refs blow an obvious call that directly results in the opposing team getting a scoring chance. Like don't call a penalty which results in a 2X1 or miss terrible a offsides which results in an uncontested shot. That is the stuff that gets me.

I thought the call on Radke was a bit stiff. He clearly pulled up and should have gotten a boarding or some other cheese-ball 2 minute penalty. A 5 is a bit of a stretch, but I agree those east coast refs are pretty ticky-tacky with the whistle.

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The angles on the replay weren't real good, but the problem I have with the call is the fact that the player barely skated thru the crease(still a question whether he was there on his own accord or otherwise)and then touched the goalies pad/skate what have you. If they blew the whistle because the player interfered with the goalie, fine, then call the penalty...which was not called!! If they blew it down as a man in the crease, which all indications point to what the call was, it was a very poor call! Trust me, 99% of all plays inside the attacking zone(outside of neutral zone play) have some offensive player going thru or getting a skate in the crease...at least they should be...that's where you score! I'm by no means saying the Gophs should have won, especially when they watched the play the entire overtime, but East Coast refs...keep em'!!

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The bottom line to me is that there is no way the Gophers deserved to go anywhere. If they can't take a gift, 5-minute major penalty, and get at least one goal, they don't deserve to win the game. I love the Gophers and always will but I'm realistic enough to realize that they were not even close to the best team in the tournament! UND is playing great hockey right now when it counts.

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UND deserved to lose that game w/ the total lack of effort to go get the puck on the 1st empty net goal. Absolutely no excuse for that, especially when you're skaters outnumber theirs 6-4. IMO that goal is more embarrassing than the one Frazee let in against Bina back in January, at least that was a fluke and not a lack of effort; in a game that could put you in the national title game no less. As for the officiating, that's how they call things out east, so it was right where I would have expected it, a lot of soft calls, but I think all were penalty's, just not necessarily ones that would be called in the WCHA.

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For fear of sounding like a rabid rodent fan, I will start out by saying that BC was one heck of a team that picked apart UND's weakness at the blueline. Beyond that, sure glad there were Sioux fans at the game. They were the only ones in the building that wanted the Sioux to win. It really was an effort to be in that game at all until the collapse at the end came. Eastern Sports Promotional Network should be ashamed of their coverage. I think even Wooger would have given a more unbiased call of the game.

Good luck to the gophers in their quest for next years Mcnaughton and Broadmoor awards. wink.gif

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UND took a kick of undisciplined hockey right in the teeth last night. They definitely had a chance to win it but it wasn't meant to be. Now, I have to totally switch gears and cheer for Michigan State. Man, that just doesn't sound right. confused.gif

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Yeah, as a Sioux fan myself, I thought the footage was lacking and commentary was awfully one-sided. Eastern Sports Promotional...LOL!

I guess the Sioux had it coming when they came unglued...sigh. frown.gif

Guess, I'll pull for Michigan State...can't stand the eastern teams at all.

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I was looking up Hakstol in the dictionary and this is what I got:

Hakstol (Hack-stall)(v,adj,n,)-1.being unable to win the big one 2.also a gagging or choking reflex at the Frozen Four 3.a look of bewilderment 4.to be very afraid of Eagles

"(Contact Us Please), we just Hakstoled that game up."

This goes out to all the Sioux fans who would say to me, "Well, it's nice Woog won all those league titles, but he didn't win the NCAA so he's a choke." Well 0 for 3 is looking more and more like Woog, isn't it.

Hakstol equals Woog, end of story.

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I think that the "fighting sioux" got what they deserved.

Hakstol as a coach has no guts, especially with the bar incident in Grand forks, involving 3 of his players and one of them who had a previous DUI that no body heard about.

They admitted doing wrong, but now want a jury trial that was scheduled after the frozen four.

I have family and grand kids that live in Grand Forks, and they don't need to be exposed to drunk drivers, even if they are "fighting sioux" hockey players.

Go Spartans grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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From what I saw the NCAA didn't want to have the "sioux" nickname in the finals. The end of that game was a joke! Let the players play. Unless it's a trip that end up prventing a breakaway or results in a scoring chance, let the players decide the game...

I hate watching refs turn it into the "referee show".

UND did show some great heart, by fighting til the end!

Something I've never seen out of a gopher squad...

I'm not even a UND fan...

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And as far as ND fighting til the end...I wouldn't consider it too much to ask for your players to at least skate to a loose puck, instead get beat (by a long shot) to the puck by a player you had a head start on...funny thing is...ended up being a pretty huge goal didn't it!! Let's face it, BC has 3 very solid lines and ND has about 1 and a third..that's what cost them! I would have liked to see the WCHA keep going as well, but it would have been a shame if BC didn't win that game...the much better team won the game!

( Note from Admin, Please read forum policy before posting again,Thank-you)

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From what I saw the NCAA didn't want to have the "sioux" nickname in the finals. The end of that game was a joke! Let the players play. Unless it's a trip that end up prventing a breakaway or results in a scoring chance, let the players decide the game...

I hate watching refs turn it into the "referee show".

UND did show some great heart, by fighting til the end!

Something I've never seen out of a gopher squad...

I'm not even a UND fan...

We must have been watching a different game; as I recall the Sioux got the benefit of 2 relatively soft calls at the end to give them PP chances to tie it up (one of which they scored on). As a matter of fact, the goal that lost the game was given up with them on the power-play. As for their "fight to the end"; it really showed up on that 1st empty-netter didn't it confused.gif They had no less than 2 guys with a head start on the BC players and they gave no effort to go get that puck, in fact I think the other BC player had a chance to make the play before the 1st Sioux player got there. As I recall that was a rather important goal wasn't it wink.gif

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I didn't have a problem with the announcers the Camera coverage was atrocious, I think they may have been limited by the Arena, the replays were bad also.

How about that rink it looked like they had about 2 feet behind the net and the corners had a strange looking angle also.

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