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ok guys,animal ID

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I posted these 2 pics on the photo section and was kinda wondering if you trappers would know difinitively if the animal that made these "run and slide" tracks in the snow were from a fisher..the sliding tracks were running on this old road for about 600 yards or so(never came across this before

away from any water) but I've seen otter do it but don't think these are from an otter)..you guys have any input?...just curious I guess grin.gifjonny



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Fisherman,I sure wish I would have taken a real good close-up of the foot prints,I have a

"so-so" crop of the tracks that may just be of help but by the "gait" of the animals tracks, it kinda has the weasel family running gait....never really gave it a thought to photo the tracks close up I guess....... smirk.gif........(and great photos of the fox by the way!,I check out this site daily!Alaska sure is a great untapped state,such beauty and wildlife)jonny grin.gif


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Definately otter. Fishers do not slide and will most oftely leave scoop like prints with their feet together or when they walk they leave nothing like what you have their. Not suprising though that this was away from water as we have caught otters in fisher sets as far as a mile from any water.. Nice picts though.

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