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slip bobber tie

island guy

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A peeve of mine both summer and winter when using a slip bobber rig is getting the string tie to stay in place. No matter how hard I pull the knot, after a few times up thru the rod guides, it seems to loosen up and I'm constantly readjusting. The lighter the line the worse the problem. The guides on my rods are large enuf for the knot to pass thru OK.

Any ideas?

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i always make sure to leave a little bit so that i can retighten the bobber stop, otherwise maybe look into those little red bobber stops that you just thread the line through three times, they stay in one place very well.

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I have the same problem, the only thing I have found to be effective, like you said, keep pulling the knot tight. Just make sure to get it wet first, this seems to help somewhat, but, they still come loose. I leave 1/4 inch tails on the knot, just to have something to grip.

I know this does not answer your question, but, just so you know, you are not the only one out there.

I think I hear another million dollar idea in the making....just wish it was me!

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I use slip bobbers a lot, especially during the summer evenings for walleyes. In open water I've found that using two slip knots hold very well. During the winter I use the rubber band trick. I keep some thin rubber bands in my tackle box. I make a loop in the line and then stick the line up through the loop I made first. That's where I put a chunk of rubber band through. Then I pull the line tight on the rubber band and trim so it doesn't catch. it helps to have bigger eylets on your rod. It definately doesn't slip. I know that people say that you put a knot in your line, but it's tied on a rubber band. I use this with a ice buster bobber, for kind of a dead stick. I don't have a camera with but I could try and post some pictures this weekend if your interested.

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Guys, the problem may be the quality of slip ties you a buying. There is a huge disparity.

It's all in the thread. Look closely and compare how tightly wound the thread is. Loose wound thread is junk. The tight wound thread will never let you down.

I'd like to give out brand names, but I don't think this forum permits it.

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I agree that it is the brand of knot. I have never been able to identify what makes some knots better but I will check out what you have said. The problem is when you go to the store to buy the knots you seldom have more than one choice.

I would think the rubber band trick would make it so the knot would not move at all. That would make things difficult if the fish start appearing at a different depth.

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wayne123, you're right about it not moving, for example when I'm fishing perch on winnie, I always set my slip bobber to about a foot off the bottom. then I use my vex and don't use a bobber at all with my other rod. But at least I know that my bait on the other pole is generally in the area of where the perch and walleyes are. To many times when fishing with friends they can't figure out why they aren't getting any bites when everybody else is catching fish. They check their bait and they are eight feet off the bottom instead of a foot. And since my other pole has no bobber it's easy to move the bait to wherever the fish are.Once you learn how to tie the rubber band in the line, you can adjust your depth as fast as somebody can using a lead depth finder, maybe even faster.

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Your more than welcome to give out a brand name... Please do!

Your just not allowed because of forum policy to post web addresses for the product.

So, who does make the best slip knot?

Ken's Bait is one for sure that is the best. It is black thread around a green semi-clear tube.

I think the Thills are junk.

Pretty much any of the ones that are sold in those 20 and 50 packs are garbage.

Just look where the thread has been cut. If it has unwound a little (or is frayed) its junk. If it's still holding its the hot ticket.

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hey stmicheal, I had this big idea but no money, I almost always fish with a slip bobber, I do not have much problem with knots coming loose but what really gets me is changing depths.... like if I was fishing in 7-8 ft. now want to fish in 20ft then I'm hangin over the edge of the boat trying to find bottom and slip the knot about 12ft, it is really a hassel, so one day while daydreaming in the boat I thought gees I wish had a electronic bobber like a remote control,.... I could push the button and a little clamp/screw or solenoid could loose or tighten each signal with small battery power. I went to a place in metro and they said they could make a prototype for $23,000 and start a production run for 2.some mill. I went home and started making one in the garge out of a remote door bell then drank some beer and forgot about it. Now I wish some rich guy would make some thing like that so I could buy one. Ha Ha Ha. Ok goodbye.

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When I tie on the string - I tighten it like normal. But before I cut the ends off - I tie the two strings together again a couple of times - with just a simple granny knot. Then cut the ends to normal. You will get a really solid knot - and the only issue is if you want to move the know up or down your line a little - it gets very hard to do....sometimes I have even broken the line cause the knot is so tight. But if you are pretty sure you want that depth - it should stay put.

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oh I forgot to mention the best part of a remote control bobber, I could just cast my line out and let the sinker go to the bottom and then reel up about 1-2 ft then click and the depth is set, there are other things that could also be done but I will quit now because that probably is not what this post is about we want real answers not fantasy. ok goodbye

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Excellent... Pocketknife...Excellent!

I read about the beer part and forgot about the rest. grin.gif

Beer and forgetting...isn't there some tie about this somehow...wait...what were we talking about? Oh yeah, Beer is Good! grin.gif

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Guys, the problem may be the quality of slip ties you a buying. There is a huge disparity.

It's all in the thread. Look closely and compare how tightly wound the thread is. Loose wound thread is junk. The tight wound thread will never let you down.

I'd like to give out brand names, but I don't think this forum permits it.


I had the same problem... I was always using cheap slip knot string...

I just thought that all bobber stops were Bobber stops...

Then one day I happened to run out of my junky frustrating pink ones, stopped in at a store on my way out of town, and picked up these green ones... Insteantly I noticed a much tighter weave on the fibres... and it really held up for about 3 more fishing trips...

So that's what I've been buying ever since...

(Brand name escapes me)

I had one this summer, I tied it on right before I took a week long trip to this little lake up north... The lake really only has pan fish and some pike...

That single slip bobber held up through the 6 days of pan fishing, for 6-8 hours a day... Finally fraying out on the last day when my line broke at my top eye and took the remainder of the knot with it.

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