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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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15 IN THE BOAT HERE ON HIDDEN BAY today. Sunshine is pouring through the den window for a second day in a row. I could almost be fooled it is so nice out till I look up and see it is only 15 in the boat. Just finished eating a bowl of sliced up radish, cucumbers and a couple of tomatoes all sprinkle with a little salt and pepper. The wife told me I had about five bucks in the bowl so I better enjoy it. I asked where the strawberries were and she said they were too expensive to buy. I have an order that I eat them in, hot radish first then a cooling cucumber slice then a hunk of tomato to chew on. The strawberry would have been next for that sweet taste. Five bucks the wife said. Last fall I would have a few pennies invested for the cucumber and tomato and spring would have been a nickel for the radish and strawberries, of course they all would have come out of my garden and would have for sure been fresh.


Makes makes me think of meals around here from about the middle of summer on an especially fall. A lot of meals are harvested right here unlike all the store bought food the kids living in town have to buy. Salad and everything that goes in them is all grown here. Tomatoes and cucumber, radish if it is cool out. Bean and peas, squash bell peppers and of course hot peppers. Cherry tomatoes big sandwich tomatoes and onions. Carrots, broccoli and cauliflower and of course strawberries and raspberries and when the apples get ripe there will be pie. Put this all around home grown spuds and fresh fish or a couple of grouse and there is not much reason to go to town for groceries. Beef and butter from old man McDonnell and eggs from my neighbor Chuck one can get pretty spoiled here. Of course it does not hurt to have a wife who still loves to bake and you can’t beat hot bread from the oven with this years fresh made jam.


I did not fail to mention my favorite which is sweet corn straight from the garden. I don’t talk much about it because I hoard it for myself. Only when to much ripens at the same time do I share because the only worse thing then sharing is letting it go bad. It is time to start some seeds here. Going to grow some tobacco here, cigar tobacco to be specific. Figure why not I have learned how to do so I am going to grow a dozen plants and see what I get. Have already thought about putting a hot house in the garden to speed some things up, just another experiment for me. Will also start some peppers only because they are so hard to grow up here and I had some good luck last season starting them really early.


I do want to thank everyone who came by the Lodge for Duncan’s birthday party.

Wellesy, Vermillionfox, Hoppe, Juneau, Rebelss, Dotch, Glenn, (surprised he found the place) Anyfish2, Monstermoose and Deadgooses. I am sure there are others but I don’t know them if they don’t sign the member book by the front door.


Think this one is going to be a little short, with all this sunshine it is making me think I should take a nap! Here at Lake Iwanttobethere.

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16 IN THE BOAT HERE ON HIDDEN BAY today. Just enough snow fell over night to track a rabbit by. I got a call last night from Old McDonnell, he wanted to know if I would draw him up some plans for a storage building. Not acting to quickly I told him I would. Out here in the county most buildings are built on the fly because small buildings are built with material on hand. Of course Old McDonnell used up all his on hand material when he built his storage building chicken coop that caught on fire. I got a couple of char broiled chickens in that deal.


So not acting to interested I agreed to making some plans and a material list for a couple of steaks and some butter. I then asked if he wanted me to make the tresses which I offered to do for free as long as he brought the material here, he agreed. I love making tresses, when I was young I spent a summer building tresses at a lumber yard, tons of twenty-four footers for garages and my biggest ones were forty footers for a warehouse. Making tresses at the cabin from scratch with just a radio on by myself is almost as relaxing as fishing on a private pond.


So I went over to the file cabinet and pulled out plans for a storage building. Made a few adjustments and I was done with the plans. I already know that by the time Old McDonnell gets around to it the plans will change as Old McDonnell will shop for sale items and substitute clearance stuff to save money. If he shows up with the wood I will build the tresses and more likely I will teach the Tenners how to build tresses and pass on to them a lost skill. I hope he follow through because I found out late in life that I am Builder. I like building out buildings and greenhouses. I hope I have a few more left in me.


We did have the Lodge meeting and there are a few things of interest to pass on. The new pizza oven is a success and with the new revenue it was announced that all employees of the Lodge will be given a dollar and hour raise. Locker rates will not be increased nor will the price of tap beer. It was brought up that since the lake has seen a marked increase in tourism that maybe it will be time to start renting the rooms upstairs here at the Lodge. I have written before about the rooms that normally are only used for Lodge members who have had a few to many and need some place to sleep. The Lodge would have to hire some overnight help to staff the place so the idea was tabled till the next Lodge meeting in May.


Super bowl tomorrow so everyone is on the schedule to work at the Lodge. I will be there but only to sit behind the bar and pour beer on my rolling stool. I will of course have a clear look at the TV but to tell the truth I don’t care about the game. I don’t think I have seen either team play this year. Might make a few pizza’s if we really get busy but I think Gus has enough kitchen help on hand. We are a couple of weeks away from the fishing and camping show in the big city. I live in a cabin and I have a boat so I doubt if I will be attending. I mention the fishing show because it is usually the same time that Cabin Fever hits. Lucky for me I have the tackle order at the Resort to put together here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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41 IN THE BOAT HERE ON HIDDEN BAY today. Plenty of sunshine and water is running on the ground. Busy week this past week and I just did not get around to writing anything. The week was almost perfect till last night. I was feeling so good that I tossed everyone out of the kitchen and cooked up some BBQ ribs, baked potatoes split open and stuffed with butter and sweet onion. My rolls were just about done and I rolled over in the wheelchair to the plate cabinet, I set the brakes and stood up to get plates out. I set the plates down on the counter and made a mistake, I did not reach back to see where my wheelchair was but just instead sat down where it should have been. Did a "Get Smart" and "Missed it by that much" sat down hard on my behind, somehow pushed the wheelchair back and bounced my head off the floor into something sharp under the wheelchair and cut my forehead.


I am on blood thinner so any kind of cut is a bad cut. I laid on my back for a couple of minutes figuring someone had to have heard me fall, no such luck. Duncan came in and saw me and then did his Lassie impression and went and got the wife who asked me of course a stupid question which was "What did you do?" Thinking more about supper then me I told her to take the rolls out of the oven. She yelled for the daughter to help me get up off the floor which was the only bright spot as I got up pretty easy. Just a good scrape, no need to see the DOC. The wife took everything out of the oven not just the rolls so the potatoes were just warm. BBQ was almost cold and the rolls had burned on the bottom as they had sat on the hot cookie sheet.


So there are days when I write a lot and I toss them in my spare file, the following story is something I wrote but just never got around to posting, I call it "A Fishing Story"


One of them nice August days, warm out and a lite rain falling at sundown. The fishing granddaughter was spending the weekend and we sat on the swing, swinging of course and watching the water come out of the rain gutter to run down the sidewalk. "Papa, are we going to go fishing tomorrow?" "I told her of course but we have to get some bait." Right away she turned to me and said "With all this rain there should be worms" I nodded my head in agreement and we continued to swing, waiting for darkness. Our roles have changed, I hold the can and now she bends down and picks the worms. We had a great night as worms were every where and she is getting better at pulling them out of their holes.


Her grandmother had projects for her during the morning but by late afternoon she was mine. She came down to the dock and I helped her into the old wood row boat. "We are not going to fish out of the Puddle Humper?" She asked. I climbed in and pushed away from the dock with an oar that could use a couple of coats of paint. I told her to put her life vest on as I put mine on. She looked around and said "We have to go back" "I asked why" and she said because you forgot your rods and there is no graph. I slipped the oar into the lock and wiggled down on the bench seat and gave my first test pull on the oars. I smiled at her and said, "Honey this is your fishing night out." She gave me a big smile and pointed ahead at the little point behind uncle Chuck’s cabin. I nodded approval as that is where I was heading.


She showed me her setup, a number six hook with one split shot about six inches up. Three feet above that she had a one inch red and white float. She threaded a big fat crawler out of the coffee can on to the hook. Looked back to make sure she would not hit me with her cast she sailed the rig out into the calm waters of Lake Iwanttobethere. It landed with a plop and she mended her extra line and then we waited. "Teach me" I said and so she did. "If the bobber bounces with little rings it is most likely a thieving Perch stealing chucks of the crawler. If the bobber goes down but pops backup, then it is a thieving Gill. If the bobber starts making two foot runs and stops then we have a pretty Bass. If the bobber just disappears then we have a fish and it is time to set the hook hard enough to cross his eyes. O and if the bobber just disappears and you set the hook and nothing comes back it is one of them snot rocket northerns." I smiled my approval.


Some bumps then the bobber went down, she set the hook and missed. She reeled in and started digging in her pink tackle box. Hook was changed to a number four and bobber bigger to an inch and a half. A couple of casts later she had adjusted her depth and she started landing gills. I was busy being the bait boy. She did that for awhile and then the bite slowed. She said "Let’s move, you pick the spot." "How about the big reed point." "Will we have time?" She asked I looked at the lowering sun and nodded yes. I turned the bow of the boat toward a big reed bank that points West. Putting my back into I rowed while she drank a soda and ate cheetoes. I had this all planned, there are some big fish to be caught off the reed point and she was all done getting her "Practice" in.


Ten minutes later and we were drifting off the point. I was looking forward to a soda and so I told her to rig up with a 1/0 hook and a two inch bobber. Her first cast was on it’s way as I open my soda. I never got a chance to take a sip as the bobber hit the water and went straight down. I was thinking a bad bobber till she yelled out "I got a big one Papa" Next two minutes got kind of busy as you would think she had Jaws on the line. She got a nice bass along side and I reached over and pulled it out of the water for her. Big smile on her face and I think I had one to. I weighed it, three pounds one ounce, Took some pictures and she released it. I then heard the blow by blow story of the fight. I told her "We are not done yet, we still have fishing time."


In the next half hour we didn’t get a bite, the bobber didn’t even bounce and we moved a few times. I told her we should get going, she could tie on a daredevil and we would troll back. She put on a daredevil but forgot to put on a leader, I didn’t say anything and she tossed it back behind the boat. I think I had rowed about twenty yards when she yelled out "FISH ON" I lifted the oars and sure enough she had a bend in her pole and she was putting her back into it. "What is it" I asked and through clenched teeth she said "I don’t know but if I catch it, it is going on the wall!" I chuckled away as this is a common saying at the cabin. I watched with interest as her drag started to sing, the sweetest music as far as I am concern. I lowered the oars and started heading in the fish’s direction telling her to start reeling.


Five minutes later and we were halfway down the reed point but not gaining any water on the big fish. Sun was getting lower in the sky and the granddaughter had a great look of determination on her face. I guess now we were really fighting Jaws. She turned to say something to me and it was done just like that. Her pole popped up and her line went limp. She might have sworn about then but I will not get her in trouble with her ma. She sat in the boat with her shoulders down and I got up to pat her on the back and tell her I was sorry it got away. Then she made me proud. She looked at me and said "I lost a fish, But what a great story about you and me and the ten, no twenty pounder That got away here at Lake Iwanttobethere."


I was reminded of this story when I heard the granddaughter telling her cousin about the twenty pounder she lost with Papa, fish go away but stories are always here to stay as long as someone tells them, Bobby

Edited by Bobby Bass
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36 IN THE BOAT HERE ON HIDDEN BAY today. Have the cabin rockin as the wife is in town doing errands. I mention to her that something with apple in it might be nice to bring back home. You know like apple turn overs or apple pie or apple crisp, we will see if she took the hint. I was sitting here in the quiet of the cabin. Looking out the windows here it looks like a nice surprise winter day. I was going to write but when I sat down at the desk the sun was covering my monitor so I could not see it. The wife was going out the door and the brown dog slipped under the desk to lay at my feet, one paw on my foot to let me know he was there and of course to let him know if I left.


Could not write so I did the next best thing, I put my hands behind my head and lean back in my chair and worked on getting my vitamin D for the day. I was thinking I would just enjoy the quiet but it was not quiet. I closed my eyes and I could hear the wind going through the trees. Earlier on the radio I listen as they talked about trucks going through the ice in another part of Fish County and how the wind will gust into the forties today. By the sound of it the forties might be on the low side. Wind chimes that were left out all year were not chiming they were banging together. Could hear the kid’s swings hitting the poles and the sharp crack of the deck cracking. Couple of icicles fell and shattered on the bare ground just outside of the window. No birds, no crows squawking or warning other crows of danger.


O here is a joke my granddaughter told me.. Do you know why you never see a crow dead in the road? Because there is always another crow in a tree calling out "Cawww, Caww" she makes her Papa so proud sometimes...


The sun moved across the sky and I had to move the chair to stay in the rays. After a while I needed some noise so I turned on the stereo and I turned it up loud. Normally I don’t get the chance but when the wife is gone the volume dial goes up. Had some foot tapping stuff playing and I don’t sing along because I know I can’t sing, I wish the wife would realize that, the part that she can’t sing either. I have a CD in the player titled "When the wife is gone away" another copy is in the Tahoe. The wife played it once and does not understand. Jokingly I once told her each song is for an old girlfriend, the CD’s keep disappearing from the truck for some reason.


Second wave of seed catalogs arrived yesterday and today. Good thing the brown dog has a big mouth to carry them all from Mark the mailman. I guess I should go through them and make my picks and send in my orders. I have the cigar leaf bins open caching some fresh air and the den smells good. Thinking maybe I will pull some leaf and roll a few cigars this afternoon. Have been meaning to start some tobacco seed for the past week but keep getting distracted, maybe today is the day. I also ordered some grow lights that should be here soon, going to give them a shot and see if they make any difference. Got to figure out a way to stay ahead of Vic at the Resort. Found some mini corn to order that is ready to harvest in thirty-five days, I got to stay out of the corn pages of the catalogs, my mouth just starts watering when I see that ripe corn looking back at me. From a sunny but very windy day here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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IT WAS 40 IN THE BOAT ON HIDDEN BAY today when I left to come to town. My neighbor Chuck was so kind to give me a ride in to go to the General Store. I was unable to get to town to buy valentine candy for all my girls so I made up for it today by picking up some clearance stuff. I have the wife, the daughters and of course the five granddaughters that I had to buy for. I of course bought an extra one for myself to taste and a bunch of them little ones to give to the staff here at the Lodge. Another busy week here, you would think it was slow but we are doing things getting ready for the up coming fishing season.


The big news at the Lodge that I forgot to mention is that we have gone ahead and installed a seventy inch big screen TV with surround sound. Elmer still as his TV in the corner with his wicker couch but I caught him today eyeing the big screen. We also installed satellite as we found out we have a couple of new Lodge members who could do the install saving the Lodge money. With the Wild doing so well we thought the big screen will pull in Lodge members to watch games and beer sales will go up to cover the cost of the TV. Also a lot of our members have found their way here from a ways a way and they want to watch some of their college teams play so that is why we added the satellite. We will still have the VHS hooked up to watch old fishing shows that you can get from the Lake Iwanttobethere library. Today I am hiding candy in my office and looking at a new floor plan for the Lodge that will allow the most members to watch the new TV and still have a clear path to the bar.


The Ice House is full, we harvested ice last weekend and the house was cleaned and new ice cut and brought up. A couple of pickup loads of saw dust was needed to spread between the ice chunks. We thank the local saw mill for the free sawdust and for old McDonnell and his horses for helping us get the ice to the house. A couple of ice blocks were added to Graces pile in the corner in memory of Dan’s dog. Grace was well known in these parts as the ice stealing Saint Bernard. We also had the keg of Hamms sitting on Grace’s ice. Everyone who filled their cup for working on the harvest patted the ice like they were patting Grace.


Sunshine Ray is forecasting a few days well above average for us here. Already today we have a melt going on as they sun seems to me warmer then usual and we have puddle of water from snow melt in the parking lot. I fear we may lose the Luge run if the melt comes. Warnings out not to drive on the lake, ice might get a little weak and I see some of the bigger houses have been pulled off the lake. Still others are siting in little lakes of water. This is not good for fishin as it makes it hard not to get your house froze in. I must admit it is nice not to hear the furnace run and only the need for one fireplace going here in the middle of February at Lake Iwanttobethere

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44 IN THE BOAT HERE ON HIDDEN BAY. One thing you always can count on here at Lake Iwanttobethere is that after a lousy day there will be a nice day. Warmer, party cloudy skies and it is warm where I sit at my desk here in the den. The brown dog is at my feet, his paws on my right foot keeping tabs on me. Yesterday was a rain day and normally I look forward to rain days as they give me time to catch up on indoor projects. Rain days in the dead of winter however do nothing more then create work. Ground is frozen so all we have is runoff which here in the cabin means a wet floor in the basement. Overnight the water freezes and now we quickly go through the ice melt trying to get rid of the ice so it is safe to walk on the sidewalks.


Ranger Rick is reporting that his trail system at Samantha Lake is a mess. The rain and warm weather has eaten away at his trails. The short cut across Samantha Lake is not recommend to use as their is water on the ice and getting on and off the lake is unsafe at best. No fishermen on the lake yesterday but then again it rained more then a half an inch. Big hockey game on tonight the Wild against the Black Hawks. We will see if putting the seventy inch TV in will draw a beer drinking crowd. I would love to be there but have been under the weather the past few days and will be watching from home.


I have gotten a few e-mail’s asking about Lake Iwanttobethere and it is a good time to be a little more clear about the Lake. The wife has never had her named mentioned in the eleven years I have been writing about the lake. She told me she did not want anyone to know her name so she is always refereed to as "The Wife" of my four kids only the boys names have been used as they own business in town, the daughters have never had their names mentioned except the one who paints is sometimes spoken about as at Christmas she paints store front windows. None of the eight grand kids names have been mentioned but they are often refereed to a granddaughter number two or grandson number three. The two ten year olds are spoken about often and are refereed to as "The Tenners"


Almost every one in town is based on someone I know. A few of them have passed on but I still write about them, kind of my tribute to them. I could still be writing about my old dogs Bud and Barney as they left me with a ton of stories untold but I shared my loss with you over them and have moved on. Now I leave it up to you how much the Lodge and Resort are. One of you called the Resort a bar and it is far more then that. The Lodge is a place for members to hang their hats. There are lockers in the basement for their stuff and a chair in the Main Room to sit and be left alone. Not everyone drinks, for example everyday Tom sits at the end of the bar with a cup of coffee every morning and does his crossword puzzle. I never mention him much because that is just what he does. The FELLOWS on the other hand seem to be doing something all the time that you may find interesting. The Resort is a place for the guys to get away from the Lodge if that makes any sense.


The Resort has become like our Lake Iwanttobethere old guys home. Marv, Elmer, DOC and Vic are the core and none of them are married and they are doing just fine thank you. Chuck, Hammering Hank, Skinny and I are the next wave, the in betweeners so to speak. Married but still looking for a hideaway. Where is Lake Iwanttobethere? I’ll save that for another day.

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10 IN THE BOAT HERE ON HIDDEN BAY early this morning. Can’t sleep so I got up and made a breakfast and rolled myself into the den to look at my mess. I am in the middle of a computer upgrade when my new addition decided to die on me. Not a new computer but the daughters old one which when running is ten times the old junker that I have been running. We have narrowed it done to the power supply but I am going to have my x son in law take a look before we do anything. If my den is not all ready crowded enough with a cluttered desk and tobacco out to roll some cigars and the trays of flowers under the grow lights there is just enough room for me and my chair.


So I hitched a ride yesterday afternoon to the Lodge with my neighbor Chuck. Place was quiet so I was actually working going over sales the last week and plotting sales when we had games on the new TV and sales are up. We will have it paid for here shortly and it might even make us money this summer if the Twins can put any kind of a season together. So I am at the bar and a older gent walks in that looks vaguely familiar. Looks the place over then takes a seat on a stool in front of me "HIYA" he says and I return the greeting. "Where are the dogs" he asks. I sit back in my stool and ask "You mean Bud and Barney?" He nods his head yes and says "It has been awhile since I have been here but I do remember being greeted by two big brown dogs" " They both passed a few years ago." I said. He nodded his head and said "Sorry for your loss" and we both just sat for awhile thinking of old dogs.


"My name is Luis" and he put out his hand which I shook. "Got a place on the end of the lake and this is a long drive to get here but I decided to make the drive today" "Welcome to the Lodge Luis" I said then I yelled out "Duncan" and Duncan got up from the couch in the office and came out to the main room. "Say hi to Luis" Duncan then came around to Luis, sat down and stuck out his paw to be shook. Luis chuckled some and shook Duncan’s paw and looked back at me and said "I figured you would not be dog less" Some petting and a few good rubs and the two of them were now long loss friends. Duncan came around the bar and laid down on his rug by the cooler.


"So what can I get ya Luis?" Luis looked at the back wall and said "You know it looks like a beer day, How about a Hamms?" So I poured him one and a shortly for myself and went into my bartender mode. "You have a dog Luis?" I asked. Luis wiped his mouth with his sleeve and smacked his lips. "I don’t but my wife does. "What kind ?" I asked and Luis told me he does not remember, it was expensive though and it is retired. "Retired, I asked, How old is it?" Luis taking another sip of his beer said "Two"


"How can it be retired already" I asked. Luis looking into his beer glass said "Well the wife carries it everywhere, dresses it up in spendy dog clothes, It fits inside her purse and she takes it shopping claming it is her companion, I thought I was her companion" Luis held out his glass for a refill and I poured him another. We spent some time talking about hunting dogs and big house dogs and dogs that never see the inside of a purse. I sat on my stool behind the bar with Duncan’s paw resting on my foot, I guess it aint all that bad here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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30 IN THE BOAT HERE ON HIDDEN BAY this afternoon. Cloudy sky overhead and I know the sun is up there somewhere just I don’t know exactly where. That time of year where there is not to much to write about, quiet time. I guess that might be one of the many reasons that Cabin Fever strikes about this time of year. I did have my daughter who lives in the big city call me. The old lab somehow got loose and wandered off. Thing is they are at a new house and Buster the lab does not know the neighborhood to well.


Well a few blocks from home on the same street a nice old lady saw the old black lab and brought him inside her house for the night. The next morning she called the pound who came and picked up Buster. Later that morning they called the daughter telling her they had Buster and it will be a 100.00 to get him. Seems his tag said his rabies vaccination was out dated and the 100.00 was a fine for that on the twelve year old dog. Now the daughter and her husband walked and drove around the neighborhood looking for their dog that the nice little old lady brought into her house. The daughter was not going to find Buster there. The 100.00 could have been saved if they had Buster’s name tag on him.


I have always had a soft collar on my dogs with our telephone number written in black sharpie on it. Not the dogs name because if you have the dogs name and want to keep the dog you are past a big hurdle. I would hate to lose any dog of mine that way and as much as I like little old lady’s they can go get their own dogs. I think that is a thing between city dogs always on leashes and lake dogs. The lake dogs get a chance to run free and become neighborhood dogs. People know the dogs and send them home if they are getting in trouble or if you are looking for them everyone knows who you are talking about. Also if they get a chance to run a little they see that the grass is not always greener on the other side and they soon remember where their food dish is.


City dogs tug at a leashes trying to sniff places where they never get to go. When they do get out on their own they quickly get themselves lost because they are not paying attention to where they are going. Kind of like our tourists that come to the lake with their GPS units and when the batteries go dead and they look up for the first time and they do not have a clue as to where they are. The best GPS unit I ever had did not need batteries, it was my black lab named Lady. I would go out with her in the thickest nasty woods far away from the car grouse hunting and when it was time to head back I would just tell her "Car" and she never failed to take me back to it.


Of all the dogs I have owned she is still number one even over the old guys and Duncan who has a lot to learn even though he is six. But Duncan fills a niche that I need now. The paw on my foot letting me know he is with me is something that always brings me a smile. The garden that he guards from the rabbits and squirrels and his arch nemesis the chipmunks has made me laugh more then any of the other dogs already. House pet number one, house greeter number two and a few times we grouse hunt is number three. He is great with the little grand kids and he tolerates the tomcats. Gee, I guess I did have something to write about here at Lake Iwanttobethere.

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44 IN THE BOAT HERE ON HIDDEN BAY late this afternoon. Cloudy sky overhead and we have been having some lite rain showers fall, just enough to make it feel colder then what it is. I am spending the afternoon here before going up to the Resort to put the finishing touches on our tackle order. Makes me feel good ordering a bunch of lures and hooks and floats. When the order comes in the bare peg boards will once again be full and we will add a few more sections as we are using our profits to add more inventory. The Tenners will once again supply us with crawlers this summer and we have the local bait dealer lined up for our minnows. I for one am hoping the local marsh will produce some frogs as that is my favorite bait to fish with.


Been a busy week for me. Had a couple of DR appointments in the big city to go and then out of the blue on Friday I developed a serious case of hives that put me in the hospital over the weekend. Don’t know what was the cause as there can be hundreds of things that can trigger it. Right now I went on a med for it and was told to try and eliminate all the stress in my life. Well that just put me under more stress to get rid of my stress. So now this afternoon I get a telephone call from my city doctor that he wants to start my second round of Chemo on Thursday. I thought I was going to have a little time but I guess not. So now I am rushing to get the tackle order in, yup no stress. The only good part is I have to sit in a chair for eight hours on Thursday so I am sure I will have plenty of time to go over the order in my head and remember what I forgot.


I did get the new home computer online, that was fun. I have not even started to transfer information from the old to the new. Amazing how much stuff you can put on a hard drive over nine years and now I have to go through and sort what is good or not. Got about 3000 pictures and everyone of them triggers memory, specially the ones with grand kids and fishing and of course the old dogs. One of these days I will have to go to the Lodge and pull stuff off that one. More dog pictures and fishing shots that I share with Lodge members. Sunshine Ray had forecasted temps in the fifties and sunshine for yesterday, that did not happen. Ski hill is closed today and tomorrow too. I know this because the granddaughter called me and told me her lessons were canceled. I saw a video of her the other day just bombing down the hill, I was impressed and I told her she has some mad skills. She told me she is liking the down hill over the cross-country, less work.


First week of March is about gone, furnace is running less and the wood pile outside the cabin door stays fuller longer. My neighbor Maple Syrup Chuck is not about much as he is getting ready for syrup time. I told him I will keep an eye on his chicks and his eggs. Actually I will send one ofthe Tenners over to do the collecting. The hens starting laying again just last week, another sign that winter is coming to an end. The male half of the Tenners is having a birthday here in about eleven days and I am going to go through my tackle boxes and fill his box for him. Pretty much a given I have more then enough tackle for the rest of my life time. He asked for tackle so I will be able to give him a gift he wants. Going to make a tackle bag for the Female Tenner too as her birthdays is not till November and she would make more use of it this summer then next.


Will try and keep you updated don’t know what is going to happen after a day in the chair for Chemo. I have been told that the biggest side effect of this new drug is fatigue, I am thinking it will be a reason for naps but the DOC said it is a little more complicated then that and writing might be a chore until I can get some control of it. Don’t be surprised if I go quiet for awhile, I will be all right. I will be just thinking of more stories for you to read down the road here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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-3 IN THE BOAT HERE ON HIDDEN BAY as I sit down at the desk here early this morning. I woke up at three and could not go back to sleep. I kind of dozed till my rumbling stomach was to much and I got up and first checked the fire in the fire place. Some hot coals looked back at me and I decided to hold off on the fire but instead went over to the thermostat and bumped it up a couple of clicks and soon the furnace was pushing heat into the cabin. I made my way to the kitchen open the fridge and looked at my options. Hard boiled eggs, nope. A chicken breast was looking kind of good till I saw the porterhouse steak that was out for supper.


I got the sixteen inch cast iron pan out, the long handle turkey fork some Mrs. Dash and some oil. Yup, I had made my choice, I was going to have steak for an early breakfast and not some little breakfast steak but the real deal. I washed the steak off, patted it dry, smeared on some oil then sprinkled some dash on. Into the pan it went and I headed to the fireplace. Moved the grate out of the way stirred the coals a little so they were cherry red and plopped the pan in the middle of them. Back to the kitchen for a plate and a fork and steak knife then back to the living room in time to flip the steak in the pan. I already could smell the steak as it sizzled away and with the smell of the maple smoke and my lips were smacking.


A few minutes later and I used the turkey fork to spear the steak out of the pan and onto my plate. First piece might have been a little undercooked but it sure hit the spot. I cut off another nice piece then put the rest of the steak back in the pan and back on the coals. I let it cook a little longer as I ate what I had cut off. I took the steak back out and back on the plate and this time it was cooked to my liking. I moved to the couch ate my steak and watched the morning news on TV, can’t remember when I have ever had a better six o’clock steak.


Yesterday I left the cabin in the dark and got back home in the dark. Had to go to the big city for my first chemo treatment 2nd battle round. Eight hour IV treatment and the next few days we will see what kind of side effects it is going to leave me with. I have already decided I am going to tuff this out and not let me them slow me down. I have to many things I want and need to do. My garden, fishing and time with my grand kids. I have also decided that stories about the Lodge are going to be more positive and more about what is going on around here. So as the weeks go on you are going to hear less about me and more about the town and all of the people living in. Stories may be short and sweet or may be a few pages long, who knows this is after all Lake Iwanttobethere

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12 IN THE BOAT HERE ON HIDDEN BAY as I sit down at the desk here early this morning. I woke up at four thirty and could not go back to sleep. Since I am doing infusion therapy on Thursday I have to follow up with some low dosages of steroids on Friday and Saturday. A side effect of the steroids is I don’t sleep much and I have a sense that I can do a lot more then what I should be. The plus side is I get some things done on the Honey Do List but then pay for it later. I know it has been awhile since I have mentioned Silent Sundays but I do try and make them happen. With having a cell phone now people just text me instead of calling, I might just have to have a Silent Sunday with no cell phone.


Silent Sunday came at a good time as yesterday I was busy. Number one and number two grandsons were here for most of the day. The wife took number one and I took number two. The day was filled with hockey as we watched a Wild game I had recorded then a high school champship game. Some where in there we made a batch of chili in the big crock pot. Actually I watched as the male half of the Tenners assembled all the fixings. He has learned the secret recipe and he might have made it a little hot but it turned out all right. We did try something a little different as we did not put hamburger in it but instead we diced up a small beef roast and put that in instead.


Now I have found that anything you do is never straight forward, something needs to be done. In the case of the diced up beef I did not have a knife in the cabin that was sharp enough for the job. I went looking for my fish knife that is always sharp and I could not find it. So I sent the grandson to the shop and had him bring in the bench sander. We gathered all the knifes in the cabin and I put a edge on every single one. We now have sharp knifes once again. With chili cooking we set our sights on apples, we peeled a bag with a hint to the wife and the other grandson to make apple pie. Back to watching more high school hockey and flipping channels to catch the local college team complete a first round sweep and move on. Another northern high school team wins a championship and for at least the next year the north rules in high school hockey.


The female half of the Tenners calls me to tell me she is having a great time at the water park they are staying at for the weekend on the far side of Lake Iwanttobethere Her foot has healed so she can return to swimming again and she is one happy camper. Todays plan is to head up to the Resort for the day. Big Chicago/Wild game at noon and I am going to sit back with the guys and watch it. By the time it is done I am sure I will be ready for a nice catch up nap and no one will be able to disturb me up there as more then likely all the other guys will be ready for a nap to. When I get up I will head to the Bait Room and start arranging things. Have some prices to raise on things as tackle prices have once gain gone up on things. Can’t make any money if we are selling stuff cheaper then what we can buy them for this year.


Sunshine Ray is forecasting that we may be in for a snow event starting tonight. We are going to be caught between a low and a high coming right over the top of Lake Iwanttobethere. This means if it parks over head we could be in for enough snow that we might actually have to use the snow throwers. The snow would be nice as back at the cabin I have more grass then snow covering the ground. Maybe I will get to spend some time later this evening smoking a home rolled cigar, drinking a few sips of beer and working on a stress free day here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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32 HERE IN THEboat at Hidden Bay here at Lake Iwanttobethere. We did have a snow event here on Monday as we received some rabbit tracking snow overnight at the Resort. Maybe an inch at the Lodge and a whopping twelve inches at my daughters new house on the other side of Mystery River. Son in law had to get his new snow thrower out so he could get out of the garage. This morning Sunshine Ray is calling for snow changing to ice then to rain, should be a mess by noon. I had to come into the big city yesterday for treatment as I will be for the next six weeks every Thursday. I left the brown dog with the wife and every day she called to tell me WHAT my dog had done. I keep telling her that Duncan is hers as he follows her around 24/7 and she does not believe me. When we first got Duncan the old dogs were around and I spent a lot of time with them because they deserved it. When they past on I then spent time with Duncan but it was too late as he had already started to bond with her. Not unusual as I have found out over the years that male dogs tend to bond to females and females to males. Unless you spend a lot of time with them or as in the wife case she would sneak Duncan table food, You can’t compete against food.


Duncan will spend time with me if she is away from the cabin but even then he will have one eye on the door waiting for her return. Of course the last year I have not been driving so we do miss our outings which might have helped some with him bonding with me. He does enjoy his time at the Lodge though. I did come into town with Vic, it was time for his spring hair cut and looking in the mirror I did need one also. Vic drove and it took us awhile to get into town but I was in no hurry and he is a better driver then my wife so all was well. We arrived at Burt’s and Bart’s Barbershop and walked into a heated argument about fishing, just what I needed. The shop was divided on walleye and smallmouth fishing at Lake Iwanttobethere. Slowly but surely the lake is turning into a smallmouth fishery The walleye guys were complaining that there are so many smallies that you can’t get your bait down to the walleyes without the smallies snatching it.


I sat back and listen as I am a largemouth kind of guy and I have my spots where neither the walleye or the smallmouth have yet invaded. In my spots the pike have returned and in recent years I have enjoyed catching pike who get bigger every year and love hitting my topwater baits. The secret spots I pretty much only share with my neighbor Chuck who two years ago caught a forty inch pike and the mere mention of it puts a smile on his face. Fish County is in a spot where we are just in the upper Largemouth area but the Smallmouth are now moving South and overlapping giving us the best of both worlds. Walleye are everywhere if you are a walleye fishermen. Pike, big pike have to be looked for as there numbers are down but if you know where to go there are still some big ones to be caught. One thing about Lake Iwanttobethere is we do have some of everything but you have to put in the time, that is why they call it fishing not catching.


My youngest daughter caught her personal best out of the back of the Puddle Humper then two days later caught a new personal best largemouth. The last year that I got to fish I had four people who fished with me increase there personal best bass fishing out of the back of the boat, they just happen to be on the right part of Lake Iwanttobethere at the right time and I got to play guide. I have their pictures on my den wall with their fish and I smile every time I look at the pictures of them, I was happy to be there. My goal this season is to get out fishing and get the Tenners to get some pictures on the wall.


So I got a haircut and a beard trim, looking in the mirror I did need it. We stopped over at Amy’s Bakery for a big slice of apple pie and took a slow ride back to the Resort and a well needed nap. I did get the Bait Room organized, in my head. Now I just need our tackle order to come in so I can put it together on the walls. I took one of the small Styrofoam coolers and filled it with tackle as a present for my grandson when I got back to the cabin, I added a mess of stuff from my own tackle boxes. There will be more than enough stuff to fill his empty tackle box for his 132 nd month birthday on Saturday. I will do the same for my fishing granddaughter, they will get a lot of fishing stuff when I pass so why make them wait I figure. On another note I had to dig out my old keyboard out as I could not get use to the new keyboard that I had upgraded to. Guess we still need to stay old school in some things here at Lake Iwanttobethere.

Edited by Bobby Bass
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34 HERE IN THE boat at Hidden Bay here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Today is the grandson also known as one of the Tenners birthday. Even though he will be turning eleven he still wants to be know as a Tenner so I guess the name is going to stick to him and his female cousin. I have already been to the Lodge this morning as we had a Lodge meeting amongst employees. The Ladies Auxiliary of course meets in the small meeting room and their gathering tends to keep Lodge members away till after their gathering is over. This gives us a perfect time to conduct Lodge business. Now I am sure that some of you have figured out that over the years I have a certain amount of control of this place we call Lake Iwanttobethere. Truth be told I think this is the first time it has been mentioned that I actually own the town and it has been in my family for years.


The Lodge is one of the things I own and run with a light touch. Things are going to change a little here due to my illness and I am in the position to make some changes. This morning at our meeting the first such change was made. Since I will be unavailable for any work on Thursdays for the next several months I am once again stepping back. Gus will now be promoted to full time Lodge manager and as a reward Honey Sauce has been promoted from head waitress to assistant manager of the Lodge. Vinnie will now be promote to head server.


The town will continue to grow and in the months ahead we will focus on some of the businesses in town and of course introduce you to the owners and some of the summer residents that live on the lake. Also with summer coming we will be featuring several new Lodge members. We will also revisit Lodge members and keep you up to date on what is going on around town. Between the county fair and Fourth of July doings, weekend fishing contests and the upcoming garden season, camping outings and fishing trips there is a lot of places where the lake stories will take us this summer.


I would like the lake stories to continue after I am gone. I am hoping maybe the Tenners will pick up where I leave off and maybe we will take a look at what the town looks like in the eyes of some youngsters. Maybe a step back in our past or maybe it will be a step forward in our future. Duncan of course will be a story line as the brown dog is always doing something. Mother in law will make an appearance as she is getting older every day and is starting to slip a little. Death and birth is part of the lake as is my health and the old lady who we don’t talk about a lot but I am going to as she bugs the heck out of me as much as my own wife does.


Grand kids and old dogs and son in laws and thunderstorms and mowing grass. Geese and northerns and lost bass and buzzing bees. Lemonade and swings on decks, birthdays and funerals and parades. Mooing cows and snorting pigs, sweet corn and BBQ’s ripe tomatoes ate from the vine and home made cigars lit with wood matches. Fire pits and sparks climbing up in to pitch black night sky. Moon so bright you can read by. Quaking ducks and crash landing loons, frogs croaking and fireflies flying. Dragonflies like hueys coming in low. Those dang wasps and delicious ice cold watermelon. Clouds that look like lions floating across the sky. Crows cawing Grouse drumming. Deer in the garden, ripe strawberries being stolen by chipmunks and groundhogs digging. Flipping rocks looking for fishing bait, skipping rocks into the lake. Wading streams in summer heat. Soccer games and church beer ball games. Weddings and go carts races, hay rides. Bluegills cleaning your tangling toes off the dock, sucker fishing with borrowed suckers. Fish frys, root beer floats, apple pie. Shooting skeet and lazy naps.The best bologna sandwiches ever eaten on the banks of a creek. There will still be a lot to write about here at Lake Iwanttobethere

Edited by Bobby Bass
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27 HERE IN THEboat at Hidden Bay here at Lake Iwanttobethere. As I sit down to write today's jottings Sunshine Ray was just on KCUM radio with a forecasted high today of near fifty, I guess that is his way of hedging his forecast. A nice sunrise this morning and that is a sign of spring and I hope an everyday event of the upcoming summer. I have infusion therapy now every Thursday for the next eight weeks. Part of this is I will be receiving steroids which leaves me with insomnia for about four days afterwards so I am up all night and most of the day. It would be great if I could get a lot of work done but it does not work that way. Good thing there are a lot of fishing shows I can record and hockey games to watch in the dead of night.


Yesterday was the grandson’s birthday and he got a tricked out bike from Wheels n Spokes. He rode it here to the cabin to show me. Getting a new bike when you are eleven is a lot like a grownup getting a new four wheeler or snowmobile. Made me think of my first fancy bike, a ten speed with skinny tires painted candy apple green, I had to special order the color and those extra few weeks felt like it was half the summer before I got it. Skinny tires were not the best for riding the dirt roads to the fishing hole with my buddies and lots of times I was last as they were still ridding their bikes with the knobby wheels and banana seats. But once we got up on the black top and I shifted through my ten gears they were far behind me and I would go so fast I would have to take my hat off so I would not lose it. I think I rode that bike into pieces in two summers but I still remember it fifty years later. I am thinking the grandson will have the same kind of memories with his new bike as we both looked it over.


We went inside and I gave him his cooler and he shook it like most kids do to their presents, right away he was guessing tackle mostly because that is what he had asked for. I did surprise him though as he took off the top and found out how much was inside. For a few moments there he forgot about his new bike and his eyes lit up with the color of fishing lures and sharp hooks. I got a big hug and a thank you and he told me he would be back later to fill his tackle box but he had to get back home before dark and with that he jumped on his new bike and headed home. I made it to the couch for a short nap and it was a good day for both of us.


Silently Sunday today and the cabin is quiet at this time. Will do a little watering on my garden plants that I have started, maybe some reading and will try to get some sleep in. Hockey game this afternoon that I will try and watch and maybe the Wild will reward me with a win, it has been awhile for them. Have to do my exercises working on my legs and maybe spend some time on the Lake Finder looking for that special new lake to fish this summer off the beaten path. Still looking at maybe finding a cabin to rent late this summer, my neighbor Chuck is still game for it and it just might be what the dr. order for me. I am hoping I will be well enough that it would be worth my wild to reward myself with some serious quiet fishing time just sitting in the Puddle Humper and drifting and fishing easy like.


I should roll up some cigars, easier to do with the light coming through the window so I can see what I am doing I also have to make a fishing tackle bag up for the grand daughter to, Her birthday is not till November but she should have a full tackle box for the summer to. Has been awhile since she has been over, everyone is sick over at her house and I can’t be around sick people, my immune system is suppressed right now, kind of makes it hard to be around people so I spend a lot of time on the phone bothering people that way, good thing I don’t have your number here at Lake Iwanttobethere.

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36 HERE IN THE boat on Hidden Bay well after dark. First day of Spring and it was a busy one. Slept in late trying to catch up on my sleep then ended going outside to take in a cloudy yet warm fifty plus degree day. Been a long time since I could just sit out on the deck and take in some fresh air. The wife came out and it was so nice out that she could not just sit and do nothing but instead started to pick stuff up around the yard. No matter how well you clean things up in the fall things have a way of showing up come spring. I sat on the deck with a clipboard and a yellow legal pad and started jotting down things that needed to be done. My neighbor Chuck came over and pulled out a chair and we sat and chatted. After awhile the sun came out which was not in Sunshine Ray’s forecast which made it even harder to go back inside the cabin.


Wife went inside and opening the window asked if we had any gas for the BBQ, we did and I told her so. A few minutes later she was back out with a couple of steaks and Chuck fired up the grill and invited himself for lunch. The smell of sizzling steaks was soon in the air and who comes wandering over but Elmer, with his own steak no less. We ate steak and moved our chairs around the table to stay in the sunlight. Of course conversation soon turned to fishing and plans for the summer. Before you know it most of the afternoon was gone. Elmer went back to his place and Chuck to his. I sat on the deck and the wife brought out a big heavy quilt and tossed it on my lap. I snuggled under it and dang if I didn’t take my first spring nap.


Woke up to the sound of number two grand son on his new bike, I pretended be asleep but he knew I wasn’t. He wanted to borrow the computer to do some school work so I followed him into the cabin. I was a little stiff as a spring nap is nothing like a middle of the summer nap. So much for the plans I had for the day, was going to make some cigars and do a little transplanting of seedlings, but they will still be there tomorrow. A few telephone calls later and it was supper time, where does a day go.


A birthday week here at the Lake as my neighbor Chuck, and Nytelyter will be having theirs in a few days and LegalMusky just had his big 780 month one. Special shout out to LegalMusky as he always seems to say something to me when my sprits are a little low. Matter of fact I have forgotten to mention that last weekend the Ladies Auxiliary had made a couple of birthday cakes for the guys. unfortunately they also ate most of the two cakes during their Saturday morning meeting. But I guess they had good thoughts and no one I know wanted to question them about the cakes.

If you guys swing by the Lodge I am good for a couple of beers on the house that is if I can find them drink tickets I had printed up. Weather to change to rain showers for the rest of the week. Should have figured that we were just going to get a tease of spring and not the real thing, at least not yet here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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32 HERE IN THE boat on Hidden Bay, some sunshine but it looks a lot warmer then it is. Back at the cabin after running a few errands in town. Had to go down to the Lake Iwanttobethere Bank where I slipped into Mr. Fergenson office, the bank president to approve some town transactions. I do this from time to time but never mention it but now that you know I am working in the background helping the town out I thought I would share a little of what is being done around here to keep looking good. Today I approved a pink paint job on the fish cleaning station down by the access and also one of the docks is in need of replanking so that to will get done before fishing season starts. A check was sent out to the street cleaning company and the flag on the pole in the center of town will be replaced.


A donation was made to the Ladies Auxiliary to pay for their rental and we talked about the request to resod the softball field in time for the church league season. The big check was for ten thousand walleye fingerlings to be hauled into the lake under the cover of darkness to keep them walleye guys happy. Another donation to the volunteer fire dept. And my favorite thing Mrs. Gleason to her surprise will find out that she won a contest at the bank which just happens to be enough to pay off her mortgage. Money was donated to the Lodge to pay for six membership and they will be drawn for in a contest that Gus will come up with, his job now as the manager.


A couple of new bike racks for around town, and a fresh coat of paint on the two parking spaces and a good cleaning of the meter where DOC Burriem still ties his car to when he is in town. An envelope with a couple of dollars to the Smith kid to keep helping out Ma and Pa after school with sweeping their sidewalk. An order confirming Diggers flowers for all the town’s planters and a new planter out on the road leading the way to Lake Iwanttobethere and maybe touching up the sign. Next month I will have to look at the grass contract and there was talk that the boat landing needs to be dug out some. A few fire rings may have to be ordered for the park. I enjoy being the little birdy listening to what we need done around the town as I sit behind the bar wiping out mugs with my towel. Have been doing this for a long time and I enjoy spending bucks. Makes me happy to put a smile on someone’s face. Now it is not all me the town does bring in money I just help Mr. Fergenson out when the town is a little short or I see where I can help the town out.


I have always backed the Lodge as a place where guys can go and put their feet up, not a place where people go to get money for stuff. My me donating we keep the fishing contests going. I do donate a lot to the school for things because I want our kids to enjoy being kids not having to learn how to be salesmen in the second grade trying to earn money for field trips. Of course there I have a price tag and that is they get at least one ice fishing trip and one summer trip. If they don’t have rods Masterbaiters seems to find a check for them. Now this is not a total secret, of course Mr. Fergenson knows about me and the town along with Elmer and Big Earl and Vicki at the bait shop, they also help donate or at they get the town stuff at cost. There are a lot of people out there who love to donate and a kid’s smile is all they want in return. I find that smile means a lot to me these days. My 765 birthday today, everyone now is kind of special and you might have figured it out, my birthday is the day I go see Mr. Fergenson here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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39 HERE IN THE boat on Hidden Bay, yesterday we had sleet and snow and the furnace was running when I got home, things I do not want to see hear towards the end of March. Was in the big city yesterday at the clinic, Thursdays are chemo days so I was hooked up to an IV for most of the day. However I did spend most of my day chatting up the guy who was sitting next to me. Interesting fellow he was before retiring the CEO of a hospital and spent a lot of his down time on a northern lake that is on my bucket list to fish. What better way to learn a lake then by someone who has fished it for the past forty years. I am hoping to share a chair alongside of him next Thursday. When I was getting blood drawn I sat next to yet another interesting guy. He to was retired but I was to find out that he worked at Cape Canaveral for thirty years where he was a jig and fitting’s guy. His job was to take an idea and make it real for the rockets they launched there. Another guy was sitting behind us ease dropping and he pitched in that he new a guy who lived in a small town up the shore who was also retired and his job was to fly a helicopter and pull the astronauts out of the ocean when they landed. Funny where local guys land up and what jobs they acquire. I gave all three of them Lodge business cards, would be interesting future Lodge members.


So the good and bad part of doing chemo is last week was a great week, Since I was last in the hospital I took on a huge amount of water weight. Last week I lost twenty-one pounds I was a very happy camper when I got off the scale, Hope to repeat it again this week, now the bad part is I am back on steroids and I have to take them for three days running after every treatment, the side effect is insomnia. Last night I only slept two hours and then I was wide awake, So at five this morning I made big batch of chili and took my time dicing everything by hand. Should be done here soon and I already called Elmer and Chuck to come over for late lunch.


Even though it is cloudy out you can tell the sun is up longer and higher in the sky, my seedlings in the South window are finally starting to grow and even the tobacco is becoming bigger then dots. Only a month before stuff should go out to the greenhouse and two months before we start planting in what was looking to be an early spring, now I am not so sure. I did roll a few cigars an I am getting better at it, I am surprise at how much tobacco leaf I am using up on a single cigar. I may have to plant more then I was planing this summer.


It was nice to go to the big city though, I have been locked away in the cabin most of the winter and the fresh air is good for me. The wife is none too happy as I am building a pretty good Honey Do List of my own! for her her at Lake Iwanttobethere

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56 HERE IN THE boat on Hidden Bay, let me repeat that 56 as in above zero! That kind of number in the fall would be a for sure an afternoon in the Puddle Humper working some late green patch of weeds down a shoreline in search of that late fall bass bite. I would have a rod with a buzz bait handy and when I would come up on some down green I would fling that buzz bait across the top and pump it back to the boat. There would be a good chance for a bass to bust it or more likely as not a northen would try to impress me with a splash and a swirl. The rod would bend some and I would work the fish back to the Puddle Humper. With the northern thrashing at the side of the boat like a toddler trying to get away from his mother at the grocery store I would wait for him to settle down. With years of practice I would grab the northern by his shoulders if fish really had shoulders. I would be able to gage if it was a keeper or not just by how wide I would have to spread my fingers for a good grip.


Lifting the fish out of the water drops would fall back and I would be face to face with a fish that always seem to have that attitude about him. I would pull the hook from the corner of his mouth and give him the fish a look over. Twenty inches, not bad but it was too early in the afternoon to be thinking about supper. I would tell the fish thanks for the action then let him slide from my hand back into the water. The fish of course would do nothing for a second or two then dart off to rejoin his buddies. Taking his position he would brag about how no fishermen could hold him. Back in the boat I would pick up one of the wife's new fluffy kitchen towels that I had borrowed to dry my hands and work a little heat back in my fingers. I would stay on the shoreline tossing a spinner bait and staying were the sun was shinning and with the luck be out of the wind because 56 is still 56, yup that is what I would be doing.


So I am sitting in the cabin, I have the den window cracked open and I can smell the outdoors. The cabin is breathing a little and I think it to is enjoying getting some fresh air to exchange with the stuff that has been here all winter. A few clouds in the sky but lots of sunshine coming in all the south windows. Wife is out on the deck with the brown dog, she has a soapy bucket of water and is wiping down deck furniture. Duncan is touring the grounds taking his time and walking slow, his nose deep into the old brown grass. I can’t see them but I can hear a few birds making noise. The wife comes over to the window to tell me she just saw three bees. Does not surprise me as the neighbor down the road has a hive, I am guessing bees get cabin fever to! Told her go to the greenhouse and grab the screen for the den window, don’t need bees in the cabin.


Sunshine Ray was forecasting mid fifties this weekend but today is a surprise, I was not ready for it. Not much ice on Lake Iwanttobethere and this will put a dent on what is left. Grabbing a jacket I made my way out to the deck and sat down on a chair in the full sun shine. It was just like a day like today should feel like. I lean back in the chair and closed my eyes and took a good listen. Some birds, a chain saw, which put a smile on my face that someone was using a day like today to do chain saw work. I am betting they are thinking winter is not done yet and filling the wood box might not be that bad of an idea. I took a moment to check our wood rack which was half full and decided we are good to go. Then I heard it, and you can’t mistake it for anything else. Someone had started their outboard, what lovely sound!


Well the wife went in the cabin and came out with a quilt and covered me up. I had no problem tugging it around me, I pulled my cap down low over my eye and the brown dog came over and laid down at my feet. Sleeping especially good sleep is hard for me to come by these days so I don’t need much of an excuse to close my eyes and think of buzz baits, lapping water and northerns who think they are something here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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40 HERE IN THE boat on Hidden Bay, been a busy week here at the cabin. There are a lot of things that the wife does around here but the there are a lot of things that she does not. As we all know when you own something sooner or later it needs some attention. The grandson spent the weekend here and was game for anything to do so I got out the Honey Do List and we went to work. Spent several hours transplanting flowers, peppers and tomatoes from their starter beds into the small hydro cups. Glued up legs on a end table, put a back on book case. Finally got the tobacco in the shop that has been hanging for two years. Grandson had to climb the tresses which he thought was great fun. Taught him how to do some muding as I have been beating the heck out of the plaster corners in the cabin with my wheelchair, and of course we made pizza, had a fire in the pit and did marshmallows, not a bad way to spend a weekend.


Spent time on the deck with my neighbors who were attracted to the smell of smoke. Chuck and Elmer came over sat down and we talked about all the stuff that needs to be done outside. It always seems to take so much longer to put stuff out then to put it away. Might be because the snow comes and hides half of what needs to be done. So instead of doing anything we talked about our plans to do it. The wife hung the wind chimes that she had put away for winter and now as I write this there is a breeze and the chimes are banging away outside the den window. The robins returned in mass last week and it is not really all that quiet here at seven in the morning.


I checked in with Gus at the Lodge and opening day of baseball was well received. A lot of Lodge members were there watching the game and even though it was an afternoon game some beer was sold. Hockey tonight and the playoffs here soon. We are always looking for a way to keep the Lodge members happy and I guess making the move to a big TV was long over due. Hammering Hanks wife Tess is sewing a big curtain for us so we can cover the TV when not in use. That will bring the Lodge somewhat back looking like it has for decades. I don’t want us to miss the log walls and yellow butter stained glass of the popcorn machine. The fire in the fireplace and old wood chairs that shoud get refinished but more then likely never will. The cherry bar in the low light and the mugs with round bottoms on square coasters.


Old fish mounts on the walls donated by Lodge members. The black board with the current big fish listed. The old couch in the corner and scattered rugs where dogs have laid after hunting with their masters. Tourist kids with a dollar bill looking over the candy case. The view from the deck at Lake Iwanttobethere of Root Beer Island, the boat landing and park. The sound of church league softball on a Sunday afternoon and of course the tourist taking it all in and trying to remember how they found this place. We are quiet now, still six weeks from fishing but that does not mean guys are not working on boats and making plans. I have not seen the FELLOWS for a while but I am sure if they have a money making idea that will find me and show me. Actually Vic told me they were trying to get the mortar out of the swamp but it is still frozen in. They do think they can put a big magnet on the crane and dip it in the lake to find my anvil that they used, we will see how that comes out.


Sunshine Ray is forecasting that it is going to keep getting warmer, I think he is really stepping out on a limb there. I hear guys on the other side of the lake are already planting their gardens, my raised beds are still frozen here and Vic has not even looked at the big garden at the Resort yet. Warm weather will come and it will get here when it gets here. For now we work on the Honey Do List so we have time to enjoy summer here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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57 HERE IN THE boat on Hidden Bay, been a busy week here at the cabin. Seems every time I sit down at the desk I have to get up to tend to something. The daughter was in the big city and found a deal on deck furniture, needed the work trailer. Before you know it the wife found deals for us and we ended up going back and replacing all of our old deck stuff plus I bought a huge overstuff chair for my bedroom/theater. Which means I had to do some moving and rewiring of where speakers went. While I was at it with this big chair I have turned that area into a reading spot so more lighting was needed, which means a trip to see Big Earl at the General Store. A stop was made at the Chicken Shack which open a little early, supper was bought and bones were licked clean.


Had a surprise birthday party here, it was a surprise because we were told three hours before the party we were hosting it. After the party I tripped and fell on my ribs that has really slowed things up. Geeze this getting old is a real pain. Things I used to do when I was young and not think twice about make me sit carefully watching what I am doing. Doc Burium was kind enough to stop by and told me simply "don’t do that." Sunshine Ray forecasted we were going to get snow but we got none on this side of the lake. We did get a lot of wind and we have plenty of new branches to cut up to size and for a nice evening fire in the pit. Wife has been complaining about all the down branches she has to haul and how she seen this many before. I smiled to myself as I have been the one doing all the hauling but now she is starting to find out all the work that I would do around the cabin that she did not give me credit for.


I heard the same story from Vic up at the Resort about down trees and branches. I talk to him every day as we are having a small indoor growing race with our tomatoe plants. He is winning. In my defense he has a lot more growing space on his southern windows in the main room right behind the booths. Some snow on the ground up there but it is going fast and running off to Mystery River where I hear fishing has been good for those who want to get wet. Vic has cleaned out his ice shanty and everything is put away for another season. Time is moving pretty quickly this year and Cabin Fever has really not happen, at least for us here at the lake.


Lodge members are coming in and watching hockey and surprise the Twins are in first place and there are people junking, at least now on the bandwagon. Even Big Earl has some caps and tee shirts for sale and Reed the Realtor is talking of a summer road trip to see a game. Another order of tackle came in at the Resort and Vic hung it for me. Took him most of the afternoon but he had nothing better to do and he enjoyed it. Said it was like filling the biggest tackle box he had ever seen. So this is a short story about a lot that happen here at the lake. I am halfway though my scanned chemo therapy and the side effects are catching up on me. Writing is hard to do for some reason. Fatigue has me tired and just not wanting to do anything. Things will get better and I hope stories will improve here soon. Good time to be sick with luck I will feel better when fishing season arrives here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
    • We have bought a new boat, which we will be picking up this spring. It is an Alumacraft Competitor 165 sport with a 90 horse Yamaha motor. I will be buying and installing a trolling motor,  wondering if I can get some recommendations on what pound thrust I will want for this boat?  Also, I will be selling my old boat, is there a good way to determine the value on an older boat ( mid-80's with a 75 horse 2-stroke  Mariner motor)  I will appreciate any help with these questions.
    • Sketti...  not out of a jar either!
    • Lol yeah I watched that
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