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Winter/cold weather transportation?


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My first pup is 5 months now. I am curious as to how people transport their dogs in the middle of winter. I have looked a some of the kennel covers online but not sure how well they work. Could build an insulated box for the truck bed but that is too heavy to move easily. Could have the dog in the cab....might be a little messy on the seat. Can't do a topper because of hauling the snowmobile...thoughts/ideas?

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Basically due to the hard cover I have on the bed of my truck. Maggie rides in the back seat. I have a cheap cover from Cabelas and it works great. My wife even bought sometype of dog seatbelt thing. Seems a little too much to me but Magie does not seem to mind she just sleeps the entire time anyway.

Besides she really thinks she is a person. The only time she thinks she is a dog is near water and while hunting pheasants.

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I would say possibly a few trips like up to Brainerd or Detroit Lakes from the cities. Many more around town that would be like 30-60 min. I have a newer reg cab Dodge that he may fit behind the seat for a little bit but would proably not be very comfy. Most likely nothing overnight.

Plus, if it's me and another buddy heading out ice fishing he will need to fit somewhere else besides the front seat!

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If you can't get the dog in the cab, after working the hell out of your dog, when it is cold, you shouldn't have a dog. To many people in this country try and leave the dog out in the back. Not a good thing. CAJ

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I have an x-cab that my dog goes in, but people obviously had dogs and hunted before the x-cab came around.

CAJ,There has to be another option other than get rid of the dog.

I am sure that there are things people can build or buy that would keep the dog comfortable in the back fo the truck. I would be interested in hearing what people have done myself.


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I've transported my dogs in the bed of the truck with a topper for 20 years and never had a problem. They are in their crate with straw and when it's really cold I use a cover too. I used an insulated dog trailer for many years when I had 3-5 dogs but would rather not pull it if I don't have to. I'm ordering an insulted aluminum box for my two current dogs and I just installed a "Softtopper" on my current truck. This way I can either have a topper or not in minutes and I can easily store it if I want to take it off.

CAJ, how do you propose to move 3-5 dogs in the cab when you have 2-4 guys out hunting? Don't understand your philosophy that they need to ride in the cab. My dogs are actually safer in their strapped down crates in back, than on the back seat or floor where they'll just fly through the cab in an accident. They are outside year round and have nice coats. Never had them get cold in their crates when I take the effort to make sure they are insulated and have bedding.... but then again mine don't sleep on my bed either.

Good Luck!


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I built an insulated two dog box, throw in some straw and a few cedar chips and they are warm and toasty. Plus I sleep better at night when we are traveling around the state to hunt knowing they are locked up outside the motel.



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LOL...get rid of the dog it is..thanks CAJ!!! shocked.gif

Thanks for the info.....I might have to look into the soft topper or building an insulated box.

Anyone have experience with the insulated Kennel covers or know how well they work?

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While I don't have one yet, I've heard the insulated crate covers work great... it's on my short list of things to buy this year yet.. but I'm not there quite yet...

Anyway, I read on another HSOforum about people who have used them and said that the dogs stay pretty warm inside them when you have the cover closed up in really cold temperatures...

What I did last year was similar to Mike in Lino... I put a heavy blanket over the crate and strapped it down.. the dog was plenty warm...

I also agree that a crate is a far better place for a dog to be than the inside of a cab on long trips...


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That's pretty neat. Thanks for the PICs.

For the record, my dog does go in a crate in the x-cab or backseat of the car. But personally, I would rather have him in the back of the truck because depending what he gets into while hunting, he can sometimes really smell the truck up crazy.gif

So, this is really intersting to me. Much better options than getting rid of the dog.


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This is CAJ. I didn't say people should get rid of there dogs if they can't have them in the cab. What I mean is, I see so many guys come in from hunting with there dogs sittinint in the box of there trucks when it is raining or snowing, and they have worked hard all day. I think a lot of my dog, so I won't do it. There are a lot of godd hunters who do take good care of theredogs. Looks like a few on here have shown there good kennels and how they keep them in the topper or a good trailer. Like I say, a lot of good hunters and there dogs, but I wouldn't hesitate to turn a slob in when he doesn't treat his dog like he would like to be treated. CAJ

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I just purchased two of those insulated kennel covers, I will report on how they work. I know this much they are a pain in the rear to put on. They seem to be pretty nice, I also found a nice weather proof dog bed at GM for 19 bucks. It says it won't mold or absorb moisture so I thought I would give it a try. I'll let you know how they work..

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My Dad gave me an insulated kennel cover two seasons ago, from Cabelas and it works great. All the guys I hunt with have gone and bought them for their kennels. We leave the dogs locked up in the back of the trucks with toppers when we are in SD. On our trip after Thanksgiving it can get pretty cold, but when I go out in the a.m. and unzip the door my dog is toasty warm. I also use several carpet samples in the bottom of the kennel to get her off the cold plastic and when they start getting nasty I just toss them and get a couple more for a buck a piece. As for putting the cover on it only takes me about 10 seconds to pick the kennel up and drop it in the cover. Perhaps you got the wrong size setterguy? Any way, I highly recommend the insulated covers.

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Blue tarp folded and bungy corded around the porta-kennel works for me.May not look as nice as a factory sewed jacket but then I don't dress in hunting clothes purchased from L.L.Bean either and the dogs don't seem to mind smile.gif.

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Just remember with your tarp to provide plenty of air, tarps and plastics are vapor barriers and will not let air in or out. IF you were to put a warm dog (just finished hunting) into a crate that is tarped tight, that dog can suffocate rather quickly.

I'm not trying to pick on your post, just had a really bad experience with a "Blue Tarp". We added the tarp to keep the dogs dry on a long road trip in a downpour to Iowa. We lost two of the four dogs. There was more to the lose than just the tarp, but when we took the tarp off the dog box it was covered in condensation.

Just want to get the word out, so no one has to go through anything like that.....ever!

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When using the tarp I always leave the door opening uncovered which should leave plenty of ventilation.Besides,if I had to got through the hassle of uncovering the door at each spot it would be worth forking out enough money to pay for 10 years worth of shells on a custom cover.And just think of all the multi-use possibilities...a tarp with bungies and throw in a roll of duct tape and the world is yours to conquer!Hooorah smile.gif

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