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I know a guy named Jules, and I love Newtons. O wait....never mind. :crazy:  750 lbs?! Omigod....that's just a shade under what Smurf's first girlfriend weighed! :tired:

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55 minutes ago, leechlake said:

since Del is gone I went and found a calculator and found out the peril I was really in.  The calculator was in metric so I had to go out to my truck and look at the speedometer to do the conversions.  The coon was going in excess of 32 or 320 mph when it hit me, which one depends on how well I converted things.  I'm going with 32 since 320 mph sounds a bit fast to me.  The "jules" force it hit me with is something I don't understand but I assume that means how much something hurts when it hits you or the noise it makes when it hits you.  It hurt a moderate amount and made a "Thump!"  sound and made me dizzy for a few moments.  I think neither Dustin or my son laughed for at least ten seconds once I got off of the ground.  They were that worried.

Not gone really.  Your reflexes must be slow or nobody warned you.  Takes a coon about 1.5 seconds to fall 30 feet.  At that point it is going about 45 feet per second.  It has an energy of 450 foot pounds. To stop it in 1 foot when it lands on your head takes a force of (danged english units) 450 pounds.   (energy conservation.)

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3 minutes ago, bobberineyes said:

I'm not buying it :), I just can't see a one limb tree that a coon would be hiding in. This thing probably did its best impersonation of a gymnast coming down otta that tree with all the limbs , dang good thing you weren't porcupine hunting LL. ;)

Say, do you know the difference between (fill in your hated work place) and a porcupine?? A porky has his pricks on the outside.       belly-laugh.gif


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Distance is .5 a t**2.   I used energy.  The coon lost potential energy as it fell, converting it into kinetic energy, which is dissipated by the poor fool it lands on.  The energy is force times distance.   If it fell 25 feet it loses 25*15 foot pounds.  To absorb that much in a foot (counting deformation of the coon on the head) is 375 pounds.  If you do it in 6 inches it is 750 lb. 

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7 minutes ago, delcecchi said:

Not gone really.  Your reflexes must be slow or nobody warned you.  Takes a coon about 1.5 seconds to fall 30 feet.  At that point it is going about 45 feet per second.  It has an energy of 450 foot pounds. To stop it in 1 foot when it lands on your head takes a force of (danged english units) 450 pounds.   (energy conservation.)

so there we were in the dark.  My son had the Q Beam sticking out of moon roof in my truck.  He spotted a coon and Dustin and I walked down into the grove and he shot the first one when we weren't under the tree.  We went to pick it up under the tree and my son said "there's another one" we were now under the tree and my son was still in the truck.  We stared up in the tree and couldn't see its eyes or anything.  Suddenly two eyes appeared that looked down on us when he looked over the branch with the light coming from the truck.  Dustin shot him between the eyes and it was so dark I don't care if it took 5 seconds you couldn't see it falling.  As a city slicker I never pondered this coon conundrum ever happening.  Thread fully derailed now, good morning!

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10 minutes ago, delcecchi said:

Distance is .5 a t**2.   I used energy.  The coon lost potential energy as it fell, converting it into kinetic energy, which is dissipated by the poor fool it lands on.  The energy is force times distance.   If it fell 25 feet it loses 25*15 foot pounds.  To absorb that much in a foot (counting deformation of the coon on the head) is 375 pounds.  If you do it in 6 inches it is 750 lb. 

great work especially since you had to do the math drawing it in the sand of the beach.  It lost a lot of energy with the .22 between the eyes I agree with that part.  The thing may have been a South Dakota record the way it felt when it hit me.  I will also admit in the momentary confusion I was concerned it was still alive.  Not a lot of things are stone dead in 1.5 seconds.  Luckily I taught Dustin how to shoot years before.  Great kid, his first deer was a 171 incher I guided him to.  City slicker can hunt deer...

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I've been sprayed by lots of skunks but I've never been hit by a flying coon, bet that story still gets told now and then around the campfire. ..Hey one more post I get otta kindergarten. :D  

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Some good news out of the lambing barn: The ewe that looked like a problem had a set of twin buck lambs on her own. Not only that but another ewe did the same thing. Looks like March definitely will be coming in like a lamb or lambs. :)

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ewwwwwwwwe. sorry had to do it, morning everyone, now that my ice fishing trips are all but done, im getting back on the smoking wagon, this weekend will be awsome as I wil be doing two bear shoulder, that will be soacking apple juice for 32 hrs, then a rub, then on the smoke. pretty excited.

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Good morning......I hope...ya never know... wary_zpsdecdc698.gif  Cloudy , misty , foggy here at 32* F on the Temp-o-matic Liar gauge. No plans for today, I'm questioning myself did I need that much computer that I ordered yday....justifying it by telling myself it was only $100 more than the one I was going to get, but has double the memory , a sixth gen i6 proc instead of the i3, and a gazillion bigger HD....Oh well, done deal.Big ticket purchases make me nervous. Funny, when I bought my house, no buyers remorse or wondering if I could afford it, I remember I slept like a baby that nite.  The new truck was a different story...But back to the 'puter, better to have more storage space  than not enough. This one is getting to be the "norm" or "avergae" type for 'puters, what I have now is laughed at by everyone. But it's worked great for me. Sure, could have gone less, but for only $100 more.....I think the over-the-phone "sales" folk at the 'puter company are today's used car salesman. (Insert foreign voice) "Hello Sir my name is Ravi and the KZ7000 GTS you are ordering comes with a trial period of Quick Draw McGraw security program for only $69 you can upgrade to a three year subscription should I place that order for you today and for today only sir we have Office Jerks Home series 6.9 for only $49 should I add that for you......blah blah. Read that as fast as you can with a "Pakistani accent", and you know exactly what I mean. Jeez, those guys can talk fast...I wonder why they never became auctioneers? I can't understand those guys, either. Watch the Mecum Hot Car auctions in Phoenix sometime...I'd like to see that 'puter guy bidding against an auctioneer, whole thing would probably be over in .79 nanoseconds. Would you like an extended warranty with that? Have a good day guys, I gotta creak on over to the  Model 987 Ultra-brew Yahoo  and cawfee maker, with the free one-year early am support program......:grin:

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Good morning guys!

Snowing hard here this morning. Hope it quits before it gets deep enough that I have to plow!

No plans for today except to get the "Munchkin" Alumalite fish house ready for tomorrow. Have a friend coming over that fishes about once a winter and whose wife loves crappies.

Hope that they are still where they were yesterday and are hungry yet!

Have a good one!


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Good to start the day hearing about crappies, funny computer stories, and success in Shep's world too.   Shep aka Dotch seems to have a lot of stuff going on down there having to do with amorous activities some culminating in lamb births.  

I had a great dream last night.  One of "those" dreams if you follow me.  I like to call 'em dirty dreams.  I bet when women have those types of dreams they call them something else.  Dirty sounds good to me, makes me feel younger again and the gal in my dream was younger than me.  I'd hate to have a dream and the gal is older...wait a second, my wife is older than me.  Scratch that comment.

It snowed here this morning and I didn't know it was going to snow.  Probably 1/2 an inch which is an inch less than we got in an earlier Snow Storm this year.  My plan of keeping track of bogus storms isn't making much headway since there's only been 3.  Weather guy is batting .333 which is pretty solid.  

Finally my buddy who I'm going ice fishing with texted me last night if I got new auger blades.  I texted back "don't you have it?  Are the blades dull?"   He texted back, "yes, last time I used it it was pretty bad, my arms got tired."  If he brings it to me I guess I can get the blades sharpened so his arms don't get tired.  

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Whew! Got through morning. Got rid of the office pest early. He was instrumental in me getting my article done for the deadline. Still hasn't figured out that I don't talk to him and try to ignore him when I'm writing. His loss is my gain. Lots of other interruptions though. The office here is a terrible place to write. Easy to lose focus and your train of thought.

No newbies in the lambing barn as of this morning so that was a relief. The two sets of twins born yesterday are getting acclimated. I've been under the weather somewhat. Kind of chilled yesterday with a wonderful sinus headache. Felt a little like someone had hit me in the face with one of those cast iron frying pans before del had ground it smooth! Better today although I skipped a meeting on nitrogen I wanted to go to. Still not 100% and not feeling real warm. Headache feels more like I've been hit with a small saute pan. Don't want to get run down as it's a long lambing season ahead. Maybe have to have some tincture tonight. That'll probably help. :D

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Now that I'm pretty much a lamb expert I can tell you that the bucks are up 5-0 this year on the ewe lambs.  Odds of that happening are 1 in 32 (I brushed up on my math doing the coon thing yesterday).   Keep us posted on what's coming out of those brood ewes Dotch.  Just another CHORE to add to your list.  Maybe you could tell the office pest or your house pest (your wife) that they could keep track for you.  If the op comes in tomorrow you can ask him a question. "What's the tally at?"  He won't know and you can tell him if he isn't going to be helpful he can't come around anymore.  He will think it's funny even though your telling him the truth.  Next day he may realize he forgot the tally and won't come around.  It's worth a shot since the other techniques obviously aren't working.

Have good rest of day and Go Bucks!!!  (sorry Bernie, you have no chance).

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Dotch, I have the last tub of my fabulous home-made chicken noodle soup thawed out for tonite's supper....it's just waht ya need for that sinus thing you described. Mine only lasted for about a month off and on, just so ya know. Send the office pest down on a fast run, and you can have this soup for what ails ya. I can have some more of RH's (now mine) brats.....:grin:

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37 minutes ago, smurfy said:

reb must have had a busy morning???????:confused: he has been pretty quiet. one could assume the neighbor lady beckoned????????:confused::whistle::grin:


Been listing all my on screen shortcuts and passwords for things to be installed when the new 'puter comes...*PHEW* Leaving lotsa files on this one. About eight gazillion pics. I figure if I need them, then I can just copy some over, once I figger out how to run that Windows 10. Also had been fielding E-mails from members of my sportsman's club, who had elected me to head up a committee to implement a security cam and system, as we are having some probs out there. Committee of six guys, only two have replied in two weeks, and already getting E-mails whining about a camera system watching them, who has access to it, what's gonna be recorded, etc,.etc. We haven't even STARTED on things yet, and guys are blasting me with negative E-mails left and right. Since I'm also involved with assessments of the largest neighborhood watch group in town here, I've got plenty every day to do. With that in mind, and the negative E-mails, the no show guys, I told the board of directors last nite to get someone else to head it up; I don't need to deal with that before we're even started or even HAVE a system. That REALLY has 'em going now, was just told I can't quit, they need me, blah blah. I can't quit?! Wanna bet?  Done deal. Time for another election guys. :lol: And here Smurfo thought I just goofed off every day....:P


You aren't smoking today, are ya smurfy? He decided to QUIT TODAY guys.....let's make sure he does.  :whistle:


We wanna see this.....>>>>>Grouchy_Smurf_Poster_I_Hate_Smoking.jpg


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Reb-  great job deflecting the neighbor lady thing and good job quitting.  Telling people no is hard for me but many times what's needed to be said.  Your life will be better many times for saying no.

Smurfy- good work on the quitting.  I still chew and haven't even pondered quitting but it's looming on the horizon.  Good luck with whatever plan you've got going.  Believe it or not we're here to support you.  If you ever ponder quitting quitting remember Reb quit smoking and I quit drinking so if we can do it you can too.  Next thing you can quit is the union but one thing at a time :)


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quiting is going to happen Monday.............just cant see it happening sitting in a fishhouse having brewski's!

quitting the union gig aint happening!!!!!!!!!!! I was put on this earth to irritate people and get under there skin!!!!!!!!! cant ya tell!!!!!!:P

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I quit drinking, too.....because every time I did, I broke out in "itchies". And ya wonder why I'm nuts??!?!??!    fou33.gif


I've got a great idea!!! When you quit, put what a pack costs you every day in a jar, and when ya get a big pile.. send it to me! That'll cover the new 'puter, and then I can send ya PM's and on-screen whacks TWICE as fast!!!   :P

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25 minutes ago, smurfy said:

quiting is going to happen Monday.............just cant see it happening sitting in a fishhouse having brewski's!

quitting the union gig aint happening!!!!!!!!!!! I was put on this earth to irritate people and get under there skin!!!!!!!!! cant ya tell!!!!!!:P

 whatever works for you.  I quit two days before deer camp and it worked just fine.  Not everyone is as strong as me :)




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Just decided to take a lunch break and flip on the tube. That "Joy of painting " guy, Bob Ross was on. (isn't he dead?) Anywho, he said a line I'm gonna use all the time from now on.....it cracked me up, just the way he said it, in reference to painting a pic: "We don't make mistakes, we just have happy accidents".  lololol  That's going in my little black book...:lol:


I can hear smurf using that line when a mis-welded boiler blows....:P






34 minutes ago, smurfy said:

quiting is going to happen Monday.............just cant see it happening sitting in a fishhouse having brewski's!

quitting the union gig aint happening!!!!!!!!!!! I was put on this earth to irritate people and get under there skin!!!!!!!!! cant ya tell!!!!!!:P



Sure, when yer back to "work".......









^^$%#$#^ merging!!!   ^#!%#@

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    • Sorry to hear that Duff. Will give my GSP's an extra scratch behind the ear for you guys today
    • Aw, man, sorry to hear that.  Shed some tears and remember her well.  They all take a piece of our hearts with them; some more than others.
    • yes sorry for your loss..  our dogs are always special...
    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
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