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E Collar(s)


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I've previously had 2 labs that I've trained myself and I've never ever used an e collar before but I've hunted with plenty of guys who use them. I currently have a 6 month old lab that is way better than I would have thought at this stage of the game. However, I am considering getting into the e collar for those few times she gets a mind of her own and decides to hunt for herself. Also, when out in the yard she's becoming more of an explorer. I know the pros/cons of an e collar and I'm just trying to gather some information for myself for when and if I decide to go that route.

I have looked at the Garmin Delta Sport model and am impressed. Is anyone currently using this e collar and if so, how do you like it? Also, any other recommendations on a particular collar and if so, why?

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Dogtra or Tritronics.

Be careful of using the collar as punishment. It should be for reenforcement, and there is a big difference. Lots of free reading on the subject. Bill Hillmann is the "top dog" on it in my opinion.

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I'm totally with ya on not using it as punishment - just for reinforcement or correction. Thanks for the reading suggestion. I'll look him up.

Why Dogtra or Tritronics? I'm looking for just brand names that people like - but the reasons why they like them.

Thanks for the helpful information!

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While I very seldom use one I have found that the Tritronics people are just plain top notch for help and service. And their products seem nearly indestructible too!

As others note......be judicious with them. I have seen guys using them and I wanted to take the collar OFF the dog and jam it someplace else and LOCK it ON!

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I have been using the Sport Dog SportHunter 1800 (now discontinued) for 4 years. Sportdogs customer service was great and easy to deal with the one time that I needed them. After 2 years the antenna in the receiver broke. It cost me $45 to replace it with a new reciever. My collar gets used every day on a very active 4.5 year old German Shorthair. Like others have said to not use the collar as a punishment. This has made it so when my dog hears his collar turn on, he will come running knowing that its "fun time". In fact, it is a rarity that the "nick" gets used. He usually responds to the beep of the collar before any electricity is needed. We live in town, and he gets to run off leash at a dog park everyday no matter the weather. This collar is used for at least 60-90 minuets a day and more during the hunting season. I wont hesitate to buy another Sportdog Collar.

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I'm a TT guy only because I like how it feels in my hand while training, the small dogta transmitter doesn;t feel right. And it's important to have it in your hand NOT around your neck or on your hip while training.

I'll never have a NON collar dog, whether it be a Trial, HT or gun dog acually I would never own a pet non sporting breed dog that wasn't collar conditioned or FF for that matter. And following a proven Collar conditioning program is a must for the dog to understand the pressure, dogs can take alot of heat if they understand where it's comming from and why there getting it. I can only imagine how many dogs just get a collar wrapped around there neck and put in the field, and the owner wonders why they have a dog that over reacts from a correction, because they don't understand it. And just because a dog is screaming it doesn't always mean the owner is over correcting, I'm always looking for a behavioral response, not a verbal or physical responce from a correction.

I'm not a fan of the beeper either, if I need to give a correction which isn't often I want it make a lasting impression, I feel by using the beeper I'm nagging them and nagging can and will leed to more problems down the road.

And not a sportdog fan either, was given one a few years back to try( rep knew I was a TT )and I didn't like it at all I was CC a dog and was getting some very erratic responces from the pup. Tried it on myself a few times and it was all over the place on intensity. Never had that problem with a TT

I see you live in Nisswa if you ever want to come out and train or need some help with the collar process give me a call would be more than willing to help, Iv'e got a young dog that will be ready for CC in a couple monthes..


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Todd has make some great points. Why too many guys go out purchase a collar and put it on without proper collar conditioning. If you do decide a e collar is what you want, seek out someone who understands collar conditioning and get the training you need.

My vote is for tritronics, been using them for almost 20 years.


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I'll add that Garmin bought TT and discontinued the original TT Sport G3 which was a very good entry level collar and replaced it with the Garmin sport, it's a new product and I have not had a chance to see or use it but like all other new products I would be hesitant for a year or so, if your not looking to spend a bunch of money I would look for a refurbished unit either TT or dogtra from a place called the "collar Clinic" befor I would buy the unit you are looking at..

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dogtra with a vibrator recievers are small which you can hang around your neck it is real hard to have any receiver in your hand when your hunting.I always hit the vibrator button a few time then if the dog doesn't obey I will hit the shocker which is set on real low.

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Can't go wrong with Tritonics. I'm a diehard. My best hunting buddy has gone through two SportDog collars in three seasons, while I've just replaced my TT, and that was only because I wanted to upgrade to an expandable collar. The original still worked flawlessly! I've never had an issue, but I've heard their customer service is good, too.

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Thanks for all the feedback guys. I really appreciate it. Todd - thanks for reaching out. I'd love to get together sometime soon when my schedule frees up a little bit.

I'm a 99% pheasant hunter. Is there a certain TT unit I should be looking at? Important to me is I also have an ankle biter dog at home (cockapoo) that I would also love to use a collar on so he can go outside without being on the leash.

Again - thanks for all the great advice. I sincerely appreciate it.

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Had Tritonics for many years. I though they were the best collar out there. However every trasmitter made a trip back to the factory for repairs. The repair service was awesome. The product reliability wasn't in my experience though. Switched to Dogtra and I haven't had an issue in 8 years.

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Todd has made a very generous offer. I would take him up on his offer if you decide to purchase a collar. Too many people purchase one, put it on their dogs with no prior collar conditioning, take them out hunting and wonder why their dog went running for their truck (or worse yet, turn their dog into a "under your feet and refuses to hunt") when the owner pressed a button.

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I fully intend to take Todd up on his offer. As stated previously, I've had 2 labs previously and trained them myself and was extremely satisfied with both. They weren't perfect but they were perfect for me. I never used an e-collar. Right now I have a 7 month old sweetheart that I believe can be fantastic - if only I don't screw it up! I have lot's to learn and want to do it right!

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I've had the pleasure of owning two Dogtra collars over the last 11 years. In fact, I'd probably still be on my first collar but finally needed a waterproof transmitter so I made the upgrade a few years back. I have yet to encounter any issues with them and will continue to support Dogtra products. I was very inexperienced when starting out with training but just kept it as simple as possible and had to remind myself to use it as a tool and not a catch-all for bad behavior. If you plan on hunting, I'm a big fan of simply starting out with a long check cord, whistle and patience. If those items can come together then it's time to work the e-collar into the mix. The last thing you want is a dog to have a bad experience with an e-collar, especially in the early stages.

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Nisswaguy, I have a brand new Dogtra 280 series collar I would sell you for $145. I bought one online and the guy sent me 2 of them and billed me for 2, then went out of business or something. Could never get ahold of them. I figured at that price I would just sell it. I don't know if it's enough collar for you or not. I use it for springer spaniels and works great. I'm very partial to the Dogtra brand. Good luck!

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I was looking at the Garmin Delta Sport or the SportDog 1825. I have two dogs - only 1 hunter. So most of my time with this collar will be spent around the yard for both of them. I like the Garmin because once you switch dogs, it's on their own settings. I heard that SportDog has really turned things around since their first year and have really improved their stuff. What I don't like about the Dogtra is the dimmer dial. Too easy to get bumped in my .02. Anyone have any thoughts on either of these two models?

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I was looking at the Garmin Delta Sport or the SportDog 1825. I have two dogs - only 1 hunter. So most of my time with this collar will be spent around the yard for both of them. I like the Garmin because once you switch dogs, it's on their own settings. I heard that SportDog has really turned things around since their first year and have really improved their stuff. What I don't like about the Dogtra is the dimmer dial. Too easy to get bumped in my .02. Anyone have any thoughts on either of these two models?

I really don't like the sportdog stuff, put it this way I train with and around 100's of different people during the year and NO one uses sportdog, it's either TT or Dogtra. That dial on the dogtra is pretty tough to turn I don't see it being an issue. If I was buying a hunting collar id'e buy a dogtra if I'm buying a training collar I'm buying a TT, if I only can have one then I'm buying a TT.

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Nisswaguy, I have a brand new Dogtra 280 series collar I would sell you for $145. I bought one online and the guy sent me 2 of them and billed me for 2, then went out of business or something. Could never get ahold of them. I figured at that price I would just sell it. I don't know if it's enough collar for you or not. I use it for springer spaniels and works great. I'm very partial to the Dogtra brand. Good luck!

Thats a good collar and a good price were they new when you bought them?

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