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What is the rule??

Scott K

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I am not sure on this one. Page 59 of the regs basically says out of the right away, and I think that is all you have to be.

Not sure on this either, but thinking many county roads are built on 66 foot wide right aways. So, don't hunt 33 feet from the middle of the county road.

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No, new place to hunt, a tree line in between the field, and the road, with an awesome trail, that the owner of the land told me the deer pass through every evening. But the tree line is about 15 feet from the road, I sat there tonight, saw a few deer, then thought I wonder if it is legal, so then I moved to the opposite side of the field. I got to watch all the deer walk right next to where I started out at, then they spread out in the field until after dark.

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The ROW width could vary quite a bit depending on land acquisitions, land uses.... If there are power poles or any other utility box/panel nearby look at how far back they are, they are usually placed near the ROW limits. Or better yet look for a ROW marker or sign. If not contact the county office just to make sure.

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Well the tree line is even with the power poles. For instance, the tree line is about 10-15 feet from the edge of the gravel road, and the field starts about 20 feet from the edge of the gravel road, if that.

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I would guess that 15ft from the road would be about the area of the ROW in the ditch or darn close. That's only a guess though.

A simple call to DNR enforcement would answer this question as one would want to make sure before they hunted there.

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I know when we talked to a CO in Grant cnty, we were doing a drive, and just inside the ROW, and he "reminded" us to make sure we don't shoot from the ROW or it is instant confiscation of rifle and license. You cannot shoot from the right of way even if shooting on your own land. Makes sense, but that was eye opener for us, as we were very close with one posting position, and was basically in tilled soil of buddy's father's field.... we moved farther in after that smile

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