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Waste of time and money?

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Not too late...if we get rain. I put 3/4 acre plot of brassicus/rape in this past weekend. They won't get to their potential, but they'll still be nice in a month. We planted early August last year for one of the plots and it was nice for bow season. We hadn't planned on doing any more planting this summer, but the deer have already started pounding one of our brassicus/rape plots and I don't think there will be much left by the time the season rolls around. They shouldn't be eating those yet, must be the drought having them stressed for food sources...? Our clover plots are pretty dried out as is the alfalfa...only thing that is surviving the drought well is the brassicus/rape and the chicory.

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Most fall seasonal food plots are recommended for planting at this time of the year. I have two small plots in and am hoping for some rain soon. Forecast is for rain/thunderstorms tomorrow night, so I am crossing my fingers. A good soaking rain would be ideal, but at this point, I'll take any type of moisture I can get!

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I'd consider adding some winter rye w/ that clover for weed suppression and as a draw as it'll stay green well through fall. It'll protect the clover come spring from both weeds and browsing pressure too. It's getting to be pretty late for brassicas, but you'll still have a green buffet above ground as long as we get some timely moisture. Bulb size won't be very impressive, but it's much better than an empty dirt plot, no doubt. Definitely not a waste of time!

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After our awful drought at our camp we got 3+ inches of rain over a 4 day period. Everything came back great and green again. The plot I planted came up, but was a week delayed because we had zero rain for over a week after planting. Can't wait for the season.

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Planted some in these conditions last year, winter rye & clover. They didn't do much last fall, but the winter rye is huge now. I should have mowed it weeks ago, but couldn't get to it. The clover still didn't come great, but it's there. I mowed one Tuesday night, plan to get the others on Saturday. None of them are where I live.

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I'm crossing my fingers that the seeds I put down will germinate and have enought time to grow into something a little decent now that we have gotten plenty of rain to get em going. I'd be surprised if they grew at all to be honest, planted them in Aug and most of them have just been laying there.

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