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Buy muzzleloader now or wait?

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Looking to buy CVA OPTIMA BREAK-ACTION MUZZLELOADER, never owned one before. My question is should I wait until it gets a little closer to the season to purchase to get a better price or doesn't it really matter? I'd rather buy sooner as I need to get some time shooting target.



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Buy it as soon as you can. Play with it all summer long. Shoot it until it gets too dark out to see the target any more. Clean it. Fondle it. Read all about muzzle loading and how it developed. Get to where you are totally familiar with your weapon and can use it well.

THEN take it out hunting.

PS: There will be no "better" deals close to hunting season. That's when prices go uuuuuuuuuuPPPP.

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No better time than NOW.

Buy it and become one with the firearm, get to know it intimately. grin

I'm not kidding this is the best way to understand the gun so when the time comes you have complete understanding of how and what it needs to do for you.

Muzzle loaders are more than just smoke and boom.

More time on the trigger means less frustration come crunch time.

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The biggest adjustment for me was trigger pull, way longer on my muzzy than my deer rifle, easy to forget when the time comes, but I always am telling myself when I pull the hammer back to stay down on the animal meaning take that recoil straight back not that there's much recoil and reminder on that trigger pull, the trick is on a quiet day to get that hammer back so they don't hear you, I should've been busted the 1 time for sure. Then I whistle him to stop if needed, I hunt from ladder stands so much I sighted in on a bench which it didn't need, but I needed to know for sure, then I work on free hand shooting out to 100 and good to go because I have no bench in the stand. Then it's boil water and clean that puppy well.

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Thannks for the responses. I think I'll pick it up tonight before something comes up and I feel like I shouldn't buy a new gun. I wish I had a muzzleloader last year. We were just a little early for rut shotgun season last year. The second weekend we had maybe 1 or 2 rubs and 3-4 scrapes. The next weekend there were so many scrapes and rubs I stopped counting. I'll break out the lead sled this spring and dial the sites in.

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