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i finally have a weekend off and walked out to the ground blind in my grove to find a set of footprints going 10ft from the blind. i made a few phone calls and come to find out some guys i know decieded they would chase a coyote through our pasture into our grove and through the field behind our house without checking or at least calling me to see if anyone was at home. gotta love people that dont ask permission anymore!!!!

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This is a sore subject for me these days... There are apparently a bunch of people who think they've got some sort of God-given right to hunt my mother-in-law's property. I've posted the heck out of it and it seems to make little difference. As far as I can tell, I'll need to catch a person out there, call the CO and sheriff, and make sure the guilty guy gets the book thrown at him for the word to get out that the "No Hunting" and "No Trespassing" signs actually mean that they don't get to hunt there. It's a small town, so I'm sure everyone will conclude that I'm a horrible person and a real "blankity-blank". But, if that's what it will take for me to keep people out of there, so be it.

...and I've just had the tip of the iceberg. Some people deal with this over and over again year in and year out. Harvey Lee, from what I could tell, could tell dozens and dozens of stories about people who apparently can't read signs or don't believe the law applies to them. Many others are in a similar position having to deal with miserable law breakers who refuse to not break the law.

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Scoot I assume you've tried trail cameras up high on a tree to catch them and show there mugs to the authorities?!!?


No, I haven't done that. Two years ago I had a big run in with a local who was a real piece of work. He yelled and screamed at me telling me he "had every right" to be there. I told him if I ever saw him there again, I'd have the CO and sheriff talking to him and that I wouldn't talk to him again. After that, word spread that I was really a jerk and it seemed that nobody trespassed again. However, we lacked snow last muzzy season like we had this season. Also, I'm not around much during the week and the local trespassers/poachers/slobs know this.

This year it was really easy to see there was a problem by mid-muzzy season. As I thought about it, I realized that last year the same problem was likely going on, but I didn't know it without snow to show me. So... I didn't do anything about it this year because I foolishly thought the problem had been dealt with.

I will have a camera in every third tree next year! wink ...and yes, I'll report every single trespassing slob I get a picture of.

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Yuk, im in the middle of a boudary line dispute with the neighbors, an i cant seem to get thru to them its Not a property dispute but a saftey dispute from my end of it. All we want is there line stands facing their property, an for them to stop trailing wounded deer in to our property with out notice. They continue to do so even thoour land is posted properly. Yuk I hate this, yuk yuk yuk is all I can say, yuk! We are all supposed to meet this april for a pow wow. Hope it gose good.

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Yes. tresspassers are scum and they are lower than any slim under a rock.

I would do about anything to proscute any tresspassers to the fullest extent of the law.

I have no idea why people think they can cross a posted fence and just go ahead and hunt.

I guess one reason is in most states the trespass law has no teeth and the fine is a joke.

North Dakota does prosecute and the fines can be heavy. I get every one I can and smile about it.

If people hate me for turning them in and then think I am an silly-me, then so be it.

I do believe I could write a book on trespassers and all the dump they will try and pull to shoot a deer or a turkey.

Done with my tresspass rant now.

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Wow I guess I don't seem to have the same issues with thefts or property destruction issues from uninvited guests on my property as the rest of you do. Maybe I’m just lucky is all. I spend more than one week a year on my property so trail cams aren't really a necessity. The adjoining land from my property is owned from someone down in the cities and he felt the need to install a telephone pole a few feet from my property line with a large camera on it pointed at my front door for some reason (Happened before I moved in) Kind of a lot of effort to go through just to prevent some random person from possibly chasing a wounded animal through your woods even if it is rude and disrespectful but to each his own.

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It took me a few years to get a handle on the trespassers on my land. I am sure there are still some random violators, but it isn’t nearly as bad as it used to be.

I have had a few occasions when I would slip into a stand on one of my favorite nights of the year to hunt (New Year’s Eve) just to find some creep sitting in my tree stand. Seems word eventually got around that I wasn’t as stable as some of the other land owners and over the years the trespassing started to cease. Kind of funny when their welfare gets jeopardized their spines turn to jello.

A person just has to be consistent, kind of like training a dog. Trespassers and thieves are alike, in that their thought process is different than normal people. Once they understand you are willing to cut off their sacks, and hang them in a tree like that off an old buck, they have a tendency to look for greener pastures.


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For you guys with trespassing problems, what kind of area do you live in/how much land do you have?

Our land is in the middle of a pretty agricultural area, all the neighbors are landowners, all the land is 40 acre blocks. We have a front 40 and two back 40s. and I've never seen so much as an errant footprint, much less a beer can (except I did once run across a few "MASH" beverage cans that I can only imagine had to be decades old).

Are you guys experiencing trespassing from direct neighbors, or just people who live within driving distance and just happen to think your land is full of deer?

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Are you guys experiencing trespassing from direct neighbors, or just people who live within driving distance and just happen to think your land is full of deer?

For me, it's basically the latter. I don't even think anyone there believes the woods are any better than anywhere else in the area. They simply believe because they could hunt there a decade ago, they can hunt there now. The last guy I kicked out of there told me he could hunt there "because my wife golfs with your mother-in-law". That's the mentality there- if there's some connection, regarldless of how irrelevant it is, they believe it gives them the right to hunt there. It's crazy...

I don't think I'm a particularly mean person. However, I've gotten to the point where I can't wait to catch someone in there so I can throw the book at them simply to have them serve as an example. I'm convinced that's the only way anyone is going to figure it out...

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Not sure if this would work for some of you better than the no hunting/no trespassing signs, and it's a shame a guy has to do this anyway due to total lack of respect for another person's property/belongings, but it seemed to have helped my buddy in Wisconsin. He went with Keep Out/Leased for Hunting type signs, and added contact info for anyone looking for permission. By doing so he at least got names, phone numbers, and addresses of people that called and were interested (he got this info before he turned them down), so he was one up when it came to that. Of course those are mostly the law-abiding ones anyway, but his having to deal with trespassers went way down, perhaps because the perps knew for sure that someone else was going to be there at the same time as them, possibly on a regular basis. If that fails maybe try the No Trespassing/Trespassers will be shot/Survivors will be shot again routine smile

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For you guys with trespassing problems, what kind of area do you live in/how much land do you have?

Our land is in the middle of a pretty agricultural area, all the neighbors are landowners, all the land is 40 acre blocks. We have a front 40 and two back 40s. and I've never seen so much as an errant footprint, much less a beer can (except I did once run across a few "MASH" beverage cans that I can only imagine had to be decades old).

Are you guys experiencing trespassing from direct neighbors, or just people who live within driving distance and just happen to think your land is full of deer?

Our trespasser are mainly from the gemeral area within 50 miles or so. Most come from the larger city near us.

I have been told by many we have more deer than anywhere else in the area. I do find that hard to believe.

We do have a pretty good population of deer and some nicer bucks also, Least it was that good until a few bad winters set our deer herd back quite a bit.

Trespassers are so bad for the honest guy looking to go out and enjoy a day in the woods. Seems that after you have had to deal with multiple trespassers, you tend to not believe anyone who asks anymore.

Some just come and do not ask, ones who I do give permission to, bring in others, leave gates open and hunt where they were asked not to.

I do understand it is getting harder every year to access good hunting land espiecally private property and I hate to say no but, I have been burned so many times I get very gun shy in regards to letting more in.

I have said this before and will say it again, if there were more hunters or sportsmen like Scoot, here on HSO and his brother and buddy, it would be a btter world for all to recieve permission to hunt private property.

I use to simply ask them to leave and now I will prosecute to the full extent of the law, every time.

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First off, I would like to thank all of the landowners out there who do still allow the average Joe out on their property. I am not to the point in my life where I am able to have my own land, but when I do, I will prosecute all trespassers to the fullest extent of the law. Trust is a very hard thing to give to a stranger as well especially when you are giving them permission to fire a lethal weapon on your property. I was raised that you cherish every opportunity to hunt private land and treat the land owners with all the respect they deserve. Every land owner can easily say "no" and I never blame one that does. I have an uncle that has an 80 acre piece that I help him manage for deer every year. There are several food plots out there and a good population of deer. Anyone who has hunted over a good food plot knows the benefits they yield and it is easy to see why perps would want to hunt there as well. When I do get my own piece of the pie, I will probably allow a hunter or two out there every year within limits. I will also EXPECT them to help with picking rock, working the field and all the other work that goes into maintaining prime hunting property. If they aren't willing to at least do that, why would I be willing to let them reap the benefits? I will probably take the sarcastic approach like I do to most things and post signs like "Come on in and when you have shot everything and need more food or a heated garage to butcher your kill, come on over to my place. I'll have a cold beer waiting for you and you can even sleep in my bed too! P.S. KEEP THE *!@$ OUT!" God help me if I were to find anyone on my property...

Even worse are the SOB's who steal stands off private property. I had a ground blind stolen this past season. The worst part was it was set up for my 10yr old for bow hunting. Luckily, he was able to still get his first deer this year, but it is hard to keep from cussing up a storm when you walk quietly into the woods and slip into your spot only to find that your blind/stand grew legs and went to look for another spot.

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Well said.

I have a few that I allow to hunt and they always ask if there is anything they could help with and then they follow all the rules perfect. Perfect scenario for all involved.

As long as that happens, they will be allowed to hunt for as long as I am around.

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Easy for the jerks to be jerks and not worry about the large % of guys doing things the right way because they either have no land anyway, have been to jail/prison, get some creepy enjoyment out of rattling the average guys cage, could care less about our natural resources, could care less about the laws, have never been caught at it yet, have ego issues, realize they only trespass really a few times a year so big deal, actually caught a guy 3 years ago ruining our late goose field that was packed with birds, me and my boys surrounded him from all angles, then it was I guess I'm caught, now how to lie my way around this and just get out of here, he asked if we were going to call the CO and we all said "no" we can get rid of people, you call the CO and tell him actually maybe her what's the deal or you can take your chances against us 4. We got his license so we knew where he lived and who he was and my buddy said " I know exactly where you live " you can go now. We hope he still is sleeping with one eye open.

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