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Does motor oil go bad?



I have a couple partial bottles of Saber that I used for my auger the last couple years. Both have been closed since first use but have sat in my garage all year. One is a year old, the other 2-possibly 3 years old. I've read that if left closed to dirt etc. they can be fine but extreme temps can cause issues. Should I use them in my auger this year?

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I pulled this off a HSOforum asking if old oil is good:

The simple answer- most likely. A year and a half should be fine as long as the oil is sealed and unopened. Most engine oils and other liquid lubricants (not greases) will be good for 2-4 years if not opened, but only around 6 months if opened. Of course, this is all relative to how the lubricants have been stored. Exposure to extreme temperatures or temperature changes, moisture, or sunbathing will dramatically shorten the life span and quality of the oil.

They say to change motor oil every 3000 miles or 6 months so I would say if the oil if a year or more older why risk your engine over a couple of bucks.

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They say to change motor oil every 3000 miles or 6 months so I would say if the oil if a year or more older why risk your engine over a couple of bucks.

Depends on who "they" is, and almost certainly that's considering there are combustion byproducts in the oil.

I question the part about being opened. Is the insinuation the oil is bottled in a vacuum or some sort of special inert atmosphere bottling environment? I'm guessing not...

I asked Amsoil this regarding 2-cycle oil a long time ago and as I recall they said (paraphrased) as long as it's not coagulated or separated you're good to go.

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